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 Dec 2014 terra b
Devon Webb
We are critical.

We find flaws in
everything we see
because nobody
wants to write
about perfection,
even though sometimes
we wish we could just stay
staring into that
unblemished surface.

2. We are never satisfied.

We live our lives upon
mountains of
scrunched up
bits of refill and
ideas we gave up
trying to

3. We never forget.

We write words about
eye contact made
three months ago
that we replay over
and over in our minds
even though it
being relevant.

4. We are fickle.**

Our emotions flash
from one
to the other
like strobe lighting that
disorientates us
until we feel as if
the world
will never be still.

5. We are exposed.

We don't know how
to keep our feelings
to ourselves so
we'll write them
down for
you to find

6. We are vulnerable.

We wear our
hearts on our sleeves
and won't lift a
muscle to fight back
if somebody tries
to break it
because we thrive
from the pain.

7. We will never stop.

We will never stop
feeling and
we will never stop
we will never stop
breaking and
bleeding and
even though the cycle
is endless
and we know what's
coming next.

We are addicted
to agony,
but we agonise
for the art.
It's worth it though.
 Dec 2014 terra b
Parker Callous
I can still hear it sometimes
the sharp trill of your laugh
at something I've done or said
the giggle behind your voice
as you mock me for it.

I can still see it sometimes
the lines that form so quickly
when you smile
the light in your eyes
when I've done something sweet for you

I can still taste it sometimes
the gentle musk of your lips
barely parted against mine
the muffled breath
as you whisper tenderness

I can still feel it sometimes
the pounding of your hear
when you held me close afraid i would slip away
But i did not slip then i went
rather i was shoved
Not by pulled by some new face
not fallen out of interest
but shoved, by none other than you.

And sometimes i can feel that too.
 Dec 2014 terra b
 Dec 2014 terra b
wine for
the taste
is both
grape jelly
in a
and rock
on my new
Step off the beach
And step in to the dark, starry waters
Do you feel the cold unforgiving waves?
Still ****** after their slaughters

They reflect something so unreachable
That it becomes something beautiful
For we all want
What we can’t have
So we submerge ourselves with the galaxies
And let the cosmos steal our last bubbling breath
As we slowly sink under the waves of this world

Waiting for a celestial death

Like a heavy pair scared, aliened hearts.
Let's hope the numbing pain of heartbreak and loss
Will slowly suffocate along with us
We are being crushed
Under the pressures of perfection
Most without hope of a resurrection
This is a genocide
Of the mind
And of all those who were kind

The cold teeth of ignorance will surly **** us
Because the media sugarcoats
Because our parents don’t know how to raise us
Because we have teens slitting their throats
With the rest of us sitting here taking notes
Using their last words as quotes

They say that beauty is only as thick as the skin

Tell that to the corpses
Floating on what could have been.
Just thought I would improve my last poem.
 Dec 2014 terra b
it's a lot like standing in the rain
without an umbrella and
wondering why the ****
you didn't think it could rain.
 Dec 2014 terra b
Alan S Bailey
Your hair is like white snow, filling my field of view
With this beautiful sky of clouds over our heads,
Up and on into forever they shall climb,
Bringing our imagined dreams to life we can't forget.

You sit upon the grass, your the only thing standing
Between loneliness, I feel a stab in my throat,
Like I cannot bring to words how I feel (the "M" word)
Before you find out what I really want to know.

You see, I made this song, it's about our kingdom
About you and me, my heart dances, I want to know,
Is there any place for this song bird who's sung,
If it is caged then where do all the notes go?
 Dec 2014 terra b
Tide Islands
The glow from your cigarette
emits just enough light
to cast a shadow and illuminate your eyes.
I'm legally blind, but not blind enough
to miss the tears you attempt to hide
as you inhale.
You don't think I can see,
so you smile and attempt to control
the tremor in your voice.
I pretend not to notice,

But I know that your
father made you
cry again.

You realize that I noticed,
and yet, you don't say a thing.
We both pretend I didn't see,
even though we're both bad at pretending.
The silence envelops us,
and we refuse to say anything.
We've always used unspoken excuses
as a barrier between us,
because we aren't brave enough,
because your problems are your problems,
and mine are mine.

But I know that your
father made you
cry again.

There isn't a good enough reason why.
We don't have to have one,
and we don't look for one either.
That's just the way it's always been,
and I don't expect it to change.
Even though it probably should,
we'll continue to pretend.
So I ask for a cigarette, and it
casts a shadow and illuminates my eyes,
that aren't really that blind,

Because I know that your
father made you
cry again.

And that won't change, no matter what we pretend.
This one was written sometime in 2006.
(c) J.E. DuPont
 Dec 2014 terra b
Silent Thoughts
I don't want you to see the beauty in me
I want you to see beauty
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