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Even as s single man
I can't stand
Places like Twin Peaks and *******
The only woman that should make me want to peak
In public
Is my wife/girlfriend
He's thinking about other women
You're not the ocean he's swimming
But you're brimming
With perfection for me
I want to move like the tides
For you in the pitch black
Just stay on your back
And let the insecurities wash ashore
Let peace as I touch be your main focus
It's never been about my desires
But oh lord how do you sleep at night letting yourself be deprived of such a great feeling?
You'd give me that tight
Instense feeling
And I want to release it
On you and nobody else
He's browsing through the app to see what he can find
I just want to be the person who can get behind
You and make you feel at home
I want to dream and live it
Not just dream
We're apart of the same team
So let me give you effort to win a dynasty
Your highnessty
I hear what you're saying
But I'm too busy slaying
The seemingly trivial
For you to see me as a serial
Human being capable of consistency
The sheer insistency
Won't work on me
I follow the path I set
You seem to forget
Hence why you've had your experiences you've had
And why I've had mine.
Go big or go home
I dream of Rome
Forget Internet Explorer, more Google Chrome
I'm the whole package, yet they think I'm Foam
They swerve the road, hit the cones
I make one mistake, chip my bones
Then I drone
Over it
Moving onto the next big thing
I know when I make it
Because that's when the Choir sings
From the approval of others
I own this field, secretly undercover
Don't try to smuther
My potential
Chances are, you're scared of my credentials
I shoot the free throw
I'll ignore your denouncements, you already know
Who caught all those wins in a row?
Took all the losses while you complained about your bosses
This talk is preposterous
Coming in full force like a Rhinoceros
There's always a rise and fall to this
They accuse me of being a White Knight
But I'm just trying to do the right
I'm not trying to get every woman I meet under my bed sheets at night
Nothing makes less sense to me
Then the quickness to stating the term
How many times do I have to reaffirm?
Explaining myself is for the birds
I know those mindsets are absurd
I talk about love and *** a lot
Because they're both important
But don't get it curved
Don't gather the nerve
To say I only want the ***
When these kind of things get me in a vex
Love alone is the right
But it's missing the spark
It's such a simple concept but people still confuse it
I'm not going to manipulate or abuse it
White Knights help and expect something in return
I'm here to help and leave quietly
They only respect women cause they're attracted to them
I can't possibly fathom that kind of action
We're supposed to respect all kinds of people
And that's what I strive to do
I'll forever be accused of being a White Knight
Just because I have the right
But that's something I have to brush off
And let the record play out until the hate party is done and they all go home.
Let me come home
Help finish the chores
Send you to bed
So you can put on that bathrobe you like
And you can clear your head
While I finish up the work
As you get relaxed
I hope you smile with the smell of candle wax
Because this is my favorite part
Even if you don't feel good
I'll slip that bathrobe off and be as gentle as possible
Until you fall asleep
You're only feeling twenty percent but I need to give you my one hundred and twenty
Nothing would make me feel more confident
Knowing I pleased you
You're in a world of Boys and all I want to be is your Man
Sure, I always have a plan
But it would usually mean
Coming home to you and thinking of how good I can give it to you this time
I'm not a magician but I'd sure love to keep the magic going
Not the boringness the ones before gave you
But multiple sheets needing to be cleaned per week
And a quicker pile up of undergarments in the hamper
Your insecurities will try to damper
But let me show you
How my Eve should feel
When I'm in her sheets
So what you gained a little weight
It won't make a difference to me when your legs are up in the air and I'm in between there
The more of you I get to touch
The better things are
Don't worry about being fat
Because you won't be
But thicker thighs
Save lives
With deeper sighs
Of pleasure
Don't worry about the measure
I'd still be enjoying what I see
Pure as the Seven Seas
You'll always be more gorgeous then me
Never forget that
I'll still want to get you finished on surface bumpy or flat
You can teach me yoga on your yoga mat
That's how I see that
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