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  Jan 2015 Laura
You told me you loved me that night after track
You told me you loved me & I said it back.
You told me you loved me & we were forever
You told me you loved me no matter the weather.
You told me you loved me, but I didn't believe you
You told me you loved me & 'I'll never leave you'.
You told me you loved me & it was fast and quick
You told me you loved me but my laugh made you sick.
You told me you loved but this was the last
You told me you loved her & our love was the past.
Laura Jan 2015
These past few seasons
I have been sitting on a bench
Observing others and not minding myself
I have been content yes
But full no
There is something lacking
Perhaps a certain glow?

I have noticed this absence
One that I feel is constantly addressed
But what can I do?
Besides sit here and wait
The future will foretell
You must not rush this issue
It needs time to grow
For those impatient
Or longing for this glow
It can gnaw on your conscience
Turn your brain into snow

Oh this longing
I try to keep it suppressed
One cannot dwell
On those matters you cannot control
Best to keep to yourself
And watch the ongoing show

But I saw you from the comfort of my bench
Something about you compelled me
Soon you caught my attention
This pent up feeling flared
Bursted into life almost
And now you having me standing up
Moving away from such complacency
And towards the unknown

Come and walk with me
Show me your all
I care not where you come from
Or how you rise or fall
I am intrigued
Very much interested
This scent you wear
Keeps me enlisted

How to describe you
Or call your name
It boggles my mind
Perhaps it is turned into snow
This effect you have
I can neither savor nor bare it
These feelings you inflict
I feel outdated, out of wit

But there is a quirk in your smile
And a sweetness in your face
That I cannot ignore
And perhaps has blinded me all the more

But let bygones be bygones
Let's journey down this path
For where it leads to
Only we shall ever know
  Jan 2015 Laura
Peter Tanner
This is the question that I ask.
To live away from her is my task.
But this is an impossible feat,
for my life without her is incomplete.
The times with her I cherish the most.
So being apart is like being on an opposite coast.
When I hold her in my arms,
it is just her and I safe from harm.
When I comfort her when sad,
it's like I protect her from all that is bad.
When I see her dance,
I'm so awed that I am entranced
When I hear her sing,
I sit back, close my eyes, and listen to the music ring.
From these things I am powerless to resist.
So thus she is sorely missed.
How can I stay away,
away from where my heart lay?
Laura Jan 2015
I turn the silvery nozzle,
Let the water fill the tub,
Slowly slipping in,
Letting the steam rise above

They say a hot bath cures all,
It relieves stress and pain,
As it washes over those who are tired, drained,

My physique is feeling fine,
But lately it's my mind that's been aching,
Doubts and frustrations,
Sweet apparitions that bear no fruits,
Fill my brain like a silencing mute

Sinking in, I let the bubbles sway and pop,
The refreshing dampness takes its course,
I try to relax and close my eyes,
While both the heat and darkness arise

But I struggle and cannot remain still,
As the gallons pour,
I reopen my eyes and realize,
That no amount of physical remedies,
Will ever take these thoughts of you away

No matter to which waters I may seek,
The sultry seas of the Mediterranean,
Or the holy healing powers of the Lourdes,
It presents no issue,
For there is no cure to wash astray,
Images of my dear in these upcoming days
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