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 Jan 2021 prim'
K Mae
 Jan 2021 prim'
K Mae
In the belly
of the Mother
unseen the God
Spirit is received
In the belly
of the Mother
unseen the seeds
begin to quicken
In the belly
of the Mother*
sacred reunion
fertility of Earth
The Pagan holiday Imbolc, meaning in the belly of the Mother,
celebrated beginning  sundown February 1 continuing through  February 2.  
We are halfway to Vernal Equinox, Spring.
 Oct 2020 prim'
Wayne Wysocki
A Jack-o-Lantern, it's said,
Had the brain scooped out of his head;
     He was only as bright
     As the dim candle light,
But boy was he handsome instead!
Copyright © 2019 Wayne Wysocki
 Oct 2020 prim'
Mara W Kayh
outside it's browns and greys
Inside an orange glow permeates,
skimming the surface
a Ravel march serenade.
the scent of burning pumkin.
You're in the garden planting tulips for
when it arrives,
will kindness bloom anew
alongside the rows of colour..
or will we witness the beauty out there
a snap shot of the moment. sitting at my computer, trying to make soup. :-)  in a light mood while it's grey outside. with a tinge of fall/winter blues
 Sep 2020 prim'
Krystal M Toney
And when the sun had set
the coolness embraced
her frolicking silhouette.
And it was here,
buried in the darkness of her mind
that she saw the stars
for the first time.
Sometimes a certain amount of darkness is required in order to truly appreciate the beauty and complexity of a star.

— The End —