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Rages are red
My opponents black n' blue
The sound of the bell
Means it's time to be fed
And as you know
I never bite off
More than I can chew
In Memory of Evander Holyfield's ear (1962-1997)

Thomas W. Case's Historical Figure Poetry Challenge, Mike Tyson.
The only piece
You let anyone see
Is the broken one....

It is beautiful
As is
Sometimez  "as is" is good enough. Some things can't be fixed
may your obsessions last as long
as the emptiness  of the time
you have to give to it
may your inspirations come from
others lives
as your lives leaves little to inspire
may your obsessions continue to offer
you all the distractions and relief
that you all obviously need
to give meanings to your
Cunning was the little fox
That padded in the lady’s garden
She saw he was a cheeky chap
So his indiscretions she would pardon
She loved to see him dance and play
Basking in the summers heat
And often when he came to stay
Shed leave him out a tasty treat
One day the fox came right inside
And settled sleeping on the sofa
And she didn’t say a word
About the wild interloper
He ate his fill and slept a while
Looking sweet and stirring not
Then when he woke he looked around
Nodded and then off he trot
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