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979 · Sep 2015
My Light
Rasheed Ibrahim Sep 2015
My heart fills with euphoria
Whenever I’m with you
I never want to leave your side
For it makes me feel like I’m losing you
I always want to feel the scent of you
That scent as sweet as a rose flower
Not to talk of your voice
As pleasant as that of a nightingale
Singing the morning melodies
To signal the beginning of a new bright day
Sans you
My day is neither beautiful nor bright
Your beauty enlightens my day
Without it my day is dark
All I need from you is that
You forever brighten my days
964 · Aug 2015
Angel of Happiness
Rasheed Ibrahim Aug 2015
I’m amazed by how dazzling her eyes are
Coupled with a perfect nose without a mar
Lips as sweet as candy
Smile that all would fancy
I am proud to call her mine
Because she is an ensign
Of beauty and pulchritude
Nevertheless she carries the best attitude
The world is a better place with her
She is so vital like the breathing air
And her smile is what glares the earth every morning
Her absence would leave the world in a great mourning
Thoughts of life sans her is my biggest nightmare
The day I lose her my life would be blare
Vapid was my life
Till she arrived with her life
Full of liveliness and zestfulness
Ultimately, she’s become my angel of happiness
700 · Jul 2016
Peace gets a price tag
Rasheed Ibrahim Jul 2016
Greed has superseded tranquility
And our lives have lost their concinnity
And all rapports are displaced by cacophony

All peace is now down the drain
Our world is left with nothing but rain
Of missiles and pain

Peace is appended with a price tag
Leaders have no aim but to fill their bag
Corruption has become an addictive drug

Justice is ensnared
A whole generation in despair
Comradery has evaporated into thin air

We’ve become paper people
Money makes us feeble
Is there any hope left for humanity?
Rasheed Ibrahim Aug 2015
Hold my hands let’s walk in the rain
Let’s ameliorate all the pain
Tie it to the sinkers of a seine
Into the rivers it shall all drain
Then we continue our stroll till we reach Spain

Let’s dance to the tune of the raindrops
With the sound of the waters gurgling over the rocks
Then we shall go for a barhop
In every bar and then walk on the streets like gawks
Till we are being chased by cops

We would then sail off the shores of Barcelona
Till we hit the coast of Italia
Where we would ingest your favorite meal, polenta
And get to know each other’s persona
The persona as sweet as a Turkish baklava
620 · Sep 2015
In my dream
Rasheed Ibrahim Sep 2015
She surfs her way through the streams
Of love right into my dreams
With her beautiful eyes full of gleam
A plenitude of pulchritude bathes her agleam
528 · Sep 2015
Love is you
Rasheed Ibrahim Sep 2015
What is it about this sentiment called love
That people find it difficult to say to; au revoir
So sharp and strong like the scimitar
Yet sweet and tasty like the pinot noir
Its beauty is a million time the beauty of Zanzibar

Pure and gentle like a dove
Without it we feel incomplete
It is the perfect definition of bittersweet
Having it puts us in the catbird seat
Making us the Corps D’elite

This feeling called love
Is something that can never be shoved out of the way
Even if it is leading us astray
It comes with a coupe in which the two can sway
Having it means no feeling of dismay

Thousands of names it has
The Indonesian call it sayang
Die Liebe by the German
Amore by the Italian
But in my world, the only word I have for love is YOU.
443 · Oct 2019
Pain; your name
Rasheed Ibrahim Oct 2019
Pain; your name
Both sound the same

Pain; slur
The heart comes with no spare

Pain; stain
Only good for your gain

Pain; love
A thin line between the two above

Pain; drain
No energy left to sustain

Pain; Pieces

— The End —