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I am nothing without Christ, I can not stand without him.
He deserves all of the glory, for everything that I do that's good.
Comes from him alone, not me like he says none of us are good.
For Christ has strengthen his people, its for his glory not ours.
For God so love the world that he sent his only begotten son.
That whoever believes  in him shall perish but have everlasting life.
For its Christ love for us that open the door for us to be save.
Because he did not have to go to the cross but he did because he loves us.
He could have just let us all go to the everlasting fires of torment.
But he loves us so much that he would suffer to save us his people.
You are the master
You are our creator
You are our savior.

Lord, You are king
of all kings
You are king
over everything.

You are our father
You will live forever
I'll always love You
rather than any other.

You are the Alpha and Omega
You are the beginning
and the end
You are my very best friend.

when Adam and Eve
we were all destined
to die in hell

but You gave up Your only Son
than letting us perish
Your love is really something
that we should cherish

Jesus Christ, You are God
I believe You are the only way
and I thank You for
letting me live another day.

DenverChua property
A poem about God. I hope He likes it. :)
P.S. I have nothing against other religion.
A life in Christ is new and pure.
It is new as a white sheet, as fresh snow
Pure as the light, the lamb’s wool, the sun’s glow.

But the old life lingers; we battle ourselves.
And sin reminds us of our inherent darkness:
Every stolen pen and cheated test,
The sleepless nights of a lustful mind
Or the greed of our own open indulging mouth
Words like ice, hate, ******, lies.

But a life in Christ is new and pure.
His grace is sufficient, and his power is perfect.
He molds us, and prunes, burns and removes,

Changes anew.
This is from a collection that I wrote with another writer from church. We had a concert with spoken word in the mix :) This is one out of the 13 or 14 that we wrote together. Enjoy! :)
Did you see me in the rainbow
Did you feel me in the sun
Did you hear me in the swallows call
When all your chores were done.
Did you hear me in the laughing brook
or the changing of the tide
For I am always here my love,
forever by your side.

Hear my name as grasses whisper
gently stirred by summers breeze,
as the skylark sings my love for you
above the rustling trees.
Here I dance in your hearts meadow,
daisy chains set in my hair,
If ever you're in need of me
you'll find me waiting there.
Cariad is Welsh for love.
Don't Be Satisfied

*Don't be only satisfied
With having just enough
Always strive for something more
And work for what you want

Give yourself a chance in life
To make your dreams come true
It's okay to help someone
But do what's best for you

Always have a goal in life
Then reach for even more
Past mistakes you must let go
To open those new doors

Never should you close your mind
To learning something new
Push yourself everyday
To make a better you

Don't be only satisfied
With having just enough
Always strive for something more
And work for what you want

Don't be satisfied *

Carl Joseph Roberts
O beloved, Your love is not a drug,
a substance that keeps me bound and trapped.

In my experience,
Love is not a compulsive impulse,
but a feeling of coming home.

In being loved and loving,
I become a little more free to
once again be the little boy that loves freely

Your love is not addictive, because
no drug can free me from the ******* of self

Beloved, my love for You grows from mutuality and commitment
A love that frees
Air the battle grim
the angels do preside,
brave men upon their wings
to victory they ride.

Men toasting every night
the battles of each day,
for with every battle won
there is a price to pay.

And of the widows and the orphans,
who has heard their pleas?,
Though angels watch over men,
who watches over these?

Of the souls that die,
where does there spirit go?
Unto the heavens above
or into the ground below?

The answer to these questions,
The answer to these qualms,
are surely sorted out,
by Jesus and his palms.
One of the first poems I ever wrote.
Father God
The world has provoked my heart into anger
My people happily marrying
Drinking their affairs asunder

Slavery never ends as masters of Earth continue to be Earthly
Working on the eyes, people-pleasing
While hiding their hearts in the dust and the dreadfully *****

I pray the dust of the Earth seek Your purging
See through the fangs of night,
Love illuminating

Let me be home, into your peace; a nourishing swarm
Rest my head against You like a babe, nestled in your arms

Rescued my hand to hold
Place my heart in Your hands
Pierce through heart and soul
Love Incorruptible
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