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 Mar 6 ryn
I watch him eating his dinner
while he digests
it devours him from the inside
the unwelcome guest
they sit together to watch tv
every programme chosen to forget
what no one wants to talk about
the unwelcome guest
he never knew when it moved in
but we're way beyond eviction
they will share that armchair
for the rest of their lives
 Mar 6 ryn
Arlo Disarray
often seen as
an outsider

a burning
ball of

rough around
the edges
serrated knife
in need of
a good
but always
putting up
a fight

and hides
lil’ gummy
that doesn’t
want to be seen
in the light
it wants
to remain
in the depths
what’s left
the little voice
that whispers
“we’re gonna be fine”
fades away
a little more each day
and i
can barely hear it
i can barely
the sun
even though
it invades my eyes
and tries
so hard
to make me

but there’s
no escaping
no escaping

no place
to hide
my memories
my nightmares,
i can hold
my breath
and count to three
but i’ll still
wake up
be stuck

Arlo Disarray©
 Mar 2 ryn
Pen Lux
As winter meets its end
I meet myself at the beginning
It's taken time to approach and mend
Where rejection, first, was winning

My inner child is healing
While my pain is fully felt
I let my tears flow down
Heart healing as it melts

Sickness takes it's hold
Of my physical form
They said this soul was old
When I had just been born

The grief of loss
When I looked to her
She walked away
Door shut in my face

The grief of rejection
When he spoke his hurt
Those words were painful poison
Destroying all my worth

No parents to love
Or be loved by
I was only a child
But I wanted to die

Astral projection
My best friend was God
I begged to go back
But my journey, that was not

So I sit here and write
Allowing myself to cry
I hold myself softly
I'm getting ready to fly

Rediscovering what's to love
Realizing that I am enough
My strength is building slowly
Although the journey has been rough

My spirit is being guided
To find what hurts and pull it out
To spill all of my secrets
And remove my heart of doubt

There's been a drought
Long lasting
That I have finally shaken free
Today I walk in gratitude for all who have blessed me

Alone, in my tragedy
The wallowing that ensued
I walked away from all of you
And directly to my doom

I led myself astray
Because of the pain I could not face
At this point in time, I feel it's safe to say
I've found my way and I'm in a different place

I look around and here you are
Loving me as I am
So thank you from the very core of me
For loving me as I am
The sun is out
Showing its face
After a dark storm
With lots of pouring rain
High winds
Dark gray skies
When the sun finally comes
Like a welcome friend
Bright, golden, warm
Blue sky returns
Set against marshmallow white clouds
Sunshine bliss

Everything is clean
Washed by nature
The city takes on a new look
Streets look better
Windows shine
Flower colors are striking
Trees stand taller
Reaching up towards the sky
Grass is greener
Sunshine bliss

Moods brighten
Smiles are bigger
People feel lighter
If freed from something
Laughter is louder

Sunshine bliss
 Mar 2 ryn
David P Carroll
True love is composed of
Two loving and two
Beating hearts.
Two Hearts ❣️❣️
Travel with me and enter
into the flower carpeted mountain meadows
of my youth;  
Lose yourself  in the wild beauty which resides within  
God's tinted skies of yellow and vermouth.
Vested memories held captive by eidetic moments,  
"Oh blessed beating heart, "
enter the flowered thoughts of a poet's nest, delve into the  
sanctuary of God's Grace,
for it is here that you belong.  
Seen through the eyes, felt with the heart
ensconced with a soul your free to roam,
inside roads less traveled, where timeless voices
are heard, through the echoes of all time.

You belong to the One who has given you,
both shape and creed.
sometimes love can hurt it can make you cry
feel you had enough kiss the world goodbye
that is not the answer or the thing to do
your only hurting others that really care for you

stand up and be strong use you will and hope
and the hurt you feel this will help you cope
time will help you mend help your heart to heal
and as time goes bye change the way you feel

then you can start again leave the past behind  
and when the time is right a new love you will find
you can love again with somebody new
love it will return and comeback to you
March 2024
HP Poet: Caroline Shank
Age: 77
Country: USA

Question 1: A warm welcome to the HP Spotlight, Caroline. Please tell us about your background?

Caroline Shank: "I am 77 and I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When I worked for Barnes and Nobel for ten years, customers asked me frequently for suggestions. I believe 'The Alexandria Quartet' by Lawrence Durrell is a serious contender for best prose fiction which has been written. Also 'The English Patient' by Michael Ondaatje is such a teaching tool on how to write the greatest novel ever written. I digress."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Caroline Shank: "I have been writing poetry since the adolescent striving of the very lonely. I am not sure how long I have been posting to Hello Poetry. At least 3 years, or maybe 5?"

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Caroline Shank: "The unusual image will send me running for pen and paper. Usually what inspires the senses: a wind, an odor or perfume. I still remember my love affair with Chloe perfume. And! English Leather! Those were the days. Great sadness or anger will send me to my laptop but those poems do not usually survive."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Caroline Shank: "Poetry means that I have a place in a wonderful place. Once in awhile."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Caroline Shank: "My favorite poet's are: T. S. Eliot, Rainer Maria Rilke (the Stephen Mitchell translations), E. E. Cummings. I am a fan of Sara Teasdale's, her From the Sea is amazing. I save Shakespeare for the best nuggets ever. Anna Peters, her “I Am Not a Gentle Person” is a tour'd if ever. I love the poetry that is a much needed relief from The Civil War. Especially Lorena. I guess that's a song. Only one poem of Ezra Pound's, The Metro. It is a graduate course in image exploration."

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Caroline Shank: "I used to be a huge consumer of books. I read all the time. I find that at my age I can't keep reading without finding something else to do."

Carlo C. Gomez: “We wish to thank you for giving us this opportunity to get to know the person behind the poet, Caroline! We are honored to add you to this series!”

Caroline Shank: "Thank you, Carlo! I am very grateful for all the encouragement you have given me."

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed coming to know Caroline a little bit better. I surely did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez

We will post Spotlight #14 in April!

 Mar 2 ryn
Clouds passing over

the sun give life to the floor --

it breathes up and down.
Leadlight windows

Collection "org anp ark" #4 (September 23rd, 2011, November 19th, 2011)
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