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PFL Jun 2016
Someplace between
sky and ground
Clouds rage.
Betwixt moments
Notions and thought,
We too, rampage.
Both unaware from whence either came.

Somewhere from nowhere
They appeared and dissipate,
These cloud’s assuage.
Somehow is to knowhow,
Fits of pique palliate.
Two storms passing, unashamed,
Somewhat into an afterthought.
PFL Jun 2016
You are Potentiality

Look longingly and deep at your gifts today
Understanding that you are so blessed
That no financial market gyration can lessen
The amount of abundance present in your life.
What you do not have, you do not need,
And what you need, you are willing to share.

Take into consideration that the only stock
You truly own is the love of yourself.
Which you express and extend freely onto all, asking nothing in return.

Today's greatest loss of potentiality lies, literally, in your hands.
We through the power of choice can used
To either lift someone up or hold them down..
PFL Jun 2016
In the valley of no ambition to possess,
Gather a conference of noblesse.
Couples there to embrace their once in a life permanence,
Atop the reflective mirror,
Thousands of creatures, jealous, are deprived the chance,
In this waterless land hides Venus’s lake.
On one leg and bended neck eminence,
Flamingo courtship:an elegant finesse.
Ballerinas dancing coupled pirouettes,
Partnered together beyond death,
Angels clad in mango pinkness, the epitome of grace.
PFL Jun 2016
Love indeed maybe suspect
For its powers of illogical persuasion
But to what force
So noble and encompassing
Would I prefer to pledge my purpose?
PFL Jun 2016
Do what you say,
Say what you mean.
Ambiguity our soul’s divinity,
Attends to the in betweens.
Looking as to see,
Where each day’s sincerity,
Accumulates within you.
Everything exist in nothing,
No thought is complete.
To find what you seek,
Lose the notion to search.
Nothing we do,
Can out-way acts of compassion.
Empathy, is to be one of humanity,
If we are to be one,
We need to cease
Speaking of two.

PFL Jun 2016
****** onto this gilded stage,
constructed upon envy, jealousy and hate.
Where past pains, for a moment, are immune and fall away.
We cannot run from, what we break, the each and everyone we betray,
Myself, you, any honor and truth, again, aware, I am of silent berate.
Vexed to explain this, to you, myself, let alone the adorning world.
  Fear churns and flags the thoughts in my head, as I unfurl
The recant, of my notions, as not one’s I’d say.
In each aftermath, my feelings awaken, hauntingly every day.
I don a mask, a guise, hoping this pain will not recognize my kind,
Do not trust me, my actions, for there is no respect I’d stand behind.
My public life, a choreography of spun lies
for the “greater good of others,” to imbue.
Trust, I have none, even as I stand on the red carpet beside you.
This life, one not deserving any award.
It’s been calculated, guarded, for I am quite weak,
Meek and vulnerable as the words written for me to say,
the coincidence holds no allure.
Just more salve to cover my emotional sores,
Toiled and blistered by the years of holding
onto these self inflicted wounds upon my soul.
Only a select few see these images of me as they unfold,
Personal scars map the non-tellings,
my legacy's truth such intricately woven deceitful tapestry
I too, do not believe, yet again, I must face,
I am not the master of another’s fathoming
the vexatious me, they soon will behold.
PFL Jun 2016
enter into the Infinite challenges of sorrows and Joys
this divine chaos: Life,
why would we desire more than this?
Transcending truth becomes Consciousness,
Creates Grace forming a Soul’s
Organic Divinity identity.
All Beings are the God presence of Life.
this Universe,so vastly undefined and impersonal,
yet so intimately known to our Divinity’s
Intentions, assigned within every detail
making every Action matter.
Exiting in and throughout the beyond.
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