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Today, I forgot to remember you.
For once, I didn't give you a thought.
I was able to get through my whole shift,
Ignoring the pain your abcense has brought.

Today, I forgot to remember the feeling,
Of being held safely in your embrace.
And for once on my drive home,
I didn't slow down near your old place.

Today I forgot to remember to call,
To hear your voicemail play.
I'll never again hear you greet me "Hey Sugar"
Or tell me "Have a blessed day".

Today I remembered to accept,
That you have left and passed on.
And though I know I will see you again,
I wish every day, that you weren't gone.
Dedicated to my Uncle Walter. I never had to doubt you loved me. You were my Uncle, my Grandpa, and the one who could always make me smile. Miss you forever. Rest in Peace.
I’m trying to find the words,
To describe just how I feel.
What once flowed so easily from my lips…
Now I find it hard to even kneel.

Am I talking to empty space?
Now I’m not so sure you care.
That is, if you’re even listening.
If you’re really even there.

Is this how Christ felt?
When you turned away from your son?
I don’t understand why I feel so alone.
Please God tell me what I’ve done!

My body is crumbling around me.
My mind is starting to fade.
The only visitors I ever see,
Are the nurses and the maid.

I know that I am dying.
My time on this earth is through.
But I’m not so sure I’m “going home”.
Or that I’ll soon kneel there before you.

I want to find the darkness,
That says I’ll soon be dead.
But nurse gives me some “happy pills”.
To keep me in the bed.

Instead I’ll close my eyes,
And let myself pass on.
It isn’t like I really matter…
…no one will miss me when I’m gone.
Inspired by a heart wrenching conversation I had with a hospice patient.
I'm finding it strange,
My heart aches with pain,
For something that was never mine.
I say love you more,
And you wish you could argue,
But you know it's true.
I decided to do a haiku challenge. :)
How can you say you love me,
When your eyes are drawn to her.
Though you might really think,
It’s so harmless just to flirt.

You kiss me softly and hold me close,
Thinking all is well.
But don’t you see when your eyes wander,
My pain begins to swell.

Am I not enough?
Don’t I give you my all.
I am constantly there for you!
All you have to do is call!

No, you may not be cheating,
You look but you don’t touch.
But you’re too blind to see,
Those stares hurt just as much.

You keep your phone locked up,
You text her when I’m not there.
You think I’m blissfully ignorant.
You think I’m unaware.

But I know just what you’re doing.
The attention feels so nice.
But for every text message you exchange,
You are tightening my heart’s vise.

I don’t think I can do it much longer.
But what can I possibly say?
If I try to say how I feel,
The jealousy card comes out to play.

It always ends with me saying sorry,
Though I’ve not stepped out of line.
But that’s the way our dance will end,
Each and every time.
Always be open and honest in everything, but especially in relationships. :)

— The End —