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My words
Deepest feelings
From the soul
With every drop
Of ink
Is the chasm
Between me
and blank pages
Crossing over
To dwell
Among the lines
Are the meanings
 Jan 2015 Samantha Lee
Even the most beautiful flower
Needs to be daily showered with water
For it to grow lovelier
Or else it will wither.

Just like our dreams and aspirations,
We need daily inspirations
For us to keep going
Or else our hearts will stop hoping.
Let us make our dreams come true. Gather every bit of inspiration we can get so we can still pursue and fight for what we really long to have. Don't give up, don't lose hope! :)
 Jan 2015 Samantha Lee
Haydn Swan
If you stick a knife through your heart,
be sure to stick it in deep,
through all the years,
through all the tears,
through all your pain,
release the spirit of darkness,
set it free,
let it float through the clouds,
let it kiss the clown.
If poems were ***
then,I wouldn't be a ******
i would caress the letters
fix a foreplay with title
i would literally **** the words
to give birth to soulful sentences
if poems were ***
I wouldn't be ******,still.
Its a bit different idea to show my love for poems. If there wasn't poem then where would my feelings disappear,I wonder !
 Jan 2015 Samantha Lee
Home Sick
 Jan 2015 Samantha Lee
I miss home so much
But it's not really home I miss

It's you.

My stomach feels tight and my airway is constricted
I want to cry tears of sadness
On your neck in the moonlight

I miss you so much it hurts

They say home is where the heart is, I'm no where near home.
 Jan 2015 Samantha Lee
 Jan 2015 Samantha Lee
4 october 2015*

I hold the smoke in my lungs.
One. Two. Three. Just as you taught me.
To think;
I’ve never even thought about a cigarette
untill I met you.
The januari night is piercing cold,
my hands tremble as I bury my head in them.
The moon turns my pale skin blue.

I am not crazy,
though two strangers are not meant
to yearn like we do.
I do.

maybe I am crazy,
though I have never been before,
untill I met you.

I know you are drunk right now,
or leaned over a toilet lid
with rolled up money between your fingers.
So I am not in my bed,
but here,
with a cigarette between mine.
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