I am not soft,
I am not a fragile doll, so please do not scoff.
Do not look surprised by the bruises on my legs,
Do not be shocked by my lack of faith,
Do not warn me of lives great loss,
Do not tell me to not get lost.
I want to wander
And climb
And cheer.
I want to be lost,
And full of fear.
I want to fall down
And get back up.
I want to get scratches,
To be covered in cuts.
My porcelain skin
Will soon be cracked,
And yes you may stand there and start to laugh.
Though you’ll never see
The fire inside
That devoured this fragile soul
That you think resides.
Deep in my being
It will hide
Because this lion will conquer
And rule the whole pride.
No I am not a gentle girl,
This I have never been.
I have never thought of life
As willing to just let me win.
So here I will push on
With my bruises as friends,
And conquer this world
And then,
Yes, I will win.
-ALC February 5, 2016