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 May 2014 Sanaa
All these shades of colours have brought vibrance into my existence
Painting each day with their unique aesthetics
I think you affect me in the same way.
 May 2014 Sanaa
I was so convinced
that you were the one
that I almost gave up on everyone else.

I'm only seventeen
but it seemed possible
because love can be recognised
by the young and the old heart.

Nevertheless, I was very wrong.

I'm only seventeen
and you were one of my reckless mistakes,
a delusional craving
that will hopefully fade.
please go away
my head hurts
 May 2014 Sanaa
what a sight,
we see,
with eyes, wide open
we love someone;
from the place of truth,
in our hearts.

it is, beauty incomparable,
enigmatic, eccentric,
sometimes unbearable.

it is, a labyrinth unravelled,
a road yet travelled,
a sojourn for sighing soul.

it is, awe inspiring,
death, defying hope.

it is, kindness and patience,
a forbearing of ill will.

it is, awkward and
and the revealing
of family secrets.

it is, showing up,
showing off,
awesome and terrible.
and hell's bell's,
ringing out the doomed
of carefree days
and liver
destroying nights.

it is, heaven,
when, you know
the love that is.
but remains unspoken.

it is, every aspect of
daily life,
given extra,
shine and polish

it is, ever forgiving strife

true love is life
life is love.
the other stuff,
mere, broken tokens,
spilled upon cobblestones.
for ben, always for ben.
you have been a quiet hero
this past week my love... and so this is my gift for you.
 May 2014 Sanaa
Aysha Ahmed
Forever is a punishment
That even I once loved.
The thought of being with you
The thought of living with you.

Everything is not as it seems.
I fell in love with a rose,
And didn't realise
The thorns would ***** me.

The path we chose wasn't easy.
We vowed to fight.
Till death do us part,
Till the very end.

Everything seemed right,
Through the rose tinted glasses.
The romance,
The love.

But when reality hits,
And things really change.
The glasses are off
And I see your true face.

You changed,
Like a chameleon
On a branch or a leaf
You changed so much,
That I don't recognise your face

Iv fallen for a monster,
That ***** the life from me.
Yet still I love him so,
How can this be?

If forever is a punishment,
With him I'll tolerate it.
Live through the days of pain,
What will ending it gain?

Forever is a punishment,
That sounds so sweet
The truth behind it all,
I am yet to see.
Inspired by a conversation with my best friend. Makes u realise that a leopard never changes it's spots..
 May 2014 Sanaa
dear technology, you are starting to ruin our lives
we're just a little too invested in these laptops and hard drives
something has been lost and we need to get it back
we have lost the ability to truly feel and interact
social media has held us captive and kept us down
immersed in a cyber sea, we are starting to drown
but when I'm far away and i need my loved ones near
just a few clicks will show them I care
but its hard to wrap emails in ribbons and bows
what we would do without Facebook and twitter, no one knows
Dear technology sincerity has become a thing of the past
people start looking for love on computer screens so nothing lasts
nothing is private, all data is open to the universe
chords attach us to the world and that's how we converse
to these gadgets we've fallen prey
we need a social media free vacation to get away
on this journey of life I cant derail from its tracks
so hey technology, I'm gonna unplug and relax
 May 2014 Sanaa
 May 2014 Sanaa
Long weeks end
but more will follow.
Our muscles seep exhaustion
Hollow faces around me
Empty cups of coffee and tea
embody the struggles of the mind
and the stability of the body.
No matter how sweet the morning air is,
or how many birds chirp good luck
the bitterness prevails
it is obvious
in the dense air
and bloodshot eyes.
good luck to everyone!!!
 May 2014 Sanaa
 May 2014 Sanaa
You *like an insect-
you barely touched my skin
yet I felt your wings
flutter in time with each
of my
randomly short poems made at random times
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