what i learned from you:
how to burn your family
how to pierce hearts with hot needles
how to dull the emerald
glass in the magic
i learned how to toss hope
into the ocean
and watch as tides
billow over fearful eyes.
i learned how to sever,
to cut clean lines from a muddled heart,
how to scrape open old wounds,
bring dirt into
old homes
i learned how to pick
at white blossoms,
**** out their sweetness
how to turn blindly to hate
as if it was easier. and
in the end i learned how to hate.
a strong chest
filled with it
fixated with it
bones that would leak of it.
but i didn't hate those
who built homes strongly.
who looked into eyes like yours
and saw freedom.
in the end
i hated your heart,
your fear
your blindness.
in the end i hated your
your cruelty.
in the end what i learned from you was
how to hate