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Kairi Apr 2021
Peace hides in a bustling place ...
Kairi Apr 2021
She is like a Beethoven's symphony.
More you try to hold on to , more free you will feel ...
Kairi Mar 2021
It's too deep to show your scars....
Kairi Mar 2021
Not everyone asks for roses
Nor she asked to pluck the stars
What made her beautiful
He fell in love with those scars...
Kairi Mar 2021
It's the same sky ,
yet a different feeling.
Don't know it's just her
or even the sky needs healing...
Kairi Mar 2021
I winked or they twinkled
To love or be loved, which one you rather
We were limitless within the limits
Embracing one another ...
Kairi Mar 2021
While everyone enjoys my shallow , a few go deeper...
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