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 Jul 2018 E Morris
Maggie Morris
you scooped out my insides
scraped down the sides
carved out the edges
you were thorough

you gave me a face
one i did not want
you shaped my expression
and i had no say
i felt my face turn
as a frown formed

once you were done scooping and shaping
you put torches in me
you lit them on fire
and you left them to burn

i was messy parts and melting wax
but i was fine.

i could be fixed
there were more seasons left for me
to have different faces
and to feel less empty

but you also scooped out my power
my autonomy
and at the beginning of each new season

i still feel the messy parts
and melting wax
welling up inside

TW: digital ****
 Jul 2018 E Morris
yours truly
The way I feel is nothing compared
To how you feel.
At least that’s what you tell me.
I shouldn’t feel this way
‘ I’m fine’
That’s what I hear.
So what do I feel?
Do I feel?
My loss of reality. death?
 Jul 2018 E Morris
Wandering on a road unpaved .
Alone and broken, against the wind I braved.
Lost was my passion for the journey ahead.
Heading I was to the land of the dead
Blind I was to color, as I was to love.
I prayed for someone to be sent from above.

It was then, with the east wind came eos.
A look at him, and I went in a state of chaos.
For he was a rose dearest to god.
At his gracefulness, the swans felt awed.
I looked at the land, barren and infertile,
There now blossomed an iris, unspoiled sterile.

Together, I knew, we would make a whole.
For in him I saw, a reflection of my soul.
And hence, He proposed to me to be my partner.
For the journey that lies ahead.
From there on our paths were one.
As we walked towards the rising sun.
I got nothing to say  
from my past self
 Jul 2018 E Morris
i know there's still bits and pieces of you that aren't quite undead yet
felt almost impressive to mean something
or somebody who can alter your possessiveness, left
the wedding ring and pretending to be old on your dresser
lay out and fade away star-born reflected off morning waves
the highs and lows, most have been so low and you standing high
getting into my phone and claiming to protect me from other people
bringing your guns out for the summer sun again, sabatoging
all my connections to the outside world, i still wonder why
you bother teasing me and thinking this is more than a charade
but there's still got to be something inside you that still cares
 Jul 2018 E Morris
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
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