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 Dec 2014 Rada
With all the skill
of a
seasoned cartographer
he mapped
out her gentle contours
his fingers
gently tracing
both hill and valley
the soft rolling
and pausing to drink
from her wadi
water both salty and sweet
his fingers
charted the grasslands
and the softly scented caves beyond
each inch carefully
inked with both tongue
and wetted wanton
the whole landscape
out before him
to be enjoyed
at his own leisure
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 Dec 2014 Rada
Your name burns
at the base of my stomach,
it tastes like flames
when I say it
but I continue to swallow,
big gulps
that drown out the ringing in my ears

I wonder what it would have felt like
to kiss your lips,
taste the fire in your heart
blood red lust
like innocence dressed in her mother’s lipstick
to trace the outline of your freckles
on soft uncharted skin,
I wonder what it would have felt like
to be your cartographer
to sail the high seas in your iris
and find sand in between my toes
after every visit

I keep imagining the things I would say
if we had met at a different time
I could have started by throwing matches
into your puddles,
and noticing how you smile like sunlight
glinting of the ocean

you are across the world
mapping your own skin
and sailing with a crew called options,
they beckon your name
and make you forget that our hands ever brushed,
that we ever exchanged smiles
like two preschoolers
making engagement rings out of fruit loops,
you’re standing tall and brave
shrouded in the peace of letting go
while, I,
wait at the port
for you to return
knowing at the base of my stomach
that you will pass me by on your way home.
“land, **!” means refusing to
acknowledge my tedious “hello”
you will step on my apologies
like the creaky old boards of a ship,
and I will become the tide
lapping at your bare feet
 Dec 2014 Rada
Isabel Lights
I want to see you in the star-scapes and nightfall
But weaved into my daydreams is all where you reside
Would it be too much to ask, if you were to be my cartographer,
For the guidelines to your heart only seem to perforate my soul
I want to see you in the wilderness, desolate and robust,
I want to see you take me there.
I want to see you, nothing short of happy
Void of all the things that cast you downward
I’d give you the world; I don’t have to see it back,
Only as long as the distance between us is all but time,
For the logical perimeters of restriction would uphold,
It is merely restricting the sublime from resonating within you,
For far too long.
I spent a good 5 minutes daydreaming and this describes what I felt :)
 Dec 2014 Rada
Danny O'Sullivan
I think of love and how it can only exist
In your dreams as I trace their remnants,
Made feasible by the dim light of morning
Which is both drooping and waving, prepared.

I think of love and how it can only exist
In the shutter images of your unfocused eyes,
More like weather than windows, clouded
By morning with showers of yawns.

I think of love and how it can only exist
As our bed is a forest, the stirring of your
Body I follow like footpaths lit by sun,
Patches of light on us like puddles.

I think of love and how it can only exist
As it is etched into your face, those
Pillow case creases that makes me the
Cheekbone cartographer and I think

Of love and how it can only exist
In this dream of mine.
This is a revision of my poem Morning Map. This, I think, has worked out better.
 Dec 2014 Rada
Tom Leveille
a desire to know
every muscle
governing the movements
in your face
that bring smile
from lapsed synapse
explodes from my meridians
with your name
on the lips of every
captain to my ships
in hopes that my tired thoughts
could find a home
in a harbor not far from your heart
I would like to run my five fingertips
All over your carnal curves and contours
In every crevice, crack and concavity
In the vast canyons of your brilliant mind.

I would love to dive
Into the ocean of your subconscious
Delve into the deep valleys of your psyche
Spelunking in the caves of your desires.

And uncover the ancient arcane secrets
Hidden in the space
Behind your vibrant eyes.

Let us lay among the old oaks and laugh
Arm in arm, soul in soul,
Floating upon velvet sunsets
On sweetest summer days
Until the oceans dry,
The ground cracks,
And the sun dies,
I will never leave your side.

(12/19/13 @xirlleelang)
 Dec 2014 Rada
Mackenzie Leigh
In a blanket of breath now pleasantly swathed
Our bodies made broken; prostrate in the fog
Exhumed from the boughs of tree-tops so balmy
On alabaster bones that tremble quite calmly
With thoughts of tomorrow, our miasmic today
That in wistful contemplation is thoroughly dismayed
Like the sullen, windy chimes of a church bell that rings
In the hardened heart of winter, on frost-bitten strings
Which frail, arboreal appendages, with nimble purposes pluck
To indulge the dulcet beds, in which our thoughts are tucked
In a licentious yawn that drifts, from scentless, sleepy shrouds
Like azure ships now sailing, through lofty, lilting clouds
Our pendulous hands still pawning these passionate decrees
With fervent fears to consummate your swiftly slumbered vestige
Atop my flesh, all slick with sweat, and in shadows sorely rapt
The mellifluous hum of reverent sight, through keyholes quickened pass
My heart is estranged from the banal constraint of this stagnant mortal coil
Held aloft in the piercing plea of love’s unbidden toil
All visions captive to the subtle sway of your chest now undulating
Like waves that crash, in rhythms vast; my thoughts, they are invading
Urgency deemed, from unconscious form, in sharp pangs of desire
The crease between your lips, the hand heavy on my hip: the nuances in which I am mired
The idiosyncrasies of you like a poem that is repeatedly folded
And jettisoned into my open mind, where these precious admissions molded
Taking form in tangible caress, to envelop with silken shivers
On the sill of windows wide where lonesome flowers withered
Thus proffered throat, in porcelain quiver, where stilted lungs concealed
In tear-wrought arrows, tempered and true, fly with errant zeal
To pin my ruminant heart upon this ragged, beggar’s sleeve
And chain my weightless body, from where it floats among the eaves
My flesh is inflamed, frenzied, and moist
A fervent appetite for you scorching inside
Our lips fasten as I ****** your mouth
Your hands are greedy and anxious
My fingers trace and roll on your face
Suckling your neck as I  worship you
Your seductive eyes glistening
Inviting lips pouty and full
Curvaceous and refined,  I touch your milky skin
I want to flow into you

My ******* become firm as you pinch and feast
Glistening from your taste
Peeling back my needs
As your tongue spirals around my heat
Hips rotating and lifting
Clamping unto you as you tease
A tide ruptures in the middle of me
Provoking lascivious thoughts
Whimpers escape gripping you

Your majestic body flushed
As your inviting lips kiss my womanhood
A unity for our  intimacy
Your virility entering inside my mouth
Taunting as you pull me near
I savor your flesh as you thrive

Filling the center of me
Your rising inside my passage melting inside
The dampness from our devotion
Interweaves you into me
 Dec 2014 Rada
Haydn Swan
Spirit walker what can you tell
standing amidst us silent and still
weaving our souls into a tapestry so rich
each silken thread a story to tell
you catch our tears in your soft white hands
watching us weep in a fervent prayer
so many voices inside your head
screaming out from the bones of the dead
take me with you oh spirit walker
for I am prepared for the journey ahead
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