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 Mar 2019 Laken Cooper
The Lenora
The rain is so gentle
The way it is hitting the roof
Yet the raindrops reach inside of me
So roughly and strong
Evoking my truths to come out
And be washed away
By none other
Than the Earth herself
written 12 March 2019
by The Lenora
All rights reserved.
 Feb 2017 Laken Cooper
Many years passed like a blur
I thought I'm over you
But why is it my heart run wild
whenever i get a glimpse of you
I wish you knew how afraid I am you might hear it beating
I wish you knew how hard it is for me not to tell you this
Why do you keep messing with my head?
Why do you have to keep me up all night?
And bother me even when I'm sleeping
But every time I think of it
All of it lead to the same conclusion
It's hard but I have to accept it
I have to move on
But every time I take a step forward
I still came back to the same spot
Even though I keep telling myself that you'll never like me
No, not again
But why am I still stuck?
Why do I feel the urge of taking care of you?
I want to hug you
So tight it will be harder for you to breathe
I want to make you feel that theres no need to feel alone, to feel empty
I want to pat your head while caressing your hair
To remind you how worthy you are to me and that you should never looked down to yourself
If you could only see how high I think of you
But I guess I can't do that
I have no right to do that
Then that just leaves me with one thing to do, to wish.
To wish that someone would do that for you
Someone who will make you feel whole
Someone who will make you smile
And someone who will wipe your worries and tears away
All I wish is for you to be happy
To the point where you won't need alcohol and nicotine to fill the emptiness
Could you atleast do that for me?
You owe me that for all the pain you've caused me haha kidding
But seriously I don't regret any of it
You know what there's a saying,
"No one could ever avoid pain, for it demands to be felt"
But I also believe that you can choose who will cause you that pain
And if that person is worth the suffering
I already said it but i will say it again
So could you be healthy and happy?
Annyeonghi gyeseyo
'twas soon to summer
a message came about midnight
my heart skips a beat
and made a response instantly
what have gotten into you
that made you do the things you're doing
can't decipher, it's out of the blue
but i love it the way you just do

consecutive, almost sleepless nights
randomly throwing questions
partly answering honestly
no, not yet, it's too early
to answer such questions out of your curiosity
but why me

we're talking about our personal lives
and not just simply about books and grades we strive
you talk about things we've never discussed before
you're too vivid and rigid and plain
you have gotten ill, expressive, but you can't explain
the real reason you felt that way towards her
you said the wrong is in you and not in her
you said that you don't wanna see her cry
but you're weak on your own and can't deny
that you almost want to end or just fly
you almost made a decision, you ugly buddy

scream, yell, be loud, rejoice
he's confused, he's out of his mind, he's talking to you
he put his trust in you
with that, i almost forget that you're not free
unlike me
weep, comfort him, and be next to him
he's serious, he's suffering
and he needed me, to help him decide
and i'm the stupid one
the most stupid person ever

the next day you're just fine and both of you we're fine
and told me that you're back to the old you
that it's not bothering you anymore
and i felt a drop in my cheeks
and i felt my whole world freeze
and i felt myself no more
i felt myself, wait, where's myself?
i can't find it anymore.
 Mar 2016 Laken Cooper
 Mar 2016 Laken Cooper
Every minute of my life I made myself believe that I am strong.
That I can do anything
That no one will have the pleasure to see me cry
But I was wrong

I shut myself from everyone
Because I thought it's better to be alone rather than to have someone who will just make me cry
But you know what's more painful?

It is to let someone go
Despite how much he begged to stay
Because you thought you're strong
Strong enough not to need anyone

And now that you see him again
He's not the same anymore
He's not the boy who can't last a day without you
The boy who promised to give you even the stars
The boy whose eyes belonged only to you
But now everything has changed

And you'll realize how stupid you are
So stupid to lose him when all you've
wanted was to make him stay
So stupid to think that you're strong when the truth is you're very scared
And now it's too late
too late..
 Mar 2016 Laken Cooper
i don't really know.
it's just that,
you plant a garden in my heart
and grow tulips.
you write a children's book in my mind
and read it to me until i fall asleep.
you are the windows rolled down
and new music.
you are fresh linen
and clean hair.

i must describe you so ordinarily
so the earth won't feel so bad about itself.
but it should feel honored
to hold something as special as you.

loudest cry for help
screamed for you to notice me
nothing, still in love
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