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I was fractured until I met you;
the boy who saved me from halfway
across the world. Somehow, you pulled
me from the waters I was drowning
in without being there to touch
my pathetic body. You taught me to swim
rather than pulling me out;
you never were afraid of taking the road
less travelled. When I finally met you,
touched you and saw you only to cry
when saying goodbye, it was as a complete
person. I could look you in the eye
and love you the way I should have
for all that time. I was your equal.
I wasn't fractured anymore.
I'm not fractured anymore.
~~ I could never not love you, Chris. No matter how far away you are.
Thank god for the internet and it bringing me your friendship. ~~
I placed my delicate trust in your destructive hands
My fragile heart into your careless soul
All I got back was lies and deceit
Now that I'm hurting, you've achieved your goal
~I knew it from the start~
A midnight dream
a morning spark
my words help me bring light in the dark

I write to remember
I write to forget
words for a certain mind-set

They often confuse
generating questions
with only a few minor exceptions

I want to make sense
I want to be clear
but my words often engulf me with fear

I make mistakes
I always do
I guess that means I’m human too

So, read my words
consider their meaning
and choose which ones you find appealing.
Rhyming poetry...

— The End —