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rey Aug 2018
letting others read my poetry is strange—
it’s as if they’re in my thoughts.
they feel my feelings, read my emotions,
and capture the essence of me.

letting others read my poetry is odd—
but not in a bad way, por say.
it’s just strange letting them into
a part of me.

letting others read my poetry is smart—
it helps me improve my writing.
Better understanding others helps me
understand myself more.

i like letting others read my poetry.
a quick, cute poem. i hope you enjoyed it! i have a bunch of other poems as well, i hope you read a few!
rey Aug 2018
she’s a dancer
he’s a poet
she’s a lover
he’s a taker
she’s a professional
he’s a beginner
she’s passionate.
he fell in love
with money love.

she brings in thousands
he takes home a few dollars.
he loves a girl who only cares about love.
he cares about the money.
he’s a money lover.
she’s a real lover.
he’s using her
she’s unaware.
rey Aug 2018
fragile is what i used to call myself.
i wasn’t to be played rough with.
my feelings and emotions
were too fragile for negativity.
the boys would tackle each other,
and i would watch them, not daring to join.
“Regan, you should play!”
“I’m too fragile to tackle.”

now i’ve noticed how tough i actually am.
my heart has been broken.
i’ve been called terrible things.
sometimes i wish i could punch something.
i’m not fragile, i’m strong.
rey Aug 2018
i knew a boy with brown hair
like flowing locks of a mare.
we talked and talked
i was the one he stalked.
we grew close
until we both became morose.
he changed his hair to black
and let my feelings crack.
he stole my joy,
and i let a boy
change me so much
by just a simple touch.
naive is what i was
and that is ‘cause
he changed
and deranged.
I was left alone
i even tried calling his phone,
but nothing would work.
he passed my gloomy face with a smirk.
now i know
to keep my feelings low
so a black haired boy
will not turn me into a toy.
rey Aug 2018
who am i?
what am i going to spend my finite life?
what is going on!
what’s going to happen in 4, 30, or 50 years?
rey Aug 2018
aren’t we all a work in progress?
living is working,
and it doesn’t stop,
until we do.

improving a skill,
losing a habit,
and improving yourself,
are all ways we keep functioning.

we can also
gain weight
sleep too much
pick up vices,
but that doesn’t mean
we’re not working.

we’re all incompleted
until we no longer exist,
on this earth.
i’ll forever be
a work in progress,
until progress
has terminated.
as will you.
rey Aug 2018
Cobalt, periwinkle, turquoise, baby.
Name a color and I have been it.
Some days it’s more pastel,
others’ it’s midnight.
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