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You're a little like poison:
You make me cry in pain
Scream in agony
Bleed in hysteria
Feel as though Death himself had broken me.

And then there are the highs:
Those sweet sickle highs.
Where we laugh,
Burning bright!

But then I remember you don't love me.
you Poisonous Drug
We're destined to doom anyway
So at the end of today,
                                         let's run away?

I want to see the world,
and explore all the caves and floors...

I want to swim and dance
and laugh and sing

But the one thing I'd have to bring?

I'm scared, my nerves are shot,
This is the one chance, the last chance I've got.
I know I have to do this right
But I'm scared that by tonight
I would've failed and be left to rot.

I'm scared, really I am,
And I'm not sure i can,
But i must go on and fight and win
And then at the end begin
Again and fight when I would've ran.

The nights grew longer
and you were nowhere to be found.
So i looked inside
and then outside
and then i remembered why i was here
in the first place.

My first.
My last.
What was supposed to hold steadfast,
but you didn't hold
on to the world we could've had
And now i can't let go,
not of you
of what we shared
of who you were
of who you would've been.

The Nights are darker,
the Days mean less.
I wish I could've just asked for you.
But you're gone.
And I'm left behind,
Left to cry
And so I cry
It was a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
I need to escape the past,
But how do I escape that which has made me,
That which has developed me,
As a film,
Pressed with the stains of a forgotten time
But a remembered pain.

How do I forget the past I created and in turn used
To create me and my knowledge,
The power I use to circumnavigate
the treacherous waters of the present,
A present so wilted by my distaste and displeasure
One simply cannot fall away
And out of the depression the past creates.

How can something like the past, in the past
Be so current,
Ruling the present and so Forward
As to rule the future.

How can I escape the past,
The past which built me?
Is to ask how can the house escape its builder
When without it, I would suffer no grandeur
And experience no appreciation.

The past has built me,
Moulded me,
The faint moss washing over.

My past has led me to this present,
The present I am so grateful for,
How could I wish it undone?

I am not my past...
But I am my Past's creation,
Who are you??

— The End —