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1.7k · Mar 2014
preservationman Mar 2014
The detail dialog of phases slow
I want you to see how this situation flows
It was a co-worker to buy some ***** for dinner
My co-worker invited me to tag along, but I chose not to enter
Then later on I changed my mind and decided to go along
We went to the butcher to buy live *****
As I saw the ***** being touched, they were moving ready for a fight
I stated to the Butcher, ”This is going to be a Butcher and ***** in plight
As the butcher placed the ***** in the bag
The bag of ***** began to sag
The ***** were fighting as a bunch in the bag
One thing that is for sure, the story continues in not being a drag
Now we are on the New York City Subway system of the D-train home
One of the ***** tore open the bag and started to roam
A scream broke out from one rider seeing one of the *****
Because this was evening rush hour, many other riders were just plain mad
I told my co-worker there goes your dinner to eat
There was my cue to get off the train and retreat
My co-worker was able to eat ***** and appreciate
***** that went on a plate, and the co-worker who sat down and ate
This is what I experienced in search of *****
My adventure written on several pads
A story of my account saved on tabs.
A true story more than just a poem
1.7k · Nov 2016
preservationman Nov 2016
It was more than a flush
No I can’t hush
I had the toilet bowl fixed a couple of weeks ago
The toilet is running somewhat in its normal flow
It all started when the flush chain broke
Now I was in total revolve
The water continued to run, but elevated water that wasn’t done
However the water didn’t overflow in the flush
At least no complaints below being a plus
Yet another chapter in a toilet bowl's life
Now I am not asking advice
I know I said the toilet flushes
But the water fills up and I have to pull on the ball for it too stop
It means I must observe then the move the top
Yet the toilet has its moments when it works and doesn’t
This is why I labeled the toilet bowl from hell
But you see me writing this and you can tell
My motto, “Toilet bowl that flushes when it feels, it has become my own reality being for real”.
1.7k · Dec 2020
preservationman Dec 2020
Enjoy until Death
It’s determined in how much time left
The Place was the Thomas Werther’s Mansion
He was a Rich Toy Maker in his day
But he died, but his spirit still stays
Nestled outside London in the suburb of Londonberry
The Mansion stands alone among the hills and mountains with acres of land for miles
The Werther’s Mansion housed toys from Ancient to Present time
But Mr. Werther’s spirit grows weary and is established in all the toys
They will all be for ****** in decoys
Adults and kids would come for miles in getting a glimpse of all the toys they saw
The Mansion would often have open house visits
But was it open house for ******?
Unexpected beyond anyone’s wildest imagination, toys that seemed still would often move and stalk
Some would even talk
No one would suspect toys to commit ******
Yet toys had a clause
Visits would sometimes unknowingly find themselves in a trance on pause
Toys took control of visitor’s minds
Darkness within like closed blinds
One by one, toys of all kinds moved within a mission to ****
It was their free will
The Pirate Doll made his appearance and killed one of the visitor’s with a sword
The army of dolls tormented the Guest
It was the toys request
Fire Engines instead of squirting water, it was fire to burn up human life
Christmas season of toys
Too the children of all ages, its oh boy
But will the toys cause terror?
The toys are coming for you
preservationman Jul 2016
Youth muscles being the winning at trophies best
Winning and intensifying at every contest
A date with the heavy weights
The posing being just write too illustrate
A bodybuilder’s strategy that no one could anticipate
But it was the raw of the audience in there appreciate
However the body years continued to preserver
A sudden stop in training that signaled fear
But there was a desire, but a small flame
But a certain surge and inspiration too be bold
Even though a Bodybuilder turned old
Take control and grab those weights and take hold
Time showed it’s never too late
Old muscles responded with every lift
I was once a champion, and know how to not be stiff
But what if
Determination and no try
The weights adjusting to I too I
Intensity in being determined to raise the weights high
Yes I am a male Bodybuilder from the past
However a wiser Bodybuilder that is not going to finish last.
1.7k · Jun 2014
preservationman Jun 2014
House prepare for the attack
This will be an ongoing combat
It will be a more Raid than the Roaches would expect
Roaches may think the hotel house they have checked in
But the mission is **** them until the end
Block every moving path
Leave no turn undone
Let the victory be that we have won
Your house is your own separate place
It doesn’t require roaches to take up space
It’s time to completely erase
We could be outnumbered
But let our defense be unmatched
Let the roaches feel our attack in catch
Let’s make sure the roaches don’t check in
Let the forces begin
Our mission will be complete, and there will be no thinking defeat.
1.7k · Jun 2016
preservationman Jun 2016
A journey into destiny
Inspiration without enduring pity
It is not a trip through a city
However it is living within reality
Years of separation
A time when writing was a enemy in not
A hidden curse being a plot
In justice in not letting your mind expand
Exercising your rights documented in creed on the United States land
Your writing was meant to reach
It was part of education in all to teach

Words have no favoritism
Actions are only disturbing needing a direct response
Writing falls partly into that category
Words construct in how the writer feels with all the conditions that apply
Endless moments from a past with a cry
Every thinking moment becomes a writing try
Every idea is another day in being wise
Life understanding becomes wisdom absorbed
Those moments alone becomes a concept explored

Back in slavery days, reading and writing wasn’t an option
Yet it was educating one’s mind to take a chance
However, it was Freedom Writers who had courage and Faith to step out
Your writing was meant to reach
It was part of education in all to teach

Words have no favoritism
Actions are only disturbing needing a direct response
Writing falls partly into that category
Words construct in how the writer feels with all the conditions that apply
Endless moments from a past with a cry
Every thinking moment becomes a writing try
Every idea is another day in being wise
Life understanding becomes wisdom absorbed
Those moments alone becomes a concept explored

Back in slavery days, reading and writing wasn’t an option
Yet it was educating one’s mind to take a chance
It didn’t matter if one didn’t advance
However, it was Freedom Writers who had courage and Faith to step out
Today, opportunity plays its part in giving you assurance that you have the talent to write
I am not trying to be polite
I want to help someone to come out of the shadows and be among into the light
Freedom Writers is what it says, and they have given you the floor plan in writing in what they think
Write where others cannot
Think where others are uncertain
Encourage where negativity has been applied
Your realize will certainly be your observation eyes
Be enthused with every writing try
Our Forefathers who wrote paved the way in how each of us write today
As a writer, you are the destined voice
You had some doubt, but you became the choice
You are “Freedom write with Liberty gained”.
1.7k · Jul 2014
preservationman Jul 2014
A place where tenants could call home
The grounds where one could roam
Let me navigate and let it be known
The tenants of Homeward Village were a close community
Their togetherness was in harmony and unity
The tenants ran the show
Carefully monitoring expenses being in the know
There was more than continuing the flow
The tenants all worked together and let it show
They proved Homeward Village had knowledge in how
The aftermath in being similarly wow
When meetings took place
There wasn’t any talk in being a waste
The motion in getting things done
This all made Homeward Village to become number one
It was how results were produced
When expenses were too much, it was a matter in what needs to be reduced
But Homeward Village educated themselves in business affairs
It was advanced knowledge in beware
The tenants took seriously at where they lived with care
This was something that I wanted to share
Homeward Village was a complex beyond compare.
preservationman Jan 2022
What’s going on at Capitol Hill
The House and Senate have Bills to fulfill
GOP and Democrats must connect with will
Voting Rights is nothing that should be passed over
The Constitution was a discovery giving us that right
The American People and Capitol Hill shouldn’t take it light
The late Congressmen John Lewis was a true fighter on Capitol Hill for Voting Rights
He was the voice that had might
We can’t go backwards into time
Yet we can reflect
Voting Rights can’t be a reject
Voting Rights Bill gives the American People assurance having an effect
We can’t let the GOP turn America into a Dictatorship
We are not Russia nor China in Communism
The Constitution clearly states, ‘WE THE PEOPLE”
That identifies all people of creeds
Capitol Hill must think with understanding
Voting Rights Bills must be solid in sustaining
Tomorrow could very well be a finale of permanent sundown
Suppression having the shine
Capitol Hill must show genuine
This makes passing Voting Rights so important
House and Senate, “I ask that you do what is right”
Sign Bills in plain sight
Unite with no plight
The American People are depending on you
1.7k · May 2021
preservationman May 2021
In the corner collecting dust all alone
This violin has seen fame being entertaining and full blown
The violin has played Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall
It even has seen all over the world by all
The violin even played solo behind various themes
A violin voice of melody of its own
But years of neglect into the dust years
There is no preserver
The violin’s time has come an sad end
Sits with no purpose
A violin that enthused the world
Now forgotten strings
The violin had the spotlight doing its thing
Alone now, but the violin proved without a doubt
It showed what music was all about.
preservationman Jun 2018
The hour of midnight of tomorrow dark
A vision like a stark
Fog thickened like solid mug
A Greyhound Bus Terminal ghostly in spiritual nature
Yet adding to the mystery appeared a Greyhound Bus
Driver and passengers were in nothing more than past spirits
They had often travelled this road many times
Flesh wasn’t there mark
It was a Greyhound Bus that just decided to park
The characteristics of the Greyhound Bus was the blinking lights
It became a circumstance contributing fright
But it will be a thriller starting tonight
The Stretched out Greyhound dog trademark with Evil on its mind
Car and Truck Drivers witnessed the disturbed revengeful Greyhound Bus on the highway
It was the look being the last highway to hell
The Blood was flesh thrown off the highway by the Greyhound bus
Most of the flesh had previously died
The spirits were on a rampage at Greyhound
Bus Dispatchers were announcing agendas and not schedules
The roll call being an assignment to destroy
There was no more happy in joy
The night was had a evil twist being fierce
The Greyhound Bus stretched had Dracula teeth and eyes being Red
A thirst to fulfill but with acceleration at will
There’s no time to be still
There was definitely evil powers having everyone being hypnotized
But it was the obsession of the Greyhound Bus under control
The number of the Greyhound Bus 1811
Years ago something on that one
The bus got into a terrible accident
Everyone died but Souls would return with a rage against the living flesh
Midnight will soon strike
Souls who died on that Greyhound bus 1811 will arise and walk the streets in rage
Midnight has struck and it’s too late
It was written on that very date
A hound bus will be bound and there will be no one sound
The town of Jeffersonville know all too well about the Greyhound bus curse
No time for any written verse
Souls have risen
Greyhound bus spiritual revenge having no wait
Again, it was anticipated
A night that would come
Don’t travel on Greyhound bus 1811 restored
There might be an evil plan having an accord.
preservationman Jun 2016
What could be fun than going to the beach?
It’s sunny and hot
But we must find the right beach spot
As I lay on the beach
I notice a Male Bodybuilder walking across
He starting the flex his bicep muscles at full force
The male *** had applied oil, which made his body glisten under the sun
But because I was at the beach, it was time for some water fun
It was into the water for a swim
It was full summer and time to dig in
While I was in the water, that male bodybuilder was continuing to show off
I saw the male bodybuilder kick sand in another male’s face
I had to take a picture with no time to waste
But the male bodybuilder kicked sand into the wrong male face
Because the other male happened to big and massive with muscles as well by way of Wrestling
This would be something to see, a male bodybuilder, and a male wrestler battling on the beach
Forget the water, Beer and food
Prepare the camera for a duel
It’s about to be strength against strength
Push and shove begin at first
Then the Wrestler knocked down the male bodybuilder causing cheers being an outburst
The male bodybuilder tried to get up and continue, but knew he was no match for the Wrestler
The flex became perplexed
The male bodybuilder had no choice but to walk away
Now that was entertainment on the beach that day.
preservationman Oct 2016
In the town of Forgotten
One might always forget
But our story unfolds surrounding King Hatchet
He was an evil and determined king
King Hatchet would often have thoughts being the one thing
“I am the King to whom you must respect otherwise, a very high torture sting”
The citizens of Forgotten weren’t surprised of the King’s words
The message echoed out, and it was heard?
But who would defy the king?
It was a man named Defender
He called out King Hatchet to come outside the castle
Now anybody who challenges the King is automatically put to death
But Defender was a skilled warrior, and reigned as a champion
However, King Hatchet knows all about Defender, but doesn’t care how skillful Defender is
But let the challenge begin
It will be death to the finish
Whoever is the victory will be distinguished
So King Hatchet and Defender picked up swords and commenced in the fight
There were cheers on both sides being sheer delight
Swords grasped together, and when Defender pierced the arm of king Hatchet, there a scar and some blood
Yet, it didn’t cause the blood the pour like a flood
However Defender was steadily swinging his sword in not missing a beat
It was determination in there not be a defeat
Suddenly King Hatchet felt to the ground, and Defender had his sword at King Hatchet’s throat
The message, “Defender was the greatest swordsmen throughout Forgotten”
But Defender let King Hatchet live, but only after announcing, “Defender had won”
Cheers from the crowd’s
The hourglass of victory
A chapter that prior could have been considered a mystery
Once upon a time, storyline far more than any book could ever tell
A moment in making a child’s heart’s swell
The closing chapter ended with dreams into the night
But for now good night, sleep tight, and don’t forget to turn off the light.
1.6k · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
Romance on the road
Watch as the story unfolds
Truck Driver Mike has a wife at home
But he is constantly on the road, so there is always a possibility of roam
It was on Interstate 95 Truck stop called “Resting Easy”
Truck driving Mike met Susan, but known on the highway as Cruisin Sue
It was love at the rest pit
There are all kinds of words that would fit
Yet Mike and Susan became a couple that was it
At one point, they were driving traveling together
Mike and Susan were inacceptable like no other
They were even known on the road
The blinking truck headlights were always a signal of behold
Meanwhile, Mike’s wife often wondered if there was something going on with Mike
Mike’s wife name being Jennifer often felt uptight
Then later, there was suspicion with evidence being a clue
Jennifer was determined she had a divorce papers that need to pursue
When Mike came back from traveling on the road, he did confess
Yet Mike’s wife could care less
Jennifer decided she was ready to move on
She was going to let Mike continue trucking along
Jennifer felt a new beginning is where she belonged
Cruisin Sue and Mike finally got married
How long did the marriage last, I won’t tell
I will just let your heart swell
Keep on truckin with on the road again.
preservationman Nov 2014
Come follow me in the Turnpike trail
The story will unfold in more detail
It was a getaway to Pennsylvania on Thanksgiving Day
It was a group bus trip being underway
The group was conversing
We made a New Jersey Rest stop
It would be 15 minutes tops
Later when we reboarded
A Female passenger’s announcement, “ I am missing my purse”
All the passenger’s amazement of “What on earth”
The Female passengers checked overhead and under her seat on the bus
Now it seems this situation eventually involved us
But there was no vision of the female purse
The Female passenger wanted to go back and trace her steps at the Rest stop
However the Tour Escort stated that if she goes back, the bus will leave  her and continue on
But mine you this is a rest stop in the middle of nowhere
Then all the passengers responded in orchestral voice outburst, “Let the woman go and find her purse and we shall wait”
Being the Tour Escort was out numbered, the Female passenger did in fact go back to the rest stop while we waited
We all prayed that the passenger would find her purse
The Female passenger stated earlier that her house keys and money was in her purse
However when the Female passenger returned she was able to retrieve what she thought she had loss
Her purse was found safe and sound
I later told the Female passenger, “You are really have a lot to give thanks and you have a testimony to tell”
But for argument sake, what if the female passenger didn’t find her purse?
How would she get home being in reverse?
Especially not having any money to be transported back
Well thank God we don’t have to think on that
The Tour Escort got a lesson in truly think and what if you were in this bind
“When a passenger you seem to ignore it’s the passengers chant it becomes a word of explore”
This day was definitely a give thanks in every way
The play we saw was “A Wonderful Life”
Now relate that to the purse
A situation that was at hand, but with a good ending being the caravan
But notice how everything seems to flow
The almost loss purse fits in the go
A Happy Thanksgiving indeed
The Female passenger was able to proceed
Her testimony being her voice
All the feast trimmings being our choice.
1.6k · Oct 2021
preservationman Oct 2021
Through the ages of Pumpkin time
It all started within the Pumpkin patch
It went beyond the Halloween catch
Happenings involving a moonless night
Occurrence after another
Pumpkin’s from around the world were rising and turning into blood thirsty Zombies
They were stalking Human life
No time to explain in advice
I am too busy running for my life
The night is about survival
The Pumpkin’s are walking among us
They search and moan for a hearty meal
The pumpkin’s want to rejuvenate
This is the night of “Pumpkin Retreat”
Lock all your doors and keep your windows closed
It’s the Midnight hour
The pumpkins rejoice and not turn sour
In the eyes of pumpkin sight
Darkness prevails with no light
There is a reason for fright
The night is alive and the pumpkins shall strive
The pumpkins are coming for you, Good Night
Be careful, don’t turn off the light.
preservationman Aug 2018
Your First Marriage Anniversary with imagine that
It was pure love at start and that’s a fact
Together as one
Romance that brought you closer being among
But you both knew Husband and Wife became one
You looked into each other’s eyes
Faith was the key and that you realized
The words I love you was no surprise
Look into each other’s eyes inner emotions that will continue to rise
Cherish each given moment
Time after time
Continue to compliment one another being always combined
This year your first anniversary with many to follow as you continue to walk in intertwine
Whether you dine or sip a glass of wine
Always keep this in mine
Love is like clear blue skies
Together as one you both are wise
I see a white threshold rug that is love is pure and true
Continue in loving is what you both should pursue
Now take both your hands and say these exact words as if this was your actual wedding day to begin
“I love you now into everlasting”
One Kiss or many
You are love birds included is the interlude
Bliss in marriage and love that will continue to stand out
Happy Anniversary to my Cousin’s Diane and Larnell are my shout
Love to love
You both are precious Flying Doves
I raise my Glass in your honor
Congrats to you both and always remember the oath.
1.6k · Oct 2014
preservationman Oct 2014
Despite the daylight
It was going to be a torment of fright
Footsteps that stomp the streets
A past from the underworld neighborhood in their retreat
Every footstep in wanting to be heard
The moans with the multitude in being a herd
Every pounding heart is the coming stomp of footsteps
The neighborhood questioned often in their why, but heard stories that seemed a lie
An old man would sit and tell the tail
The neighborhood listened to every detail
Stomping footsteps an enactment of the trail
Former citizens who previously lived in the neighborhood
They were part of “Spirits Concealed”, a consultation group in casting out spirits
But a curse was transformed and it ended the neighborhood in defeat
The curse has caused deceased stomping footsteps in being unrest
Who will live will be anybody’s guest?
Now the spirit footsteps must roam the streets
Looking for new souls to live in as an eternity feat
The footsteps are determined to get revenge
Endless mark of no trail and the spirits soul that won’t fail
It’s let the games begin
The walking until when
Taking refuge on new citizens to the neighborhood
But they will be living on if they could
Followed by even if they would
It’s the footsteps that continue to preserver
The moans are the diehards of the fear
The walking footsteps not wanting anyone to come near
Death in the footsteps search, and the soul being what they want.
preservationman May 2015
A future being the possibilities
The ecology being the reality
It’s a small world
But coming together in keeping the world around
The next stop, “Robotics”
Well robotics have been around for a while
In fact, some companies have incorporated as their style
I was exposed to this myself like nobody else
Tomorrowland took you on a journey from yesterday
It’s being ahead of time and what you could expect combined
Electronics being more advanced
Perhaps feeling like you were in a trance
A wish come true
But it is understanding that is truly due
Think not what’s in the present, but look beyond in being prepared
A change could come and you would be loss
Not a dream from a turn being a toss
An eye catching pitch being the force
Global warming in society in making you think
Even though the movie didn’t touch on
It’s about Earth in knowing where you belong and everlasting be long
Tomorrow is steadily moving into the Earth’s future
All the citizens on earth we all have a job to do in seeing tomorrow as our destiny
Tomorrow maybe seen as a distance
But change can come in an instance
World of tomorrow with action beginning yesterday
Hold on tight and buckle up, as we have a journey in flight for a look see of what the future could be like
Disney’s vision, but no need for revision
The focus is clear and tomorrow is getting quite near.
preservationman Mar 2014
My job performance review that was given to me
I was already informed ahead of time from thee
My Grandfather came in a dream with a message for me
This is the time to move on
You have been on that job far too long
You need a job that gives you respect and where you belong
So for 32 years I got a .59 cent raise
Yet I wasn’t amazed
There was contradiction good and bad in how I performed
However, my Department Manager only had been in the company one year, so he didn’t really understand the norm
The whole time I was remembering my Grandfather’s advice
Now I am ready to move on and not think twice
Move forward and not look back
Think excellence, but use tack
Thee is on my side, and with the combination, I shall stride.
1.5k · Aug 2014
preservationman Aug 2014
The numerous Tornado’s that roared
The frightening funnels that I saw
Being a Tornado chaser
I needed to be near
Death wasn’t a thought, but preserver becoming fear
I remembered being my car and suddenly being pulled into the funnel of a Tornado
I was hurled high into the sky and moving around the Tornado as if it was an amusement ride
As I was swirling around
I was above the storm and I knew I was Heaven bound
I smiled seeing the mighty warmth of the sun and clouds all gathering in stating, “It is done”
My heart quickly pounded and my blood rushed
Suddenly I felt flushed
I knew my spirit was on target for Heaven
My car abruptly dropped down
My soon would be my eternal bound
Immediately, the car was on a bull’s eye towards earth
My flesh made no sound and quietly my spirit descended from being all around
The Tornado being God’s call, and the remembrance in Standing Tall as I am the God for all.
1.4k · Jun 2014
preservationman Jun 2014
Clouds darkened
One’s heart beckoned
The tornado swirled with its winds
Trees, animals, humans and structures all caught in
God’s voice in one blow
Yet it seemed the tornado was moving slow
The tornado and human lives
It’s a wonder if any one would survive
The winds continued to press their ways
It’s Heaven’s mount in what God says
Destruction, redemption and submission
The tornado supplying the condition
Movement with control
The witnessed eyes in behold
I am the remembrance in don’t forget
Sincerity with no regrets
The force with the power
At any given moment could be the final hour.
preservationman Mar 2017
It was always 1907 Freight car
The Hobo would fall asleep in a freight car yard
Having no place to actually live
But a good heart that wants to give
However, the Hobo happens to be a noun and not an adjective
It was the Holy Smoke Freight yard that caught the Hobo’s attention
But this Hobo’s story is his own presentation
A Hobo broke and having no job
Negative reactions feeling like a mob
The Hobo once had a home
But he was yet all alone
The only thing he would do at this point was to continue to roam
The Hobo was one who always loved to travel
The thought of the entire United States with inspiration in captivation of marvel
So one freight car became the Hobo’s personal home
He travelled everywhere and got rest beyond compare
The Hobo travelled far
He got around without a car
The freight train would normally stop in a town or a nearby city
But numerous people had no pity
However, the Hobo didn’t pity himself
He refused to be like everybody else
He lived and rode the freight train as if it would be a lifetime
But the freight car was the Hobo’s space
A freight train having no problem with the Hobo ride
The Hobo lived his life in being his stride.
1.4k · Jun 2018
preservationman Jun 2018
Full Of Art
Beauty at every mainstream a sight
Tattoos everywhere well almost
But the tattoos were the only thing noticeable, but added was the muscles
As the man walked around on the boardwalk, you could see woman in their personal conference hurdles talking a man of stature
What a masterpiece would be in a picture?
The guy had tattoos that described words of attention and the muscles just added the vision of mastery
It was his shoulders down to his feet
Sheer physique having a look of mystique
You could also hear woman’s hearts throb
Yet with the imaginary of “Turn me like a door ****”
In fact, one woman boldly approached the Tattooed Man in a strong statement, “Love me but don’t leave me”
That put the man in an embarrassing situation
Because it was all in public
So the Tattooed Man wasn’t sure in how he should respond
At first, he just looked upon
But there was a question, “Should he fulfill her request or just take it as being flattered?”
The Tattooed Man later whispered in her ear, and invited the woman to his place
It wasn’t far, but a moment in being no time to waste
The Tattooed Man’s apartment was well furnished and his body complimented his apartment by being distinguished
But his structure got all the attention
Before the woman could imagine, the Tattooed Man picked the woman up, and carried her to his cave being his bedroom
The woman kept stirring at the contour of the muscular body of the Tattooed Man and tattoos couldn’t hide those vascular muscles
Before the interlude began, the woman shouted, “Direct me to your heart”
It wasn’t before after the woman’s heart started to rise
Every stroke seemed like a welcome surprise
Yet with every scream there was a realize
Pleasure having a soothing delight
The Tattoos were like a road map to love
The woman felt she was in love with a Greek God
It was beauty behind the strength
Miles of detail at every length
****** among us
Love out of control
Oh Ob Oh
But finally the interlude was over
The tattooed Man had taken the woman to his love nest home
The adventure was her roam
The Tattooed Man the woman will never forget
Yet she does have one regret
“I wish I had that body of essence mine”
The dotted line being love fulfilled
The secret of love where there was a will.
1.4k · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
It’s life in the hood
The word survive becomes my would
The streets having control being my could
My life depends on it being should
Drugs are my deal
The reality is truly for real
I would steal from my own parents
Life in the hood makes it apparent
A warrant is a chance no one gets
Yet Gambling becomes far more than a bet
Yet even still
Determination sustains in an active will
Being a **** means taking numerous chances
Respect in the neighborhood how one advances
Gun shoots being the norm around here
It’s how Thugs live and preserver
You must watch your back constantly when gangs come near
One must observe the front and the rear
A drug king pin could have a bullet to your head
You could become dead living in an eternal coffin
A ****’s life means you must act tough
Yet you must always be rough
Generosity is not enough
Prostitution being the name of the game
Making money and becoming rich with fame
College is not a mission for a ****
All they want to do is mug
Living right to **** is simply being a chore
This is something a **** would ignore
Now you know what a **** is about
It becomes a battle like a struggling bout
But somewhere a **** knows how to figure it out
Rob and Steal being the ****’s feel
You learn how to wheel and deal
The mission is never let the cops find out
Only a true **** would know what I am talking about.
1.4k · Oct 2016
preservationman Oct 2016
Well Alice looked in the cookbook for a new dish
The night before, it became her wish
But what could Alice prepare
However, I offer a word of caution in beware
Alice found a dish to serve her guest
If anything, find a good restaurant that should be the request
The cookbook with Stuffed Rice and Chicken
The name sounds worth eating
However, I just saw the chicken dash out the door
I guess the chicken felt I he will not be anybody’s guinea pig to explore
So that was his chance to run out and ignore
This was something the chicken couldn’t take anymore
Alice may have to serve the guest toast
But I can assure you the guest will have a lot to boast
Perhaps word of mouth being coast to coast
A cookbook is something one creates
But not eat at your own risk and discover why you were sick from what you ate
This is your time to make a quick exit before it is too late
Excuse yourself and perhaps reschedule another date
But that would require you to participate
But the best thought is run for your life
Don’t even wait to get advice
You don’t want to know what else could possibly be left in the kitchen
A dish being an unknown that no one seems to want to eat
It’s like a competition, but in this case, no one wants to compete
So Wendy’s said, “Drop in and have a Hamburger”
Yet eat while you can
As for a cookbook dish, don’t eat until when
At this point, I have reached my end.
1.4k · Jun 2014
preservationman Jun 2014
As the clouds muster in the overcast
It is the sun with a dark cloth like a mast
The earth draws dark
It is the environment about to make its mark
The watery of rain
The grass and trees in how they sustain
The soothing feel from agonizing pain
Later the rain poured harder
Now it was becoming a matter
A showery stream
Oh that cleansing of clean
Drip upon drip
It seemed like it wouldn’t stop
But continued rain upon
It didn’t stop until it was done
Yet the rain was a relaxing shower
It seemed like the rain came down by the hour
But the rain certainly does have power
It nourishes the flowers and our selves
There nothing like real rain which you won’t find on any shelf.
preservationman Jul 2014
What if the LIRR didn’t run?
For thousands of travellers, it wouldn’t be fun
It will be find another alternative
There will be no time to be selective
It will be your efforts in trying to get to work
Being on time won’t be an option
It will be more of an experience far from being an adventure
It will be overflowing crowds
Speed would be the essence in what time will allow
This will become a process for a while
Straphangers will not be travelling in style
In fact, the rails won’t be easy as a sail
There will be times when your efforts will seem like fail
Yet you will be moving in a commuting mode
This is how your day will be sold
It’s up to the unions to avoid a strike
Frustrations could end in a very strong fight
It’s a matter of coming to the negotiations table
Then coming with a plan that is sound with talks in able
We will have to wait and see
We don’t know what the results will be
It will be definitely the subway and the bus
But this will affect all of us.
1.4k · Aug 2017
preservationman Aug 2017
Who is Annabelle you ask?
Many people really don’t want to know
Then others had said so
Annabelle being an Evil Doll
Where there is Death is toll
Annabelle is a demon doll possessed
Evil comes to where Annabelle lives
It’s destruction in what Annabelle gives
A Pipe ***** plays Annabelle’s song
Her house no one truly belongs
A song of prey and delight
But throughout total plight
Blood being the fuel to **** people more
There is no night and day to explore
A moment no one will be able to ignore
Flesh turning to decay
Scream if you can
Your life could soon end
What will **** Annabelle forever?
A human soul to take
The moon won’t shine tonight
Demon eyes having a target plight
Black covering day and night
Annabelle continues in her terror reign
How long will Annabelle remain?
Faith verses Evil
Victory will be the Faith
Annabelle will soon burn in Hell
It’s a matter of time and a moment of truth that will tell.
preservationman Dec 2016
I felt in love
That kiss was everything to think of
But I feel I must hold back in love
There doesn’t seem to be a vision of a flying dove
A woman who I really don’t know well
I know my story doesn’t sound swell
I see a reflection with a past
It is covered up in disguise with a mask
Yet it felt like love on the spot
But there’s a willing, but caution on not
Love can be the most splendid thing
But it can be a wound hitting like a sting
Love can be complex
But I shouldn’t feel perplexed
Be caution on love, but follow your heart’s guideline
With that thought, I should be fine
Like I said before, the hidden reflection has unidentified issue
This woman is already in romance with somebody else and it isn’t working out
In fact, it makes me want to construct an angry shout
However, love is what it states
It’s all about how one can relate
Test on the date
Don’t think hesitate and see it as fate
Love doesn’t last forever, and timing in not being late
I must have some trust
But it is not a must
So I won’t fuss
Love it is and romance to remain
But I will not play any mind games
Love be honest and show me the way
This I am asking on this day
Love today being a learning experience tomorrow
1.4k · Dec 2015
preservationman Dec 2015
I have been asked to watch a baby while the parents go out for the night
Now this shouldn’t be so hard
Well as the night went on
All I could do was constant yond
My sleep that wasn’t very long
The baby needed to be changed
This is where everything became rearranged
When I went to take off the old diaper, there wasn’t anymore
I must think quick and a solution of explore
What was I suppose to do?
The newspaper being all the news that is fit to wear
A paper diaper beyond compare
Even Luv’s wouldn’t want to share
Yet the baby was still giving me a fit
Moments were in what the baby was telling me I am not going to sit
What was I thinking as I need to quit
I sure was glad when the Parents came home
I knew I wanted to be in my own place in bed alone.
1.3k · Jun 2019
preservationman Jun 2019
A disappointment can make one sad
It can also raise emotions on one becoming mad
It becomes apparent in holding to someone’s promise
But let’s be honest
A person’s promise means nothing in the voice with no documentation behind it
But on the same level, one shouldn’t make a promise they know they can’t keep
Friendship becomes a clean sweep
However, a disappointment becomes an understanding of the mind and soul having a reason for the disappointment having a connection
No it was said right without needing correction
Disappointment is a happening that must be
Again, it will understanding for you to see
In order to get through a disappointment, there is a waiting period
This is all part of God’s plan
Now I am sure you are going to think otherwise
But what’s being said is no surprise
It’s time for all to realize
Disappointments will come
I know everyone wants disappointments to be next to none
But disappointments are part of life
Sometimes you will look for encouragement being advice
Keeping up being inspired is always nice
Don’t even think twice
Preparation is only the beginning
It’s God’s plan that will be fulfilling
I disappoint you not
I don’t have a plot
In fact, I have tied my own disappointment into a knot
Now it will be time for the waiting period having a plan to take effect.
preservationman Apr 2014
The journey through time
The railing that became mine
It was the Amtrak Broadway Limited experience
New York City to Chicago in endurance
Railing all the way
The Diesel engine and the passenger cars
A Diner aboard but had to go far
A journey into tomorrow
My story on morrow
Speeding through the Amish fields
One wave in the greetings deal
A nighttime approach
Sleeping good in my coach
Crossing flashing signal lights
The whole ride being a sight
In the distance Chicago stands tall
The Sears Tower being the observation for all
The train finally puts into Chicago Union Station
My 7 days vacation being the indication
I stepped off the train
Chicago is far from being plain
My return trip home to New York will be by train
My everlasting memories in what will remain.
1.3k · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
A Female Bodybuilder stance
A Male Bodybuilder given a chance
One flex in advance
The March down muscle threshold lane
The value of muscle that will remain
A Happy Occasion on this day
The music has started just step this way
The matrimony that will begin
The Female Bodybuilder struts her gown
The witnesses in attendance seem to be making a frown
But this is a Wedding and they must settle down
We are gathered together in Holy Matrimony to join two muscle Doves
Flex and Pose to think of
Love and honor both in lifts
No more to say, but do the Husband and Wife kiss

Now it would be the time to celebrate their day of bliss between Man and a Woman
Protein Shakes are all set up
It will be nutrition filling up every cup
Then its hit the dance floor
This is happiness for sure
Everyone seems to be having a good time
The couple are Bodybuilders and can’t drink Wine
Yet they are champs within their own flex
Some onlookers might look a little perplexed
However it was muscle that got along
Love taking center stage where it belongs.
preservationman Aug 2018
America needs an inspired President
Remember you are only in the White House as a Temporary Resident
You must use diplomacy when talking to World Leaders
As a President, there can’t be any cheaters
Your tweets must be sweet
It shouldn’t be agony and defeat
Also as a President, your tweets should be morally nice
If you want, I could give you advice
Your administration should not act as if they are your personal tag team
Your temper shouldn’t be so mean
But to make your point sometimes you must be lean
You should never down immigrants nor separate families at your will
It is now a bad situation because of your signing that immigration bill
You must be accountable for your own actions
You can’t blame another past President for actions that were your start
Where you begin establishes into finish
But you blame the media for not making you distinguished
However, tip for tap, you call the Media Fake News because they are telling the truth and you know there is truth, but you fail to believe
But that doesn’t give the American people relief
As the President, you are the Commander in Chief and Ambassador to the Outer world within the United States
Your decisions must connections that relate
But your negative tongue puts America in danger and it is called Fate
The reason you don’t understand politics because you were never in politics nor were you a Senator in Senate
You rely on your own accord
But you must trust in being guided by our Lord
Now your so called “America Great”
It doesn’t have an American People Appreciation
It comes up with hesitate and no real indication
President Trump, you are not God
You are not the King on this Heavenly Earth
You were only Earthly born
Your decree is not a let be
There is a time limit and not a wait and see
Investigation must continue to make sure Justice is done
But don’t think you are number one
As the President, you must change your ways
It’s not what I want, but what the America people say.
preservationman Sep 2019
It relates to the Hound Bus Operator turning into a preying Beast
The passengers would become the feast
The highway that was dark
The Moon formed a shade making its mark
Suddenly the Greyhound Bus Operator went through a transformation
The continued action provided more information
Immediately, the operator managed to pull the bus to aside of the road
But when the transformation was complete, it was going to a hunger treat
All the passengers echoed out in screams full of fear within that Greyhound Bus
The Greyhound Bus Operator was now a Werewolf stalking flesh
It became a night of passengers being tormented
But throughout the air, there was a certain presence of an unknown representation
The Greyhound Bus Operator Werewolf attacked one of the passengers severely
Another passenger would have been attacked, but the flashlight blinded the Werewolf, and he saw his way out to escape
The Hound Bus Operator Werewolf torn the bus in the middle, and headed for the fields being unnoticed in the night sky
Meanwhile, the travelling passengers being stuck on a lonely country road
But behold, there was a call to the Police and the Police investigated, and called the Greyhound Bus Company
A new bus and Driver was summoned to rescue the stranded passengers
A happy ending in deed for the most part
But could another Greyhound Bus Operator turn into a Werewolf beast?
Don’t recline and fall asleep
Death could be closer being buried deep.
preservationman Nov 2014
The story of an actual Retired Greyhound Bus Driver
Mr. Hufford who died being 100 years old
It’s his amazement in behold
Mr. Hufford was the Go Greyhound showed with pride
His driving experience being his commitment in stride
Mr. Hufford saw an opportunity and didn’t try to hide
The 100 year Greyhound Bus Veteran logged in many road miles
His own public address announcement being his own style
At this driving for Greyhound in while
Mr. Hufford weathered many storms
He gave the passengers don’t worry I will keep you from harm
But he had a personal connection with all his passengers
Now Mr. Hufford was part of Greyhound’s own milestone of 100 years
He was the inspiration to other Greyhound Bus Drivers in continuing to preserver
Throughout his years in the Greyhound bus drove, you would often find his uniform always prepared to perform and shoes shined for passenger inspection
Mr. Hufford wasn’t a speculation, but was simply being the indication
He prospered in his years here on earth
He brings new life to people and Greyhound as a new birth
But the Lord called him home being the chosen Greyhound example
Mr. Hufford’s name was written in the clouds being ample
He was a humble old soul
Mr. Hufford’s was given new heights and not being a plight
This was a God’s promise being allowed
A spirit driving a Greyhound Bus around Heaven
All Aboard, Thank you Lord and just applaud.
preservationman Jan 2017
They have been in a romance since I was a teen
There’s an explanation to what I mean
You are probably surprised in what Dolls can do
Yet it is beyond ****** in how far what Barbie and Ken romance went through
Barbie and Ken are like the flavor of Popcorn with sugar added
Love with the everlasting kiss
Eye to eye contact that the world has never missed
Barbie and Ken being the well known couple the world knows
The spotlight that shines on both
Is there a wedding in the works?
Rumor has it, that there might be a baby stork
Well Barbie and Ken where romance may not end
It will be a new life to begin
The name of the couple alone always responded on can
But the world a waits on a wedding but don’t know when
Barbie and Ken has always been a couple to follow
The future will be a surprise one day and could be tomorrow
Well that’s the story of Barbie and Ken
A couple that truly stands out
One can only shout
But I will let you figure out.
preservationman Feb 2016
It was a writer’s line being the flow
Then came the Poet in just letting go
It was words to the finish
The finale in who will be distinguished
A writer’s dialog being about a far off place
I believe it had something to with star wars in a battle in outer space
The Poet wrote about the eyes having words
Imagination of words in a journey being heard
However the Writer and Poet going on their bout in who the Judges and fans will be talking about
Timing being the critical moments
The clock is ticking
Looks like the Writer might have writer’s block
It was some tense moments in being frozen stuck
The Poet is thinking the Writer should be plucked
Finally the Judge’s announced, “Thoughts down”
The Judge’s went though the Writer and Poet works in a hurdle conference among them selves
Only moment will tell
The moments turned into tense seconds
You could see sweat pouring from each of the Writer and Poet
But neither wanted to show it
Suddenly, the announcement of the winner
The Judges stated it was a hard decision
But they knew they had to have precision
The winner is, suddenly a pause
The Poet
But finally everyone knew it
The writer and Poet were excellent competitors
It made no difference in who was the champ
The Writer and Poet were both champions in amp
“If words can be expressed, then it is the sentences that says it best, write like you never have before as it is the journey of words you want the reader to explore”.
1.3k · Oct 2016
preservationman Oct 2016
Please take a seat
This narration is about a strongman in feat
However, I am sure this story will bring the house down
Our journey unfolds in the desert of the Israelites
It revolves around a kid named Samson
A Super hero if you will to conquer the world
But Samson was different from others kids
In fact, he always had to hid
But as the story gets more involved
There is a problem that needs to be resolved
Samson is now an adult, But God has a decree in Samson’s life for him to handle
Wrath unto humans who fail to follow God’s word
Yet, there are two groups of people, the Philistines and the Israelites
But Samson’s strength for the goodness of God’s mission
Now Delilah meets Samson for all the wrong reasons
The Philistines has a plot for Delilah to find out where his strength comes
Yet it was in Gaza that Samson forgot all about God, and ventured into
Forbidden quarters
However, God was displeased
As legends foretold, Samson’s strength lays within his long hair
But beware and very cautious
God holds the key to Samson’s true strength and character
Samson has failed, and his hair has been cut
He is now a Mordal and weak as a kitten
Samson has been taken by the Philistines be captured, tortured and be treated as a slave
This is what you when you don’t follow God’s word and behave
Samson must go before the Philistines King and the citizens
He is being treated as nobody, but the name Samson is somebody
Suddenly, Samson summons Delilah to lead him to the Pillars of the Temple as he is going to break them using his strength
Samson attempts to push the Pillars, but nothing happens
It becomes a mockery
Immediately, Samson asks God to use his strength one last time, and it becomes granted
However, the Temple pillars began to crack and fall apart
The Temple is falling apart, run for life, but life is not given
All is destroyed including Samson
Samson knew all so well
But his was his own understanding that led to his destruction
Samson has to learn the hard way
God you don’t go astray
Hero or not, Samson was the Great Biblical Strongman, and his story will continue to be told
But the Heavens reign supreme with the thought in behold
However, always remember, the past was yesterday and tomorrow beyond.
1.3k · Nov 2014
preservationman Nov 2014
The price of the merchandise just went up
I am frustrated and surely fed up
Long lines just to buy a simple gift
My mind keeps thinking on if
Got my credit card statement to see
All I can say is wow we
What in the world did I charge?
I believe I did payback Marv
Yet my blood pressure just went up
I am thirty I must drink some water in a cup
I must pay off this certain bill
I am determined and will
Merry Christmas cheer just became a woe
However no sense in complaining as I must go with the flow
Christmas is like a show
You just don’t never know
I feel I am having a boxing match with Santa
But the department stores are requesting that I enter
Merry Christmas to all
Just watch your credit card bill’s and the prices that don’t fall
As they only stand tall.
1.3k · Apr 2014
preservationman Apr 2014
Wipe the sleep from your eyes
Today I am going to teach you to be wise
The saying today is “Wake up your career”
Determine where you want to go from here
You are probably feeling you are stuck in a rut
No I am not a nut
Make your decisions fierce
Have a strategy in how your career will be set up
Skip the route in being fed up
Decisions are easy to make
But it is your efforts in footsteps that you must take
Every effort being an achievement
Constant thinking being a commitment
You need to see your career going forth
Your career in what they say is what you need to put in
The lessons you learn in how to begin
Use the theory in your every day walk of life in your feeling of when.
preservationman Aug 2017
Meteorologist had been predicting that Hurricane Harvey would hit the landfall of Texas shore
It’s a reality storm no one should ignore
Mighty winds and heavy rain hitting the Texas land
Warnings upon warnings being active in demand
Some people decided to remain in their homes
But during the storm no one will be able to roam
Now Hurricane Harvey could last for days
The two words of the day, “HOME STAY”
Hurricane Harvey has winds of 130 miles per hour
Now that is along of power
Hurricane Harvey is a strong alert
It offers no perk
Homes are being destroyed
The hurricane is treating homes and fixtures as if they were toys
This storm is no joy
How Great Thou Are comes to mind
Rain, Wind and Tornados all combined
A message to Texas and the world to kneel and pray
This is Heaven ‘s communication being their relay
My heart goes out to the citizens of Texas
I pray and hope the people survive
Trust in God and that is what will keep them alive
God’s amaze in what he gives
As Hurricane Harvey conquers on
My advice to the Texas citizens is to remain strong
Stick together in fellowship is what I am talking about
Sooner or later Hurricane Harvey will move out.
preservationman Apr 2017
You won’t find negativity here
It’s all inspiration for God’s people to preserver
Dr. Rice who preaches and you understand
Lessons to learn and all to hear
Christ is Lord and no fear
Always keep Faith near
Dr. Rice is truly a man of God and I can see that myself
He takes you on journeys through the Biblical scriptures
Explains along the way
The message is carry Jesus every day
New Jerusalem Worship Center where it is the eye of Faith and the fire of the Holy Spirit
Heaven is the merit
This is who Dr. Calvin Rice is about
Praise in wanting the people of God to shout
The purpose to cast the Devil out
It’s no surprise I have worshipped at New Jerusalem for Five Years
The word is what it states
Salvation, Faith and Blessings in relate
Salvation is a commitment in what God expects
Dr. Rice being the Pastor of 12 years well deserved
New Jerusalem Worship Center is simply swell
Everyone I talk to can tell
I plan to join New Jerusalem soon
Rev. Dr. Rice, keep preaching as you have been inspiring me
I tell my Co-workers at work, and it’s my salvation they can see.
1.3k · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
Yes you read the title right
But let me shred some light
It happened in 1980 when I worked on Madison Avenue
The Receptionist was going to buy live crab for dinner
Well as a friend would, I accompanied her
We entered the Butcher, and there were array of kinds of meat and live ***** on Eighth Avenue and West 43rd Street
The Receptionist was going to eat good that night was going to be a treat
The Butcher put 8 Live ***** in the bag
It’s a wonder that none of the ***** had to gag
So walked to 6th Avenue to catch the D train
The continued story gets to be even more insane
One of the ***** escaped out
Some of the passengers made big scream shout
You can imagine in what I am talking about
It was dinner on the run
This was a live crab raw and not even cooked done
I told the Receptionist, there goes your dinner after it
When the Receptionist got home, she cooked those ***** until they were done
But before that, they fought out the bag
It sounds more like they were playing tag
There’s the sea food tail, ***** in their crabby ways, and I will never forget on that day.
1.3k · Dec 2015
preservationman Dec 2015
Eggnog for a festive season
A special holiday celebration being the reason
Yet my head is spinning all over the place
I feel like I am in a race
That eggnog my mind will never erase
Mother always said don’t waste
But some how the alcohol was added
I am sure this eggnog I will never ever forget
Later on I might have some regret
Can someone point me in the direction of the North Pole?
Right now Santa is stuck in some manhole
Well he is actually smashed
He can’t even tell the reindeers to dash
I don’t believe this I see Rudolf and the reindeer team
But why are they floating down a stream?
Well this slogan fits, “Santa with no sleigh tonight, how will you fly into the night?”
It has now become a plight
Cheers everyone and good night.
1.3k · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
It all started in the town of Orangeville
There is an upcoming commotion relaying still
The pumpkin patch being on the move
A mission having everything to prove
The pumpkins were tired in being carved and having to show their scars
It’s time for a change
Let the world feel our range
The pumpkins move through the streets and pulsate their weapon juice
Revenge is certainly taking place
This is something the world will never erase
The world becomes stuck in their running tracks
They were together being a pack
Their faces became pumpkin faces
Scars design beyond any human form
The world now knows
It took a pumpkin to actually show
Pumpkin vow victory has become theirs
The pumpkins now can preserver
Now the pumpkins troops march on
It was a battle that seemed long
The pumpkin patch multitudes that showed they were strong.
preservationman Sep 2016
The plain simple fact is “Don’t Smoke”
You will always gave lack of breath and choke
That is certainly no joke
You will open the door for Cancer and Heart Disease
You won’t be able to enjoy life and feel the breeze
Don’t smoke light up and puff
Just say enough is enough
I am not going to love you to your death
I want you to live and enjoy the years you have left
Every puff says it is enough
No need to puff, but just get no smoking tough
The blowing of cigarette smoke makes non-smokers sick
The solution is just quit
Cigarette smoke is all in the air
How much do non=smokers have to bare
We deserve to live like everybody else
But you must think above all other yourself
Put the cigarette down
Now become non smoking bound
It won’t be easy in smoking quit
But little by little that’s the best fit
Determination is what you should have
Thinking about that while you are sitting down
Your friends and family want you to continue to live and be around
Cut the cigarette smoke before it’s too late
Otherwise a coffin having your name, and a surprise Funeral date.
preservationman Aug 2017
DALLAS MCGRAVER, a 26 year old man having aspirations to become a Champion Bodybuilder
Intensity training beyond
A mind set and muscles so strong
But it was Mr. McGraver’s inspiration and Bodybuilding he wanted to belong
Preparation in becoming a Bodybuilding Campion
It was Flex and Pose
Vascularity in structure being a suppose
Mr. McGraver had high hopes and Bodybuilding dreams
The vision being like a moving stream
Dallas McGraver being a young man who wanted his muscles to always be bigger and more defined than any other competitor
But it was extremes at all costs
Intensity higher being the force
But Heaven told Dallas MacGraver, it’s time to come home
Heaven is a place where one can always roam
Flex, Pose and Massive had DALLAS MACGRAVER’S name and brought him fame
But now it’s time to take your rest
You achieved and will be remembered as one of Bodybuilding’s best
But your fans will be the one that can contest
But’s the time has come to slumber
Achieve and accomplished were sacrifice
There were times you needed sound Bodybuilding advice
I see muscle poses within the clouds
Hours after hours being the time allowed
You posed one last time
You later arrived at the Pearly Gates
Others that arrived in Heaven prior said “WELCOME MATE”
Your soul is now enriched
Your honor being beyond and on Earth among
Your inspiration everyone will look upon
Thanks for that last flex
Until we both flex again
No timing when
So long DALLAS MCCARVER, the Bodybuilding stage will never be the same
I am a fan and will always remain.
1.2k · Nov 2016
preservationman Nov 2016
Be thankful because you are blessed
Take nothing for granted being less
God loves all and that is a confess
Be thankful for food on your table
You are can be on your clothes and move in being able
Knowledge was stored in your years
You are blessed to have a loving family perhaps ones you never considered like family
I could go on and on
Thankful in having appreciation
Be thankful to God in the association
Be thankful from things on high
You have been given the breath of life from thy
No need for me to justify
There is no question to answer why
Thankful alone is what it states
This is something we all need to relate
Start appreciating one another
It doesn’t matter if you don’t know your sister or brother
Be thankful for what you have
It doesn’t matter if it is not much
The fact you have something, be thankful
Thanksgiving is about sharing and fellowship
But here’s the tip
Togetherness is encouraging one another with the message you can make it
Be thankful from the heart, a smile from the lips, and laughter in fun in appreciating any person
Be Thankful, Gracious, Supportive and Love
preservationman Sep 2014
My visit to the toilet bole
To my surprise in a welcome of behold
The Tidy Bole Man said no flush
I asked the question what if this was a rush?
The Tidy Bole Man just said to me in hush
This could become an argument in fuss
So when nature calls what will I do?
I am scratching my head because I have no clue
The Tidy Bole Man with a mind of his own
His answer being my puzzled look in shown
A Tidy Bole restricted seat
Well this tells me the Tidy Bole Man needs to be beat
The aftermath I should just retreat
But my spoken words of I shall return
Nature’s movement in precise will be my urn.
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