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 Mar 2 ryn
Salmabanu Hatim
Is relative,
It is not how you use it,
But how you value and invest it.
The older I get
The more I realize
This world is not my home
One day I will
What we call, die
I have learned
Come to terms
Prayers will lead me
To A New world of Truth
What we choose
To name death
I have faith will be
My first breath
Into God's peace filled eternity
Home awaits me
Love you Mama
 Mar 2 ryn
Glenn Currier
Why is the heart the icon of love?
Why not the finger or the thigh?
Would it be just as compelling to say
He loved her with all his mind?
The mind is surely involved in loving -
deciding to do the dishes rather than watch football
or to be romantic when she touches your cheek
while in the midst of writing the last page of your novel.

Why didn’t I ever make love to Mabs
in my twenties rather than discuss politics?
Oh! She was so cute
and smelled like heaven
but our kisses were dry.

I gave my heart to Helen tonight
and she gave me hers
we laughed and teared up
as we shared romantic memories.

And why can’t I feel the heart of Jesus in me?
Is it some spiritual vapid void?
I love and know him but having his heart
escapes my grasp.
I hope before I pass
I will feel him pulsing in my veins.

Maybe another poem
or five or more will help,
for I know my  muse knows
the springs and streams I seek.
And here on these pages
may be an answer…
 Mar 1 ryn
Shofi Ahmed
Live for freedom
  die without consent!
 Feb 29 ryn
Saïda Boūzazy
Red,  the colour of blood
Blood,  the symbol of love
Black, the colour of darkness
Darkness, the colour of the heart
The heart, the heart of  colonialism
White, the colour of purity
Purity,  the purity the land
Green, the symbol of fertility
Fertility, th fertility  of the land
 Feb 29 ryn
Saïda Boūzazy
Clouds are everywhere
The weather is shining
She is drowning  
She can't swim
The sun is disappearing
It's hidden
In the middle of the summer
Rain is everywhere
#rain #poetry #sad #happy
please never stop raining.
stay over me,
be around me
as I ache for water,
sweet water,
in cool droplets
on my cracked skin
my sandpaper veins.
my eyes are upturned
and my lips parted for you.
please never stop raining.
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