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river Jun 2018
greenery is the
new scene,
the flowers bloom
the birds sing in
the daylight,
and, i, too, emerge
from all of the cold
and dread and
hollow earth

through the cruel winter
i felt much too many
out of sync, dissonant days,
where i crumbled
such as the dirt
and whenever the
sun would kiss me
good night, i, too,
would melt away with
the day

greenery is the
new scene
i have emerged
from all of the cold
and dread and
hollow earth

i stand tall
just as all of
the yellows, purples,
pinks and reds
grow beside me

next winter,
i will be in
harmony, too,
even on the
crisp, bitter days

river Jun 2018
where do your flowers
if at all?

in a meadow?
the cracks in cement?
beneath the snow?

tell me, where they grow,
do they sway with
the wind?
or do they wilt
under the sun's
harsh rays?

tell me,
do you flowers
bloom at all?

i know you're so dark
but dawn rises
just choose to
open the blinds
  Dec 2016 river
Delight in these words,
As I enlighten your mind.
Twist and tie your tongue,
until you are twisty tied, its fun.
Your tongue, entangled with mine.
After just meeting for the first time,
in this precious moment; of a lifetime.
I cross the fine line, of your life line
until our lines are entwined.
Entangled encryption
the meaning defined.  
Everything happened,
to cause this moment,
Our stars must of aligned,
now our minds intertwined.
Juices flowing ripper than wine.
this scripture use to glow, now it shines.
your literal needs, encompassing mine.
The thoughts alone; truly divine.
These words, sinking into your unruly mind.
Our lips synchronized,
with the sinister hands of time.
The moment everlasting, in our minds,
even after -- the second time.
river Dec 2016
i'm not scared of lots of things

when i was a child
clowns never made me cry

silence was always my friend
it was comfy and safe
but now it's tormenting
now it's frightening

nightmares having me waking up
in the middle of the night
with a racing heart and
tears in my eyes

pitch black eyes staring down at me;
i wasn't a human anymore
i was an object for someone elses' delight

i didn't scream
i didn't cry
silence silence silence
it's as if i died

he threw my shirt at me
so i could clean up the mess
he left behind

i wasn't scared of lots of things
they still don't scare me

but memories haunt me
and they tear me up inside
river May 2016
it strikes my body like lightning
it fills my veins with the blood that flows
when i see chests fall and jump, i apprehend existence

ensconced on the floor, i think forevermore
my bloodstream is full of the faces i won't see again

hair pulled back; why aren't you hiding?
you let the sun gleam on your skin; you are you

waterdrops on leaves, that little bugs drink
a trembling hand holding another
stars twitching in the sky, the moonlight your silhouette

fireworks exploding in the sky
hearts melting, delightful sighs
candlelight surviving through the night
i'm losing my mind
introspection consumes me whole
i'm in a maze, my sight is hazed
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