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i’ve been thinking a lot
about your hand in mine
the way that our fingers
and palms intertwine

but i think about death
about loss, about worth
i admit that i fear
to return to the earth

where our bodies dissolve
into roots of a tree
and will grow into trunk
then limb, then leaf

but i've heard from a bird
that death will reverse
and your heart will beat hard
like it did at your birth

so hold on for dear life
with your hand in mine
if death makes us let go
it is only for time

© Mike Mortensen
what i learned from you:

how to burn your family
how to pierce hearts with hot needles
how to dull the emerald
glass in the magic

i learned how to toss hope
into the ocean
and watch as tides
billow over fearful eyes.

i learned how to sever,
to cut clean lines from a muddled heart,
how to scrape open old wounds,
bring dirt into
old homes

i learned how to pick
at white blossoms,
**** out their sweetness

how to turn blindly to hate
as if it was easier. and

in the end i learned how to hate.
a strong chest
filled with it
fixated with it
bones that would leak of it.

but i didn't hate those
who built homes strongly.
who looked into eyes like yours
and saw freedom.

in the end
i hated  your heart,
your fear
your blindness.
in the end i hated your
your cruelty.

in the end what i learned from you was
how to hate
 Oct 2017 Samantha Symonds
the artists of words know
its 2a.m. when the words come retching out
after an hour of damp papers
they weren't supposed to come out
not today
no, you can't tell your friends
because only a poet knows
the ****** battle
you are fighting
inside your
keep fighting honey
 Oct 2017 Samantha Symonds
Would you kindly
hug me tight
with your hands
around my neck?
Would you kindly spend the night
and comfort this nervous wreck?

Could you show me a smile
while you tell me that I'm trash
Could you insult my lifestyle
without even batting an eyelash

Should you care about garbage like me
your tastes must be perverted
Should I be allowed to feel this happy
honestly, I'm uncertain.

I need you to use your claws
to draw out the blood from my skin
I need you to break through the walls
I built to hide my true self within

I need you to split me open and dig inside
to grasp at my heart if you can
I need you to know the thoughts that I hide
and love the person I really am
 Oct 2017 Samantha Symonds
he's got a vice grip on my soul
and his icy breath chills me to the bone
he's got me stuck playing the same old role
and living in a place that's not my home

the accuser's got a plan for me tonight
and right now he's got me in his sights
he's taking his time drowning me in shame
now he's gonna make me forget my name
 Oct 2017 Samantha Symonds
You say you're fine
yet those moods of intentions lie
Your eyes are turning into
two black holes
Alone you can die

You say you don't need help
Just  when I heard the demons
bribing you to take a varied step
So I summoned the angels
to help you my friend

You showed me your bloodstrings
telling they're beautiful
telling they're cool
Honey, the trend is making a fool

Everything is mad
You always say that
when you're sad
After all you never say to me
Honey, I just needed you to stay
In this cold arctic sea
Dedicated to all friendships and especially my cupcake...this is for you.

— The End —