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PFL Jun 2016
I am not rooted like a tree,
Yet, I too, cast shadows all around me.,
Sunbeams waltz  through my shade.
Within its chill I start to fade into ponder,
   Filled with a curious lust to wander.
Not in thoughts which  pressed pulp is written upon,
Or  with cuisines made from oiled  salads and hearts of Palm.
The sun’s ****** pushes me to uproot and go as I please,
    Each day’s truth, to follow this warmth and majesty.
Royal colored panoplies illuminate,
The sky’s wide open path on which it roams.
  Crossing borders at dawn,
Bringing to the world enlightenment’s pageantry.
   While most sleep thru the moon’s hidden release,
  Wind convinces the sea to rise,
Only to fall from the sky’s grip arbitrarily,
Quenching primal thirst to travel beyond one’s shores.
Gone from its known onto somewhere, change never ending.
  Anxiously, I stare, aware of the horizon’s beyond allure,
My prayer, for the same journeys to stop it’s pending.
  To be caressed and uplifted from the comforts of me,
Then scattered liberally back into the newness of myself.
Thoughts from a wandering palm.
PFL Jun 2016
Within a Hush

Warm blushes slant across the wall.
Sun’s first light, heavenly touching strokes splay ,
Framing silence into silhouetted moments.
PFL Jun 2016
I wish, I’d  learned infinities’ cost.
Controlling the acts stemming from my fear of loss,
Social norms that create false identities,
My self~restraint and I have yet to exchange pleasantries.
Frost of my words taint the glass of your heart’s window pane.
While I ignore your deigned mein.
Bent conversation continues to escape my mouth,
Foreshadowing their  pending drought.
They just trickle off the tip of my tongue
Racing me to the end of sentences as if such, would keep the night young.
First to complete a thought; my acts so non~vatic.
Sorry does not permit this crime
The right to be committed time after time.
Time not to be precariously lost or surrendered unto pragmatics,
Every second wasted lay vulnerable to the peccant of plausibility,
Exhausted you crush them into pieces, justifiably,
  Underfoot as you walk away from me……      PFL
PFL Jun 2016
A dew drop embraces morn's warmth
high and mighty on the outer edge of a bough
how lonesome the sound of its release set forth
from a blade of grass.
willingly, into its next chance.
Dew, taking, chances
PFL Jun 2016
Tears invited by recollection,
Brush a silhouette upon cheeks.
Moment's revisited introspection,
Complexities of the heart do not always speak.
Inner beauty’s overflowing can’t be allayed,
Life’s bittersweet, ever potently displayed.

In loving memory SB RIP 6/7/2015
PFL Jun 2016
It is never too late or too soon,
It is when it is supposed to be.
Time a measure of what you cannot get back.
Yesterday’s moments have set,
Divine order rises with each tomorrow,
Deciding the length of a day’s hours  is not ours.
Yet, we count all we have,
In cadence scheduled by chimes,
Fear of not having enough.
Before it's too late,
Or its all gone.
Absent one’s hope,
Time is a punishment.
PFL Jun 2016
I am allured, by the attractiveness of destiny’s obscurity,
Captivated am I with the immediacy of its acceptance,
Our speech, its voice,
An emanation from the in between,
Destine alchemy words to be melded with breath creating definition.
This generosity defines our relationships,
An Intimacy is always surrounded by transparency,
Listen to what another has to say
Destiny demands a witness.
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