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You make me want to write
letting my heart take flight
fluttering toward the light
leaving behind my fright
'til it's out of mind and sight
because you and I just feels right
~much love
Pulsing and Pushing
I feel it in my veins

Nothing physical
Cut me open
It don't drain

Watch the blood drip
As you search
Through my remains
Looking for the power

But it's only in you

Oh the Electricity
Pumping and powering
My brain

Static in the air
From a human it's sang
We all produce the power

To be alive
To control your mind

Because it isn't theirs
Free your life
Your thoughts and feeling are only yours, you are only you, dont let people control who you are or become
 Aug 2019 Poetic Eagle
 Aug 2019 Poetic Eagle
One after another
Has warned me away from
But when I look into your
I can see the
You are serenity.
You are peace.
You are kind.
You are honest.
You are relief.
You are what I need.
And maybe
That's hard for you,
I wouldn't know. .
But I do.
You have filled me
With emotions I have not felt
In months.
You have made me
I feel so open.
You make me feel
You are what I need,
But is it the same for
A king like you?
 Aug 2019 Poetic Eagle
A Poet
Could this be real
That after a year
I fell for you again

Stronger than the first time
Not drunk from wine
But from your cup of tea
Love as broad as the sea

I’m full of happiness and joy
My handsome and charming boy
The bound is stronger
And I adore you more than ever
My lover.
Happy belated birthday
My dearly missed friend.
I'm sure you had a heavenly party
That I regretfully didn't attend.

I couldn't think of you yesterday
It still hurts to say your name.
They say time will heal the ache
But it lingers yet the same.

I say a silent prayer for your soul
And push the thought away.
Time is only a theif.
It isn't any easier today.
Dedicated to my late best friend, Amanda Gresser
In the morning, old becomes new
Birds sing as black slowly turns blue
In the morning, my fears are taken
My faith is stronger, I am not shaken

My fears are taken by morning's rebirth
Fresh as the dew clinging to my feet
In the morning, there is a new me to meet
Whom the blinding night has deemed fit to birth

In the morning, my flaws are still the same
Like the yellow sun, everyday like flame
In the morning, I remember yesterday's mistakes
And I know better what is at stake

In the morning, I let go of the night
I let go of the dark, I embrace the light
In the morning, my eyes are brighter
My dance is better, my laugh is lighter

My smile is warmer, my kiss is softer
My hug is tighter, my speech has no stutter
In the morning, I am all I want to be
Awake, refreshed, hopeful, free
My grandma said that i'm wonderful,
My friends all say that i'm awesome,
My exes all called me "Beautiful",
My dad called me perfect.

But, if i'm so.....
And perfect....

Then why did they all leave me.....?
True story.
 Aug 2019 Poetic Eagle
three words
you could only tell me
when you were drunk
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