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1.2k · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
The story of two different highway drives
But it all amounts to a strive
The event is a Greyhound male bus Operator named Jeff
The Female Trucker being Jennifer
It was the California Highway 101
Just around the bend
Suddenly the bend came a when
The Female Trucker broke down on the side of the road
Then there was a behold, Greyhound Bus Operator Jeff pulled his bus right behind the Female Trucker’s trailer
Jeff approached Jennifer and asked, “Do you need some help?”
At first, Jennifer seemed skeptical that a Greyhound bus would stop on the side of the road to help somebody else in need
But the question became an answer in proceed
Now mine you, there were Greyhound bus passengers aboard, but the bus schedule was behind
Will this put Jeff in a bind?
Jennifer responded in an abrupt matter
But you will be surprised in what happened after
Jeff knew exactly what was wrong with the truck
After all, he once drove a truck before coming to Greyhound and was once a mechanic before that
In Jennifer’s mind, Jeff and the Greyhound bus having all the right tools
But Jen was no fool
Jen thanks and kissed Jeff on the cheek
The truck was fixed and ready in being complete
The Greyhound bus passenger’s all applauded, and stated, “Forget the Greyhound ride as we all just witnessed our own live movie love stride”
Jen then drove off onto highway 101
Jeff pulled off onto the highway informing the passengers that next stop will be Los Angeles, the final stop
The highway bringing maybe two hearts together
Yet it is a secret between the two
Now don’t look further into
This is not for us to pursue
As a finale, sometimes this is what love can do.
1.2k · Jun 2015
preservationman Jun 2015
It was a Bodybuilding show
I prepared hard for this contest
I will practice my posing being the flow
It was all the intensity throughout all the stress
But my muscles must look their absolute best
I was determined with the ******* weights
It was my mission of training and that was my everyday date
I wanted to be the reigning Bodybuilding champ
But for now I am thinking on amp
I prepared really well
In the Bodybuilding Judge’s eye, it will tell
I will be backstage in the pump up room I will go
Filling my muscles with blood being the flow
Then I will flex hard to see my muscles at their best
The audience will have their eyes focused as my physique being the confess
Then step on the platform stage in showing my physique at the contest
The spotlights will be on
It’s center stage where I belong
Flex upon flex seemingly long
The cheers from the audience
The anticipation from the Judge’s
The announcement of the Bodybuilding placements
I am in the Bodybuilder’s winning circle
First place award in my hand
What more can I command?
The timing of my diet being out of sight
My physique in how it was tight
My flex could go on, but I made history, so let me step down from the stage where I belong.
1.2k · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
******* that was hidden away
It was the Police that went astray
Drug traffic throughout the housing complex
The Drug Lords making the tenants feel perplexed
It was the drug vibe that continued to go
It was determination in drug dealing being the flow
But before you knew
There was a Drug bust
Tenants had to stay in their apartments being a must
Gunshots rang out
There was commotion all about
Afterwards, there was a big shout
Later, the Police moved in
It was the booking that would begin
End of the line being drugs gone astray
Justice took form on that day
The drug business wasn’t the tenants ok
Free to move and enjoy the outdoors of the housing complex
A clean sweep in deed
Now tenants lives are relieved.
preservationman Jul 2017
Do I have what it takes to step on the Bodybuilding stage?
Competitions to compete in
Intensity training too begin
Muscles focus at the end
Muscles to tone until pumped
Nutrition in muscles feed
Plenty of muscle magazines to read
Posing until perfect
Structure in the Bodybuilder’s mind
Having a mind set to take effect
Mirror checking flexing results
The hardness in muscles felt
Training through pain with the term dealt
Having a Bodybuilding Coach guiding any Bodybuilder to perfection the whole way
This is training principles usage every day
If a Bodybuilder intends to win, he must have high intensity determination to the very end
It’s more than just lifting weights
It’s the preparation in how it relates
It’s the protein intake
It’s also requires drinking nutritional weight gain shakes
Later at Prejudging during the day and competition night
The Bodybuilder must be properly oiled for the heavy spotlights
Practice posing backstage
Step on center stage to let one’s muscles amaze
Cheers from the audience encouragement being the phase
The competition will require standing next to other bodybuilding competitors in comparison
In the eyes of the Bodybuilding Judges whose muscles standout
However competitions can become a flexing bout
But you can depend on audiences with a shout
However, it is the winning bodybuilding circle where the focus will be a winner profile everyone will be talking about
Bodybuilding is about weight gain or weight reduce
Yet it is a sport where men and women are enthused
But there are drugs where including young people should refuse
Bodybuilding good or bad
No pain with everything to gain
It’s about exercise
Some might say it is an enterprise
But people must realize
Shape having tone
But I am sure this everyone has known
Muscle training comes from anywhere across the shore
Yes bodybuilding is something one should explore
Muscle Appeal
Having a muscle flex feel
The bottom line, Bodybuilding is for real.
preservationman Jan 2019
One man who stood among giants
Short in status
Mighty in endurance
It was the spotlight in posing
The man’s name was Ed Corney
Mr. Corney was a Master Poser
Amazement and determination throughout
Dazzle in muscle as they entertained
Ed Corney is a name that just remain
It all relates to the sport of Bodybuilding
Mr. Corney muscles were always ready and pumped
He trained with precision
Mr. Corney practiced posing with all the right moves
Posing with transition in elegance being smooth
Dramatics beyond any verbal script, but creativity being an art
Mr. Corney can be seen in the documentary of Bodybuilding being “PUMPING IRON “
Bodybuilding was Ed Corney’s heart
It was the fire burning within from the very start

One would often see Ed Corney among Arnold Schwarzzenger, Franco Columbu and Serge Nubret and other Bodybuilding champions
Mr. Corney trained lacking nothing, but everything to gain
Competition to win being the purpose
Yet Ed Corney was more than just Bodybuilding
It didn’t matter he won numerous bodybuilding titles, but ne never loss sight of devoted fans
It was Mr. Corney fans encouragement, and that is what caught Mr. Corney’s eyes on the prize of bodybuilding achievement
Mr. Corney was a humanitarian in every sense of the word
The weights in all gyms have dropped down on all floors
The loss of a Bodybuilding Champion
A long list of Bodybuilding competitions
A muscled hero will be posing in Heaven
Ed Corney’s final competition is won
He is in God’s Kingdom
God said, “I will give you rest and on Earth you did your best”
You have achieved awards on Earth
But Heaven will be your enriched birth
Ed Corney words he might would say, “Thank you fans, but my work in Bodybuilding is finished, and remember me in being distinguished. Train wise and achieve your own expectations, but always have the art of Bodybuilding in appreciation. Remember the greats who made Bodybuilding what it is today, and tomorrow being your heritage. It has been honor to share with you being one of the Bodybuilding stars. My journey has taken me beyond the Bodybuilding skies and planets. This is not a finale, but until we meet again.
1.2k · May 2014
preservationman May 2014
Come with me for a ride
Don’t even try to hide
It’s going to be a weekend getaway
Destination being Baltimore all the way
It will be the highway and us
Seeing Baltimore is a must
I am staying at my Uncle’s house
I am not married and have no spouse
My cousin drove his motorcycle
He wanted to take me for a ride
So I actually rode with my Cousin on his motorcycle
We rode through Downtown Baltimore and back
I was capturing a breeze through the helmet
Observing the crazy drivers attempting to drive
Then there was some with their mind in there own strive
I arrived back at my Uncle’s house in tack
Baltimore was fund and the weekend was young.
1.2k · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
Trying to put the words where they belong
I have been writing all so long
A Poet writes what they feel
It could be one’s reality for real
A Poet can write hours after hours
But when a Poet reads what they wrote, it doesn’t sound like the inspiration being spoke
A Poet writes more
But the mind states, there’s more to explore
The night can turn Midnight
It’s those very hours the Poet should be a sleep
But it’s the Poet’s inner emotion soul he wants to keep
Sweat pouring down with a tomorrow that has already came
What have I written?
Is it something forbidden?
I am surrounded by sentences feeling like a gate
But being a Poet, can I relate?
Shadows of me
Darkness no one can see
A Poet doesn’t need a name
It’s a write with an idea that came
Some say, a Poet is nothing more than a game
A Poet writes what’s in their head
Yet sometimes people feel misled
Only a Poet knows when they are a Poet
It’s the confidence to show it
It doesn’t matter if people don’t understand
A Poet will always be in demand
The Poet has the passcode, and it is called “Unload”.
1.2k · Sep 2015
preservationman Sep 2015
Freedom to learn
A rewarding career that will help one to earn
Opportunities to explore
Given rights that no one should ignore
Academics focusing on one’s Civil Rights
The constitution of liberties that would excite
The whole concept is for nationalities of varying creeds that we all should unite
Lectures in one being that individual person
Theories having no specific conditions
Civil Rights College
A devoted Ed for short
Stimulate one’s mind with no abort
Civil Rights being a wake up from the norm
An educated advocate being an intellectual alumni
The order of the day of continued respect being the buckeye
Respect being the code with no question of why
Civil Rights College being an honest education
Not a Political vibe of one’s indication
Civil Rights College, a multitude of voices being with an educated right
The theory behind Civil Rights College encouraging the world not to be uptight
The motto of Civil Rights College, “Take charge of your career and let knowledge help you to preserver”.
1.2k · Jun 2020
preservationman Jun 2020
As America cries for new leadership
Strength in numbers voting is the tip
This election must not be overlooked
If you don’t vote, our rights will be cooked
Another four years of injustice and lack of transparency cannot remain
America was built on constitution
This is no illusion
It certainly shouldn’t be a conclusion
Vote Vote Vote
This is an election not being a joke
America will be stepping back in history
But the current leadership has tormented being misery
Let’s turn the pages of darkness into new guiding light
Show America, no plight after plight
Vote with your eyes open and imagine Justice coming to life
This is my personal advice
I urge all American’s, please vote with your sincere heart
It’s time for a change
The current hourglass can’t remain
Every day it seems we are living in shame
I won’t mention the name
If you want difference, vote
If you visualize fulfillment, vote
If value is important to you, vote
Let’s show the sunrise over Washington as a new day
Follow me to determination and commitment all the way
A change today for a better tomorrow
1.2k · Nov 2015
preservationman Nov 2015
While many slept and all nuzzled in their beds
There were others driving on the road
The winter mist all happened like this
The biggest snowstorm suddenly came
It was direct with precise aim
At first the snow came down light
Then with the added fog it became a blinding sight
What a holiday feel in the Christmas reel
As the snow got heavy it became a blanket of white
To all the kids it was a beautiful sight
School would definitely be closed
The Teachers would be happy also I suppose
Kids all played in the snow
Yet this was a day to make a snowman
Cars, trucks and buses all stuck in where they were
Buses not having any heat
Stranded with no food to eat
Everyone caught in defeat
Suddenly a dog driven sleigh added towards rescuer way
There were no words that anybody could say
Mighty as the snowstorm
It was a definitely a adventure being the norm
It was an icy chill
Everyone nuzzled together in warmth being still
Mind over matter
Oh yeah there was plenty of chatter
Like a miracle everyone made it through the snowstorm
A snowstorm that all started that night
It was one bright star that shined ever so bright
It once seemed snowstorm was going to cause a plight
But the snowstorm brought people together and no one was uptight
As another night approaches and I say good night.
1.2k · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
Meet any words family
Then meet the sentences family
Words and sentences that will battle it out
Adjectives and verbs that will just shout
Questions having many answers
Sentences that want to prance
Wrong answers being your three chances
Knowing the right words
Have you heard?
Words being their own game show
In case you didn’t, now you know
Words can lead to another
But puzzling answers can become a blunder
Pronouns are the game host
They captivate in being most
Yet seen from coast to coast
Words can be lean
It’s competition, and they can become mean
Word Family Feud
Think hard before you speak
It’s a game show you can win or end up in defeat.
1.1k · Aug 2014
preservationman Aug 2014
More than mire lips and hips
A woman being her own crook
All you have to do is take a look
They don’t call her Madam Dynamite for nothing
She uses explosives to break in
Being thief on the signal of can
Madam Dynamite moves ever so firmly in the female style
All this during crime waves in while
Madam Dynamite name is a sight to behold
There are many stories that have been told
Explosions upon explosions with name engraved “Madam Dynamite”
However for justice to solve, it has become a plight
Yet all the crime waves all occurred at night
Darkness in the black
Justice in battle being in the middle of smack
Madam Dynamite ready to explode
Justice is carrying quite a heavy lot
Yet Justice will prevail and this I have been told
Until next time, try not to explode.
1.1k · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
Every shoe that I seen customers step in was a beginning that I thought would never end
I have seen assortment of shoe wearing feet
It looked like a battle giving into defeat
Yet I wondered why the customer doesn’t see that the shoe doesn’t fit
The customer should be thrown into a pit
Heels often have taken notice
No odor eaters seemed to surface
If the shoe doesn’t fit then you need to quit
The idea is knowing the precise shoe size
To me that would be thinking wise
You don’t want revenge from your feet
A good quality shoe would be an added treat
Remember you need your feet in order to walk not agony with a bark
I am the Shoe Horn to get the shoe on your feet
It should be a struggle and your feet feeling beat
I am the Shoe Horn in wanting to help you fit into the shoe
Because I am a Shoe Horn, this is what I am supposed to do
If you fight with the Shoe Horn to get the shoe on, we will be both through and there’s your clue
Remember I am the Shoe Horn being your foot’s friend
It all starts when you enter the shoe store when you step in
Think on Shoe Horn when you purchase a pair of shoes
I want you to feel enthused
This Shoe Horn doesn’t want your feet to get bruised
There you have it being a shoe in
Let your feet have pavement royalty and comfort being a reality.
1.1k · Mar 2015
preservationman Mar 2015
I saw an ad “Eat like royalty”
Food that will overpower your stomach
Your waist will spread out
The mirror will show you what I am talking about
The sight of so much food
Imagine all the dessert and everything else that would include
Clothes that will never fit again
It would be more take out and wish on being thin
Your dreams in what it was originally like then
Exercise would be in total order
You would be sweating until the weight came off
It would be work than any cough
The idea of sticking the finger of royalty out
The riches of wealth in what I am talking about
Food for thought then after stomach relief of sought.
1.1k · Jul 2016
preservationman Jul 2016
A time in my life to live
I have worked hard all my life in give
No time for aches and pain
There is no reason that I should continue to complain
Adventure is waiting for me outside the door
It’s all about get out and explore
Because I am a Senior Citizen I will not be ignored
I have achieved wisdom and understanding
Because I am experienced I can withstand
Don’t even think about calling me old
I am a Senior Citizen who is bold
Don’t tell me to do as I am told
Young people recognize a Senior Citizen’s years
It’s our wisdom and understanding of encouragement in how you preserver
Who says because I am a Senior Citizen I don’t fit in
Our motto is step out and let inspiration begin
I may have gray hairs, can barely walk, Aches and pain and eye sight may not good
As a Senior Citizen we are determined moving in could
However, young people you need understanding in should
Obtain knowledge with thirst for education in would
Young people, your day will come
Old age will be your some
So let the truth be told
Young people listen up, as your youth will become old
Don’t take a Senior Citizen for being weak
Don’t take our speech for being beak
We have the knowledge that you seek.
1.1k · Oct 2013
preservationman Oct 2013
A moment when the spirit left the body
This happens too everybody
On this particular day, it’s a man by the of Eddie Hill I will say
Mr. Hill had been sick for quite a while
He was always active being his style
Everything happened so fast
Mr. Hill was diagnosed with Cancer
His body was starting too fade
His body is what God made
His face being a mire skeleton from his true self
Mr. Hill was distinguishable like nobody else
The family came for a visit
It was those passing moments of a limited tomorrow
After the family left
Mr. Hill felt into a deep eternal sleep
Suddenly a voice shouted, “Awake, awake”
Mr. Hill was surprised and didn’t know where he was
It was an Angel dressed in all white telling Mr. Hill he arrived in Heaven
The Angel then told Mr. Hill to rise too the occasion
“Your days on earth with your spirit in Heaven in a new birth”
This is Heaven in which you see
Chosen ones enter and that comes from thee
Your days of sorrow no more and it’s your praise that will soar
So awake, and stay awake for Heaven’s sake.
1.1k · Nov 2021
preservationman Nov 2021
A Man beyond mortal men of strength
He is guided by the Gods to go every length
Defending the weak and defeating the strong
Battles after Battles in controlling struggles in getting along
Powers from the Gods
Hercules possessing character
Tearing down barriers
The strength of his heart
His strength feats on foes
The essence of his muscles
Mass that is solid
He is the rock of intervention
Hercules is God’s creation
He stands on commitment and victory
That’s Hercules story
His name stands for glory
Hercules is also a woman’s threshold knowing he can and will
Destiny upon destiny that he must fulfill
Hercules thought
“Gods of might, I am the successor being the conqueror. I don’t take any destiny
Light. My mission is to overcome any plight. My strength comes from within along with forces that supply. My moment within any hour, and I can’t tire. I was to complete a mission and that is the Gods decision. Hercules stands for leadership, and I am my own provision”
Hercules name that spreads throughout history
Yet a following of achievement and establishment
Yesterday came and tomorrow is a new beginning
Hercules believed and accomplished
Foes often wondered in fear
That is because Hercules was near
Heritage perhaps
Long live Hercules
A name no one evil wants to reckon with
The Sun has risen and the ashes has cleared
The Gods are well pleased
Hercules has put comfort being at ease.
preservationman Sep 2016
An achieving long lasting eternal flame
Dignity and honor bearing one name
Dalilah Muhammad bringing Rochdale fame
Your parents who taught you well
The advice is what helped Ms. Muhammad to excel
Olympic Rio will always be that name
The bulls eye being right on target
Extensive practice in the run to compete and not be out done
The run at the beginning years being for strictly fun
But you saw a vision and it became a run
Careful planning was your goal to achieve
It paid off, and it was a Gold Medal that you did receive
Victory in being at your best
We are Rochdale are your followers and we can contest
Ms. Muhammad continue being inspired
When the going gets tough don’t tire
When you think you should quit, don’t expire
It was determination that kept you on track
Your achievement, you will have a victory that you will be able to look back
You are the leader of the pack
Your excellent everyone will continue talking about
The spirit of pride
Destiny having a purpose
You are role model and encouragement to all young people
“Plan ahead and never doubt, a struggle is only hurdle bout, practice makes perfect, and determination in try, but as you learn, you find where your talent really stands”
Congratulations Ms. Muhammad, and achieve now and forever more.
1.1k · Jun 2014
preservationman Jun 2014
I was in church Sunday morning
The sun was high in its own urning
The praises ran out loud and strong
I definitely was in church where I belong
There was a Guest Minister from another church
He preached on seeking victory and who to call
What the Preacher spoke, “Walk, Stand, Shout, Talk, Look and Dance”
This meant overcoming struggles in chance
Then following the steps will help you advance
It was a distinction at every stance
The Minister was definitely a Teacher, Lecturer and a child of God
I admired his chosen words
The sentences with the words made my heart swirl
A man of God and yes I have heard
Taking victory to the next level
Putting struggle in a shovel
Advance to awake
It’s the power of victory in the take
Turning struggles into an overcoming stake
Yet stand on your feet
You have gained victory and scored zero on defeat
God has always been the rejoicing treat
To walk and been blessed is a welcomed retreat.
preservationman Feb 2015
Words hidden within one’s soul
One’s voice with expression in behold
The wonders in what is established within one’s mind
The picture being how the words are combined
The confidence in being assured
A Poet who sees beyond the T & I
It is the encouragement called inspiration
A ****** providing anticipation
Now that I have your attention
It’s what’s in the Poet’s words
It’s the reader ear’s that need too be heard
A child who stood up
A parent who heard close up
My words that endure
My understanding in how I must mature
Words being a relaxing cure
A reason too live and an opportunity too give
This is a Poet’s write
The instill of delight
Seeing respect in being polite
The connection of words in the horizon sight
A Poet being more than the letter P
They are individuals with perfection talent for all to see
Value being the quality of one’s talent that is truly developed
Let’s not forget and always remember
“Words are not truly words unless an open heart that understands”
“Let sentences go not without the solid withstand”
We are Poet’s and our words being character as our caravan.
1.1k · May 2015
preservationman May 2015
Transactions in where money begins
It is also deposits in what banks take in
Yet Banks want too control you with your own money
Now if you ask for a personal loan
A cautious question of borrowing money being shown
A Banker’s heart with several cracks
There are times consumers want to give these so Banks a smack
It’s a Bank with your money on your mind
It’s their policies that keep the consumer in line
No wine nor customer service with the warmth of sunshine
It’s just the bank being a bank wanting to out rank
It’s not a game being a prank
Yet consumer know how to be up front and be frank
A Banker’s heart having traces of cracks
Later you have discovered and think back and say, “Look at that”.
1.1k · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
It was Flight 101 to London, England
The airline being Great Britain Ways
The flight would be in hours and not days
First greeting was “Welcome Aboard”
This was a nonstop flight
But Great Britain Ways was an airline in not having passengers feel uptight
Well a certain Flight Attendant would think otherwise
The plane was now flying over London with Big Ben in the distance
Suddenly a passenger had to use the bathroom being in an instance
Yet the jet wheels were down
The Flight Attendant informed the passenger that the flight was near
Heathrow Airport and every passenger must be in their seat
Despite all that, the passenger was in the bathroom and the Flight Attendant in defeat
However, the Flight Attendant did inform the passenger to hold on tight when the plane lands on the runway
Once the wheels touched England squeaks grounds, The Flight Attendant immediately unbuckled her belt to check on the passenger
The Flight Attendant got up and the passenger was ok
Well what a flight and a day it was
But the passenger feet that touched solid ground and the flight arrived safe and sound.
preservationman Sep 2015
Dr. James C. Kelly the vision that he saw
Salvation being another church at first
Rev. Dr. Kelly who saw New Jerusalem in having its own verse
The foundation in bringing churchgoers in
The name New Jerusalem on a journey of begin
New Jerusalem Worship Center formerly New Jerusalem Baptist Church
Welcomed arms in God’s sight
God opened more for to see the light
The church surrounded Dr. Kelly’s preach
It was the souls he was trying to reach
New Jerusalem’s work that is not complete
We are the congregation being God’s receipt
New Jerusalem is determined to go on
It doesn’t matter for how long
I didn’t know personally Rev. Dr. James Kelly
But I heard stories of what this great man accomplished and it was his preaching words
The vision, a time to prayer
It is also a reason to relay
God will continue to bless New Jerusalem
We must keep the legacy of Dr. Kelly and New Jerusalem alive
Through the efforts of Dr. Kelly, the spirit of Founder still yet remains
It’s Heaven bound being a continuous aim
Rev. Dr. Kelly will always have a place at New Jerusalem being home
This is where salvation will continue to roam
Home is where Dr. Kelly has arrived
His legacy is what keeps New Jerusalem alive
Tomorrow being yonder
Dr. Kelly’s accomplishment being an applause
A Dove has flown in
This is God’s goodness in a new horizon to begin
Praises in place of tears
The joy in having no fear
The heart holding God close and near
The soul of Dr. Kelly that New Jerusalem will continue to preserver
What matters most that salvation be spread coast to coast
We as the flock should not boost
God’s word stands for all
The homecoming of Dr. Kelly being Heaven’s call
Heaven summoned with an awakening wind
But we as the flesh were thinking from then
Rev. Dr. James Kelly work that was complete
It was his encouragement and telling us not to give into defeat
We are his among
We now look on Dr. Kelly being upon
New Jerusalem is only a name
Salvation being a serious business
We are the faith being the witness
Rise on your feet and repeat, “Rev. James Kelly, you have enriched us with praises words can’t express, but it is God who says it best, Good Old Faithful servant, a job well done”.
1.1k · Sep 2014
preservationman Sep 2014
Two male fashion models with competition in the walk
The fiery of words in their talk
Fierce eyes in anger of look
However sharing rivalry of two in what it took
The two male models pushed and shoved
They both were thinking they were America’s male models there of
But when they were backstage
The male models let loose in their rage
The male model punched the other in the face
You saw blood pouring down in the trace
This was definitely a rivalry stunt
Let’s face it, the male models certainly were not blunt
Yet fashion is fashion
The runway being a model’s walk
Yet there is wonder in watch your step as it could be a stalk.
preservationman Jul 2015
It was Christmas with all the holiday cheer
It was a lovely Christmas tree that brought the feeling to preserver
But what made Christmas stand out it was my B&O; railroad I am talking about
It was a layout of Baltimore & Ohio railroad being a thrill
My locomotive puffing smoke at free will
It was those passenger cars all lit up
Backgrounds with scenery including a tunnel
As a kid, it was the highlight being my funnel
As my B&O; train set maneuvered around the track
It’s my reflection of memory that dates back
The passenger train that made a stop in my house
There’s no room for even a mouse
There are much more words I could say
However, I am sharing with you on this day
B&O; you journeyed on
You are in my heart where you belong
You took me to a place being around
A layout that had a small town
You brought me to my own home being filled with love Christmas bound
It was a family celebration and how sweet the sound.
preservationman Oct 2018
“Weights to the body that want all too exercise
Your Muscles want you to energize
Two Fitness Enthusiast were known as the “Iron Brothers”
The movie was centered around Exercise, Physical Transformation, Muscles and Bodybuilding
Yet it was a creation forming a Fitness Enterprise and Bodybuilding Affiliation Organization
Weider Muscles want your attention please
Stand and Flex but move with ease
But there was Rivalry between two George and Joe Weider all having a mission for Bodybuilding with a Higher Recognition Bodybuilding Prize
The convince being a hard realize
So George had a title that was called “Mr. Universe 1940”
Bodybuilders were all competing for the title
However, Weider was denounced to have anyone from his organization to compete, and there was a struggle
But Joe Weider saw a bigger picture of Bodybuilders in creating the “Mr. Olympia 1950”

Victory being on Joe Weider’s mind
But having a magazine that will enhance
The mission was about giving all Bodybuilders the competing chance
Bodybuilding Magazine relaying Bodybuilders and Bodybuilding coverage
Expressing to the world Bodybuilding was a sport
But don’t cut the sport short
It was going to take persuasion and instilling Bodybuilding appreciation
So the journey being a determined mission

Yet, it was on to discover Arnold Schwarzenegger Whose name Joe Weider had heard of
This Writer actually met Arnold Schwarzenegger personally when he was competing during his Bodybuilding days and the title was “Mr. Olympia” in New York City
I met Mr. Schwarzenegger at the Mid-City Gym in New York City
Arnold would often have trouble saying my name Anthony
Today, he would have no trouble saying my name because he was once a California Governor and a Movie Star
However, I was intrigued to see Sergio Olivia, Jr playing his Father in the Movie, Sergio Olivia, SR
What a combination?
Now the Sergio Olivia, Sr was a Cuban Weightlifter, and became a high Ranking Bodybuilder standing with Arnold Schwarzenegger
What makes Sergio Olivia, SR was when he posed in the ***** pose with humongous Lats when it came to Bodybuilding competition
So Sergio Olivia, Jr was following in his father’s footsteps with destination being stardom
But the Mr. Olympia is still the number one Bodybuilding competition today
Joe Weider saw the vision and how Bodybuilding will make the Mr. Olympia competition worthwhile
Are your muscles pumped to perfection?
Joe Weider’s legacy left behind, “Muscles pumped to Victory”
There’s training to be done
It’s Bodybuilding Victory I want all too be among
Yet, remember what I accomplished in looking upon.
preservationman Nov 2015
Desire moving with effort
Educating your mind to elevate your career
A classroom designed to help you preserver
It’s a positive approach
sharpering your knowledge like a defined broach
Terminology advancing into hands on
Gaining the formulations into experiences where you belong
Lectures into knowledge
A lesson brush up just like polish
Blackboard with the theories
The philosopher of past educators being history
Determination Striving University
The floor plan creating the actual reality
Thirst for education
Hungry to succeed
Analytical thinking in knowing how to proceed
Knowledge is always a need
It’s like a farm with a growing seed
It’s smaller words that start and bigger words being the mark
Staying focused in where you want your career to aim
Remember all your colleagues are looking for the same
Determination Striving U have given you the tools to pursue on you
The reason you chose D.S.U.
It knew it was a university that would help you to expand your mind and exams that would be due
Determination while you can
Striving on when
University being the establishment of you at the end.
1.0k · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
You told me personally on facebook to stop posting bus pictures
This is strictly for you
Everything I will be saying for you to pursue
But whatever happened to understanding
What’s wrong with knowing about a bus?
Bus Nuts are enthusiasts it surrounds us
So why all the negative fuss
Knowledge and education all get a plus
If you don’t like what you see than just flee
We are Bus Nuts and we hold the key
Misery loves company
But I will not be your guest
In fact, you don’t get respect being an unwelcomed pest
I certainly will not be at your request
I am a bus nut and it’s the multitude more than me
You lack personality and all can see
Just because you never had the opportunity to get your bus ride on
I suggest that you just move along
2016 is negativity has no place
Your negative comment has been erased
Let the bus exhaust be the force
Let your lack of understanding take a new course
As a bus nut I will continue to be
Bus pictures will continue for all to see
A Beatle’s song “Let it be”
So the facebook person who told me more bus post
It’s really up to us bus nuts folks
You actually have no vote
You are only wasting your own time
Buses are here to stay
Go read a book and just astray
Maybe just maybe you might be ok
Life is how you live it
Strive in what participation that you give
The bus has departed
You are left all alone.
preservationman Jul 2019
Popin with a Buttery crime
Greasy and oily as slime
A crime wave to steal ingredients throughout
A mouthwatering motion
Across town in Poppintown, Popcorn Man and his Hitchmen are planning a precise plot
Yet, the Police will have no choice in liking or not
Within the Popcorn Clister Company, the Popcorn Man and his Hitchmen are attemptintg to steal all the production resources needed for the biggest crime wave of them all
The Popcorn Man’s quest was to steal the Crown Jewels of Great Britain at the Popin Mueum
But their plan was foiled by Batman and Robin
They confronted Popcorn Man and his Hitchmen on the spot as they had figured out their plot
A fight for justice broke out
Robin hit one of the hitchmen with a *** of hot oil in the face
Batman and Robin with all in between being Bam, Pow and Kaboom
But something was going to happen soon
Suddenly, Batman and Robin were caught by surprise and didn’t realize
They were caught in a trap in all buttered up Popcorn
How will Batman and Robin escape?
Will Popcorn Man get away with his outrageous cape?
Immediately, Batman pulls out of his utility belt an ingredient that causes everything to melt
Batman and Robin managed to escape
They must rush before it’s too late
It’s a mission to put Popcorn Man in jail with a popping finish
Popcorn Man is caught in the act, and Batman and Robin turn the tables on his hitchmen
Batman throws hot butter on the floor, and the Hitchmen just slide right into large cage
This causes Popcorn Man to respond in rage
Popcorn man wanted to take venegeance, but Batman was too clever
Batman pushed Popcorn Man into a Large Popcorn popping Machine and Kenneled out
A crime wave solved
It was the Cape Crusader who was involved.
preservationman Nov 2014
I just saw a Turkey and an oven running down Main Street
The Turkey being the main treat
The oven determined not be a defeat
Trimmings revenge in retreat
The Turkey continues to run
Well the oven and trimmings are all out of breath from so much fun
But they don’t know we are nowhere near done
The oven in a fiery turn
Done or not that Turkey is going to be a cooked urn
But according to a Main Street witness, they saw a Turkey running with a surprised look
Camera’s were ready in took
So much for food for thought
Now what meat will be sought?
However, the Turkey is the tradition
I am on my own Turkey catching mission
After that bird!
You heard!
I caught that Turkey trying to escape
All I had to do was act like an ape
The Turkey is finally in the oven
It’s 9:00 AM for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade to start
Step away from the kitchen and make your mark
A day to give thanks, but on Thanksgiving, I refuse to serve franks.
preservationman Feb 2015
Praying on your knee’s
The struggles that are all around
It seems shackles and chains have me bound
But I kept my praises in stand up
My soul being Heaven close up
A drink of joy being my sweet cup
My praises that shout out
The blessings in what I am talking about
Heaven only knows
It is faith in what shows
Blessings come when you least expect
But don’t take it as God neglect
God’s has how own plan in movement within his elect
But you can be assured when the praises to up
Blessings will come down
But your faith must be of solid sound
No cutting corners being around
Step on God’s secrete ground
Praises go up with your thoughts that don’t let up
Blessings come down with having faith that spreads around
Blessings with praises that shows, and understanding salvation that helps you carry the tow.
preservationman Aug 2017
On September 27, 2017, a Partnership between Peter Pan Bus Lines and Greyhound Bus Lines on the Northeast Corridor will come to an end
The key word is “Independence” of both that will begin
Interline tickets barring both bus carrier names will no longer remain
It will be individual tickets only barring the issuance of the bus company name
Before on the Northeast Corridor having both Peter Pan Bus Lines and Greyhound Bus lines combined together
The term individuality will be two carriers being the other
Peter Pan Bus Lines is run by the Picknelly family
The company was once part of the Trailways Organization
When Peter Pan started doing runs South coming through New York City nobody really knew who Peter Pan Bus Lines was
It wasn’t until Peter Pan and Greyhound formed an agreement and that is how Peter Pan became passenger known
Peter Pan and Greyhound will operate as a separate entity
Peter Pan Bus Lines is a bus company being an away we go
Then there’s Greyhound who started the partnership show
But it has become a time to move on
Peter Pan and Greyhound are bus operations that are still strong
Now this is something travelling bus customers will have to get used to
But it will be a matter of time they will get through
The highway will always keep both bus carriers connected
There could be select in what passengers will elect
But bus travel in general I don’t think will have that much effect
Two enterprises having histories of their own
What’s in a name has always been shown
A partnership that will change
The names of Peter Pan Bus Lines and Greyhound Bus Lines that will always remain.
1.0k · Jun 2016
preservationman Jun 2016
The world doesn’t care and doesn’t want to know
Yet follow me in the flow
There is a coldness I feel
My tomorrow doesn’t exist
But Evil and the fist in which they can’t resist
I see Death in my eyes
There is absolutely no reason for me to live
I have given all that I can give
I look to the skies
My body and soul is ready
I say goodbye to this cruel world
Death where I will be at rest and peace
Remember me not
My flesh and blood will no longer roam this Earth
My Soul will have a new home
Peace will be within
Burial ground in
Don’t cry
Don’t try
It’s better this way
No words for me to further say
Let me die and be forgotten.
preservationman Jul 2017
Well Mack being a Bus manufacturer had an idea for a new design highway bus
Yet the world wondered what was all the fuss
The MV-620-D was a new prototype bus
It all engineering that would be a plus
So Mack MV-620-D was given to Greyhound to test
It was going to be an observation better or for less
So Greyhound put the bus into regular schedule service
Reaction from the traveling public was certainly obvious
Greyhound tested the bus in 1957 being the year of my birth
The Mack bus traveled on the West Coast
So there was reason for everyone to boost
There was admiration by most
Greyhound put the Mack MV-620-D through the highway paces
However thought the bus was in a race
But throughout the test, optimistic with plenty of uncertainty
It was drive into the ride
Research in what would arrive
Yet test after test, Greyhound concluded that the MACK MV-620-D wouldn’t fit in with it’s fleet
But imagine, Greyhound would have a bus and they could compete
But it turned into defeat
Yet now it becomes a retreat
But Greyhound chose not to have the MV-620-D as a prize
But what Greyhound didn’t realize
A new design for the Greyhound enterprise
The MV-620-D could have truly been a success because of the engineering structure from front to back
But Greyhound felt the bus had a lack
The front looking like a highway bus, but the back having a auto look being the track
Yet Greyhound had the global name and could have encouraged other bus companies to purchase the MV-620-D to their fleet
Now this would have been neat
However, Greyhound being the beast
The MV-620-D was a release
Your writer has seen the MV-620-D up close and personal
A friend of mine actually owned it, but sold it overseas
What’s in a bus name?
Mack history in what will remain
The MV-620-D had potential
But Greyhound would have had the first original.
preservationman Nov 2014
A Butterball Bandit Turkey who entered the house
He was so silent he didn’t even wake up a mouse
So through the kitchen the Turkey went
The big question is why was the turkey sent?
The Bandit Turkey wanted the oven to be unplugged
Get rid of all the stuffing and seasoning in a caper slug
Change the tradition of the Thanksgiving feast
The Bandit Turkey was creating a whole new press release
The Turkey crime being more than just being gazed
The Butterball Bandit Turkey was clever in the amaze
Now he is wanted cooked or raw
He will be captured and that’s for sure
It will either be a seasoned affair
Perhaps to all Consumers in beware
A Butterball Bandit Turkey crime wave
Jail will teach the Bandit Turkey in how to behave
A meaty finish being a crave
No gobble heat end
What meat for Thanksgiving will be in begin
The trail continues with a hungry flow
The evidence being a Bandit Turkey’s go
A scandal being an untimely eat
Will the Turkey finally be a new defeat?
You determine in what meat we should seek.
984 · Jul 2015
preservationman Jul 2015
You have heard the phrase, “Have I got a testimony”
But the ironic statement being, “Have I got a sermon”
Words tend to have power, but it is what is behind them being influenced
It is also what is established as a probably or maybe
But one who guarantees, and the other entity lacking assurance to proceed
But let’s look at the word “PROMISE”
It is an expectancy, sure thing, arrival, waiting, fulfillment and anticipation
That is man’s definition from the dictionary, but there is no guarantee nor reliability
But God’s fulfillment of the promise, he sees ahead in what you will definitely expect at the right time frame at the right moment
This is called Understanding, Believing, Praising and it is done
But your faith being a commitment as a Christian with divine honesty
As a Christian, you must truly have faith that promise will come, but with that is the praise on high with no doubting of why
Results come when one believes on Christ and questionable thoughts on man’s term
But man is short term and God is long term
Somehow the scale is in balanced because short term doesn’t last very long and God’s long term is where a Christian needs to belong
There seems to be boundaries of the promise with no clarity in what man presents
Yet God’s glory continues to represent, but it is all about praying and praying without ceasing
What holds you back in the Promise, is the negativity thoughts that keep you from seeing the promise and believing
What is it, people keep pick up a novel and read from beginning to end, but can’t time to read the bible to feed their soul and obtain knowledge
Again, understanding and promise are the keys in what we need to see
Man seems to focus on separation of man being their own elect and playing a game of place your bets in their promise
It is a win or lose theory, but now it is apparent and you must chose
But when the promise comes from God you automatically win and there is no lose
Because Praise, Joy and Blessings come as there is an obligation being a commitment of Faith
But God continues and will always say, “I am the way”
Yet man says that’s not ok
If you are depending on man with the promise and results
Think again saints
Man wants you to denounce the promise and results that God will truly provide the time is right
Don’t doubt or your promise and results will pass you by
God wants you to be patient with every try
Promise and results work hand in hand
It all comes at God’s command
Remember Man’s idea of promise and results wants you to move your hope
But man wants you to think on their promise and results because they can’t cope
God’s promise wants you to be steadfast and move forward
Your spiritual blessings will be straight line of onward
Don’t wonder where did promise and results really go
It has been God’s understanding all along and you now know.
preservationman Dec 2019
Step out in fashion style
Rearranging what you already have in fashion while
Add to accompany to impress
Add that vest to bring out the best
The right dress and blazer to excess
No need to buy a new outfit
Turn your wardrobe closet with what you previously wore into a whole new fashion
It’s about style and how confident you feel
Make your fashion statement come out for real
No matter what fashion clothes you have, you can make your wardrobe come alive like fashion of today
Start your fashion on its way
You are the Fashion runway
Turn old fashion style into something new
Take that blue and add white
Turn red be out of sight
Why pay money and give the stores
Your own closet should be your only explore
Use what clothes currently have and turn into fashion of tomorrow
You didn’t know you had that
Your own closet you and even you can’t keep track
It’s a known fact
So Jacket, skirt, Blouse and dress
Turn that wardrobe into what it is worth
Men, man your closet fashion to impress
Ladies and Men look your very best
Old wardrobe can become new fashion
Always remember, you are the compliment
The successor being the Fashion Professor
You now know how fashion is done
You are ready to do your own fashion test being for fun
preservationman May 2016
Another Christian God has chosen in the spoken word
Scriptures to preach
The congregation the Minster wants to reach
The young Minster preached from St. John 17
A Deacon by responsibility
But a new calling in bringing the word
The theme, “Now here this, God is about Faith enriching the responsibility in spreading God’s doctrine”
The young Minster preached from his heart
However, it was the Holy Spirit was the start
Words all lead up to the direction of Faith
A creed one takes when one accepts Christ as their personal Savior
This is not a force, but inspiration to have everlasting life
The scripture is actually giving advice
But God wants all to get understanding, but never having to think twice
The young Minster preached what God wanted him to say
They were words we should live by every given day
It was a vision in every way
Walk on Deacon into the preaching talk
You have taken top priority being God’s sight
Continue to follow that path where you will be given light
It’s your short walk to Heaven
You are worthy in God’s eyes
You have learned understanding and that has made you wise
Heaven Bound with all the praising sound.
972 · Dec 2015
preservationman Dec 2015
Santa and his reindeer decided not to fly
A new experience being the Hound Bus ride
The idea of Santa and the reindeer bringing in the Greyhound Christmas cheer
With the help of Greyhound in preserving in having no fear
The Greyhound bus being your Christmas travel ride
It’s the added comfort and Wi Fi that Greyhound will provide
The thought of leather seats and Wi Fi
This is added plus in encouraging Santa, Reindeers and first time passengers in giving Greyhound a try
The reindeers are not asking the question of why
It’s the 24/7 Greyhound rolling through the holiday season
It’s all for a good reason
The easiest transportation mode
Bus travel perks of behold
It’s all holiday cheer
Don’t wait as Christmas is almost near
Santa won’t have to do all the work on Christmas Eve
It’s Greyhound bringing the gift of travel in what passengers will receive
You can call the Hound bus, “Santa’s new ride in stride”
Santa knows Greyhound best
Even the Reindeer don’t settle for less
But through it all, even the passengers can confess
Santa and the Hound Bus have teamed up in drive
“Greyhound with your headlights so bright, can I ride with you on the Highway tonight”
Dash away was the Greyhound bus
Happy Holidays from Leave the Driving to us.
971 · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
Senior woman that continue to fly
They are still Flight Attendants and that is no lie
The Golden Girls woman have been flying since they were young
Yet they are still among
Their knowledge goes beyond any American, Delta and United procedure
The Golden Girls have senior vitality
But their wisdom and understanding became their theory of reality
So up and away
We are flying on this day
No Geritol on this flight
You shall sleep throughout the night
Welcome aboard, and we’re the senior’s who fly the friendly skies
We are your Golden Girls who are wise
We travel anywhere there is a flight
We will help you relax and don’t feel fright
There might be some turbulence, but don’t be uptight
We are the Golden Girls who are professionals and we are polite
We don’t tolerate any foolishness and that includes a fight
So buckle up
You are aboard any Flight number given
Listen to our stories that were never ever told
Be amazed with a behold
One time in our flying career, we encountered severe turbulence while a Tornado was in our flying space
The plane suddenly took a nosedive, and we thought we wouldn’t survive
We just knew we were heading for the Earth ground
However, the plane went back up safe and sound
We arrived at our destination bound
So you see, we are not called Golden Girls Flight Attendants for nothing
What we have achieved in years in flight is something more than a trail
960 · Apr 2015
preservationman Apr 2015
A lonely red tugboat anchored at the Hudson River
The Red tugboat in its day would pull some very lavish cruise ships
But here’s a tip
Back in the day, there were stories Sea Captains would say
For starters, the red tugboat having the engine power to pull ships and barches
But as years rolled on, tugboats became a new wave of technology
As you probably gathered, the red tugboat became out of date
Later it gathered dust with no captain nor mate
But things are about to change
A new criteria that will be arranged
The Red tugboat had a new technological engine
This was a reason for the tugboat to feel useful and have fusion
The Red tugboat ropes were thrown over to the deck
It moved from being idled like mothballs
A cruise ship that was travelling from New York Harbor to London, England and the red tugboat was assigned to the call
The tugboat regained its life from being in a stall
But the red tugboat returned with its legacy and it stood tall
A new and improved red tugboat with its sea legs to be proud to be on the Hudson River
All the Red Tugboat needed was a push of confidence
It later became inspiration being the indication
The Red tugboat knows where it belongs
It’s heritage of accomplishments that was so long.
958 · Mar 2015
preservationman Mar 2015
Words and sentences taking you on a trip
Each step with an individual scene being your tip
Who done it being the poet’s mysterious ways
A time to wonder, but in how many days
A murdered body was found
There was no movement not even a sound
Yet the Poet’s words have you spell bound
A knife was found in the victim’s heart
This is your clue and you know where you must start
Now please start thinking in being your mark
The question being why was the victim murdered to death
You have a matter of days to thinking left
There was an argument over a particular document trust
The guilty of one in this hands being involved a must
However another name that was put on the document trust
The killer could still be standing among us

This is where it all became a fuss
The Document trust had valuable fortunes that the killer wanted personally to use
The evidence surely with finger prints that won’t excuse
Yet a victim has been eliminated because of a right to purposely refuse
Timing not being right
The killer full of fire and very uptight
The Mystery Poetry Theater became a plight
Again, a Poet’s words to help see the light
Since mystery has been revealed
We are getting closer to the case being a seal
Mystery Poetry Theater with words that introduced the thought
Later it became a mission being a sought
The mystery in shading the light
The obvious being in plain sight
The solve being what was expected and what the outcome could be
You found the evidence of what you did see
Goodbye from Mystery Poetry Theater
The clues you explored and leaving nothing ignored.
952 · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
The smell of sweet maple syrup
I remember living there and the riding the horse with stirrup
All the furniture was made out of wood
The log Cabin had plenty of trees of Sherwood
Down the way was Joseph the Lumber Jack
He had muscles that were well stacked
Joseph could cut down some trees
In fact, our Log Cabin was built and it was a breeze
Yet that Log Cabin is what I called home
It was a place where I used to roam
There was an Sun roof we called the “Dome”
But I will leave that alone
Oh that Log Cabin takes me back
I have a clear memory of it like piles in a stack
I remember a little stream that ran behind
This whole memory is all mine
Log Cabin, thanks for showing up in my mind, I will visit again from time to time.
947 · Apr 2015
preservationman Apr 2015
A town called “Muscular Town USA which I made up
A place where citizens have packed on muscle
Yet through it all they know how to have fun and hustle
But they also knew how to protect themselves in a brawl
The citizen’s muscles came from more than just hitting the weights
It was also from eating nutritious foods in which they ate
However, the citizen’s were into farming
You probably have questions in how was Muscular Town USA created?
A former Mayor who was solidly built up
His stature in how he was a leader
Because he was a solid man, this was his platform for the town in becoming a structural foundation
The former Mayor illustrated form and stressed in being in shape
Sounds like a piece of cake?
Try intensity with weights being the take
A former Mayor who had the town participate
Also recommending in how to relate
Muscular Town USA, which could be in any state
The citizen’s are committed in weights in making them still strong to this date.
preservationman Jun 2014
The pages seemed to come alive
I tell you this and it is no jive
The story capturing an old man and a house
Somewhere in the story it also involves a mouse
The story begins with a sunrise
No idea what the day will be so it is a surprise
The old man is a retired Lumberjack
He would be chopping lumber to build houses
But the old man certainly was never alone
At least this is what the house had shown
There was always this mouse
The mouse seemed to be a companion in the house
The mouse would often sit by the old man
There seemed to be an understanding and no command
The mouse was always given some cheese
The old man made the mouse feel like he was his squeeze
The old man would often talk to the mouse
It was always the old man’s words throughout the house
Then one night a big Thunderstorm came
The storm was like battle stations ready to take aim with all the thunder, lightening and rain
The moon seemed to be given a vacation as a shade among the clouds
A theory of the night
The heavy fog that blocked out sight
Yet the mouse showed no fright
The old man felt he wasn’t going to make the storm his plight
He didn’t want to feel uptight
The mouse knew how to keep the old man calm and suddenly not alarm
Well the storm finally passed by
It was courage in the old man’s try
That old man and his house
Being together including a mouse
A house built for more than just one, and a creation of a foundation being done.
937 · Jul 2016
preservationman Jul 2016
Where people will all get along
Have respect for one another in a world of belong
Go from Hatred to love
Be caring and kind like a Dove
But one moment as I am not done
A world that bows for prayer
Having a vision in knowing how to get here and there
Encouraging one another
Excepting the person being the other
A world expressing good wishes
Living in a world of no limitations
I pledge all the above
However, there is plenty more to think of
Not have to worry about harm becoming danger
Definitely a world of drawn back bullets with locked up guns
All lives striving being among
A life of living, but with laughter and having fun
This is my pledge I want all to look upon
It shouldn’t be a tomorrow being a mystery
A look back shouldn’t be struggles being history
I pledge more than an American Flag
It’s not a game of tag
But be positive and not be a drag
I pledge, I pledge, I pledge
A world that we all can relate
But be a world that is willing to associate.
preservationman Jun 2014
Lois Copeland, a longtime friend
It was her sincerity throughout until her end
I remember meeting her the first time at Medgar Evers College
Ms. Copeland’s distinguished personality is what comes to mine
It was her encouraging words in keeping in thine
We continued as friends even up to her death
A woman of wisdom being in her upper 80’s
Ms. Copeland often stated to me, “Go back to church”
She was my inspiration
A second Mom being the indication
In Lois eyes, life was worth living
Salvation was worth keeping
I often want to cry
But I know she would say, “Don’t weep in a try”
Ms. Copeland is saying, “Sorry I didn’t tell you I am going home”
But her advice to me, “I will never ever be alone”
She will be looking down from Heaven
I have gone back to church in her honor and mine
Lois there will always be a place in my heart
It will be your everlasting wisdom that will give me understanding in thinking smart
God has shared your spirit with me
It will be for the world to see
You have journeyed on
But you want all of us to remain strong
Heaven’s reward
The glorified sword
Sleep for everlasting
Your spirit forever embracing
Lois, Heavens gates await
As I continue to walk, I will not hesitate
Thank you for your spiritual love
I see you flying like God’s chosen Dove.
932 · Dec 2014
preservationman Dec 2014
We’re more than name
Customer satisfaction being our aim
We are the giving airline beyond flight
Buckle up and seat up and just sit tight
Be prepared to see our Christmas narration in the air
Please keep the aisle clear and careful in beware
As we fly in the air
Notice the Bethlehem star over there
Remember how the Wise men pressed their way in the desert sand and how they preservered
Winds that blow
Let me continue on in my flow
As Share Airlines we keep you in the know
Now sit back and continue to enjoy the show
Christmas lights flash in assortment all through the flight
As clear as night Santa appears being a sight
The passengers are surprised
It was in their gazing eyes
One thinks with wisdom while being educated in wise
Share Airlines in giving to the world
You as the reader have now heard
Share Airlines in giving that doesn’t seem to have an end
It is the passengers that say when
As an Airline we have to think of time of then
We share with you holiday cheer
We bring to you an enchanting Christmas spear
Our symbol to always have no fear
The friendly skies are always near
The bull’s eye straight up
Christmas cheer being Share Airlines cup
As Share Airlines says bye for now
We are the airline that knows the skies and understanding of wow.
928 · Aug 2015
preservationman Aug 2015
It was famous celebrities I met
It was all in a normal set
I met David Rockefeller, former Chase Chairmen
He had a top position being the number one rank
We bumped into each other and talked for 5 minutes in Rockefeller Center
Later it was Cardinal Terrance Cooke of St. Patrick’s Cathedral
We shook hands on the steps of the Cathedral on 5th Avenue at a time when the church was celebrating their 100th Centennial
Who could forget Arnold Schwarzzenger long before he became Governor of California
It was a vintage when he competed in bodybuilding competition with the top Bodybuilding
Title being Mr. Olympia
We met at the Mid-City Gym, a ******* gym back in the day with many famous Soap Actors and Wrestlers who trained there
Speaking of Wrestlers, I met Superstar Billy Graham and Irvin, the Polish Power
Who could forget Ralph Nader, Politician advocate
It was at CNN Center in Atlanta, Georgia where met the Media Chief, Ted Turner
It was an acquaintance as he came flying through the stair doors where we were standing with our Tour guide
It wasn’t part of the tour, but was a lucky stride
So I was my own Walter Cronkite in seeing celebrities with my own eyes
My own Media event with captured moments in how my time was spent.
924 · May 2016
preservationman May 2016
Utah being a familiar state
Yet the city being downtown Salt Lake
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir find
The array of voices so divine
When the Mormon Tabernacle choir sing, it is harmony
Being the thing
I had the pleasure to step on Temple Square
Plenty of praise to fill the air
The Pipe ***** is what caught my eye
I see there are questions on the reason why?
A huge component that brings out the organs sound
Then with the choir and orchestra accompanying with blessings all around
St. Patrick’s Cathedral doesn’t even compare
But the Mormon choir that echoes out and there
Whenever the Mormon Choir sing, there is always a tear that comes to my eye
It’s not a matter that choir can’t sing
It’s like an assurance and pure inspiration being the thing
What amazes me about Salt Lake City, it is surrounded by Tall Mountains, and the city is right in the middle
I picture myself playing the fiddle
Yet with all the mountains all around, if those mountains should ever crumble, Salt Lake City would be no more
However, because of Mormon Choir belief of songs, it is having Faith and God hears and tells the Mormon’s to continue and carry on
Their singing extends straight to Heaven
He welcomes your sing
Again, it’s the harmony and sincerity that does the thing
A movement at Temple Square, and this is something I wanted to share.
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