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May 2017 · 301
I wish I could find some poetic rhyme for you, but I can’t.The words flow, but not  this is not perfect. I feel like some cliché country song. I mean, man when your lips touch mine, it is pure ecstasy. Your kiss takes me to a completely different place. Your kiss, your touch is more addictive than anything else that can be manufactured. No drug, no amount of alcohol can make me feel the way you do. No high compares to the high I get when I just feel your presence. When you hold me in your arms, the world melts away. Your voice sooths the pain in my heart.  When I’m with you, nothing else even matters. Nothing but you my queen. You are perfect, from the way you carry yourself, to your perfect physique. You are a goddess in my eyes. I wish I could put it more in words but I really can’t. You deserve more than I could ever think of in words. No words can say how I feel about you in my heart. I’m writing this right after seeing you tonight. YOU ARE PERFECT.
Mar 2017 · 441
My story (part one)
4:00 AM
So I figured my story had to start somewhere right? Everyone has their story, the reason why they can’t keep going and mine starts tonight, or to be technically correct this morning. After almost six months clean I saw the crimson on my skin again. And now, almost four years from losing Zach I thought about it again. After loving two people I can’t bare to love someone else again. I cannot go through that feeling again of giving my life to someone just for them to leave me for the third time I cannot. So from this day on I am considering the most effective way to end things. Of course I am going to wait until I am off probation so that they cannot save me. Of course they try lol, but on probation they will have more of reason. No clue how I am going to do it yet, but I have a little over five months to plan right? I’m done. I am so ******* done with everything. After July, I will be gone. Guess I am just going to be just another statistic. Oh well. People didn’t care how they made feel so why should I care now?
Feb 2017 · 436
Isn't it astounding how often we connect to others,
Yet we spend the entirety of our lives searching for ourselves?
We can find nothing but perfection in the flaws of others
But when we look in the mirror all we find is disappointment
In others, we see the potential of success in person we barely know
Yet all our hard work seems frivolous because we are blind
We can love someone with the whole of our heart, break ourselves
For someone who wouldn't think to remember your name
How is it that our harshest of judges is ourselves,
But we forgive others without the request of an apology
When did we learn that to love ourself is to conceited?
When did we learn to be modest is to degrade ourselves?
Aug 2016 · 871
Father's Day - 6/19/16
Do I regret the night my world changed?
I guess the simple answer should be yes,
But in fact, I wish it had been my last.

Now I know what people claim.
Do you know how lucky you were?
But I do not find that night luck.

I guess in my heart I somehow knew.
I had this gut feeling something was wrong,
Yet I chose to be there anyways.
Why? You may ask, and really
I do not have answer. Or do I?

I felt myself spiraling down the rabbit hole.
Though, this is something I cannot
Fully comprehend or fathom.
For once in my life I had everything.

Success, great grades, a car
Diploma at 17, college fully paid
Finally my father cared, or did he?

I think to myself it is my self destructive
Nature. Deep down, I cannot accept love.
I know this now, for every time I get close
I find a way to sever ties.

Maybe it is from a life of deception,
Manipulation, abuse, fear, loneliness,
Abandonment or was it the lies?

Was it the constant promises, promises
I knew deep down were bottomless pits.
I used to believe I was strong, but I learned
Pain changes people. It has a way of altering
People into the very person they swore
They would never become. I became my own fear.

Now all I can think about is the bliss.
I beg for the bliss I felt that night.
The same bliss that came with a screech.

I can’t remember the incident,
But I still feel it deep in my bones.
I feel the rattle inside my head,
I hear the shouts from people all around.
There’s this faint sound of metal crashing around me.

It’s pitch black but I smell something terrible.
Burnt rubber, smoke, no something else?
My head is pounding but I’m numb.

All around people are urging me not to move.
My vision is blurred, there’s broken glass.
I can’t moved, I can’t breathe, unable to think.
To my side, I see my airbag deployed, yet I
Still can’t comprehend what has happened.

This all just feels like one of my nightmares.
I think to myself, any moment I will wake up.
My door won’t open, why won’t it open?
Dizziness engulfs me and blackness consumes me.

I awake to bright lights, but I can’t hear.
Hands hold me down, but who are these people?
I look at my leg wrapped in a makeshift cardboard cast.
I try to move it, I tear at the tape, but I’m detained.

Panic seeps in, was I in a crash. My breaths come
More and more shallow. Waves of pain crash against me,
Suddenly I drowning in what ifs and confusion.
Did I **** someone? What have I done?

It was in this moment I took my last breath. I hear
Beeping around me, as my vision starts to blur.
There’s panic in the voices of each EMT. There’s pain
In my chest but I don’t fight it. I accept it with open arms.
The pain turns into a rush of relief throughout my veins.
Soon my vision fades, along with the voices of the people
Around me. Then everything is silent and I am at peace.

Now I think to myself, why didn't they leave me be.
Why couldn't I forever feel the bliss of that night?
Why did I have to wake up, why can’t I go back?
So in a sense, no I do not regret this Father’s Day.
This is the first thing I have written in almost two years. It is free verse to express how I truly felt.
Dec 2014 · 604
Her heart beats the bass drum of her symphony mind.
Her poet soul writes ballets of her reluctant spirit.
Her delicate body is inched in mithril chain works,
Never ceasing to save her from danger; herself.
Artwork covers her remote vessel, maps guiding along.
Telling wicked stories with beautiful silk advocacies,
Carefully constructed of pearly whites,
Rose pinks, plum purples and crimson reds.
She's up in her tower, guarded by bitterness and pain.
Her secluded wonderland is unseen by most eyes.
Yet those who bare the trouble of the journey,
Will arrive forever unchanged with awe and sadness
In their hearts. As for the girl who the world blindly oversees,
She steals the breath of the ones who hold her dear.
Nov 2014 · 677
Nothing but Trouble
I’ve come to believe I’m not the person I once thought I was
I never understood how you could treat me so harsh,
Then again everyone does
I’m the person everyone turns to when they to put the blame
And if all that everyone says is true, I’m better off without this world,
And the world without me
She’s just getting better; she doesn’t need you to ruin everything
Only after talking to you does he go do crack, cuts himself, or goes off drinking
It’s best he never talks to you, and we’ll make sure that happens
Everyone has better things to do than to worry about your petty problems,
The world will still turn without you

What are you going to do? **** yourself
You’re just going to ruin tonight, like you ruined your mom’s life
I have to be high just to be around you
Maybe I’d still love you
She was always better than you
You’re too ****** up, nobody will ever love you
This only happens when you’re around
You’re stupid, how could you be so ******* stupid!
You make everything about you
You will get far less in life than you think you will
You just being there makes things worse
Maybe you shouldn’t have been such a *****
Everything that happened was because of you
You’re so disgusting
"If you're going to **** yourself, get it right the first time,
Don't leave me the pain of you failing
If all that they say is true, then maybe it’s time to say goodbye..
Sep 2014 · 721
The familiarities that were once comforting
Have now become tear stained nightmares.
The anticipation of a new master piece-
One that brought the promise of change
And through magic became strokes
Of color-changing beauty, has now
Become dread and guilt.
The mirror cannot reflect the memories
Etched into crystalized eyes.
It cannot show the inner bruising,
From self-mutilation. It cannot show
The web work of past words that
Constrict the heart, barely holding
Together what was already broken.
The instability in a voice is ignored,
While time still continues all around.
One single moment can be sent into
Devastation while the earth doesn’t
Blink so much as an acknowledgment.
The smell of a crimson blade, should
Not be easily understood. The accusations
Should never have been, should never
Have become reality. If love is present,
Then these familiarities should be absent.
Sep 2014 · 643
I’m exhausted from all the pressure
Why even bother if I’ll never succeed
I’ve begun to realize that I’ll never
Be able to quench the world’s selfish greed
All the past negativity used to be my motivator
But lately it’s become more of an anchor

My best is never enough, it’s quite onerous
Even taking a breath seems nodulous

If I could change one thing
I’d have listened to the adults
And I would now believe
To hate growing old

I’d go back to a happier time
Call it happy if you may

I’d go back to a life of deception
Before I realized the lack of affection
A time before life’s lies were clear
Before I hated the silhouette of the mirror

I’d go back to my days of innocence
Where there wasn’t a care to be felt
I’d ignore the hate of others
And undo the acknowledgment of individuals
I would hate myself less
And I wouldn’t be afraid to be heard

I’d teach my younger self the world is cruel
And I’d realize nothing lasts forever
I’d had rid myself of nights filled will ghouls
And today would be easier had I discovered

Life gets better, as people always quoted
But one thing was never noted
Things get better, but they can also get worse
Nothing lasts forever is a statement obverse

But I do not have the soul power
To change what can’t be undone
So I’ll live with the memories
To learn from my mistakes,
And try to better myself
And my future
Aug 2014 · 523
First Day
Astounding how a crowded hallway can be so lonesome
Oddly everyone once known, merely seem to be strangers
Social anxiety being an obstacle difficult to overcome
Drowning in the ocean of cowardly, ceaseless faces
Jun 2014 · 2.3k
What has happened to today's society
Everything to be seen is sickening
Hardly anyone is true to their word
And friendship is considered absurd
They're suppose to be there through thick and thin
But all is thrown away when shown a little skin
Where exposing bodies has been revered
And it's morally acceptable to play smear the queer
Seemingly betrayal is accepted more and more
A grand fest of backstabbing galore
It's better to be alone, where there's no deception
Where truth can be found in a simple reflection

But the truth in others is as fake as can be
Because the only truth is that there are only lies in this reality
No one truly can appreciate all that is done
Unless they're being mistreated; it is no longer fun
Suppose friends lurk in the shadows plotting a sinister deed
Implanting it unknowingly in our minds growing from an evil seed
Many are trapped here wondering who to trust and who to not
Getting lost in this ever lasting thought
Spit in the face by an enemy or stabbed in the back by a friend
Who should be trusted; what differences does it make in the end
May 2014 · 441
She was the most beautiful of poets
But the words lay trapped in her head
Occasionally out her thoughts would slip
In characters of crimson red
She used a different type of pen
With an awe of color-changing ink
That run across her papers and canvases
Exhibiting a surprise of purples, whites, and pinks
It's an art that follows her six feet under
For it is in-perservable
But her art work will always be remembered
For being ever so colorful
May 2014 · 471
I'm not really sure of where I stand
Of my importance of who I am
Everything has been ever so really
Hopeless and dreary
A land of wasted effort
With all my hopeless endeavors
I am aware my mind is corrupted
And know my very existence is destructive
Not only to myslef, but to those in which I care
Bringing an atmosphere of despair
Although I have sorrows of my own
You are easily decieved by the mask I've shown
I'm aware of you're sincere unhappiness
I can feel pain with each needing kiss
Though you believe that my eyes are decieved
My love you are wrong
I see every wince of pain, and my heart urns with guilt
For the very destiny I partook and have built
I know there is not much I can do for you now
So I figured at least give my best and love with a vow
I know there is pain far beyond my compensation
But you cannot be driven by self-mutilation
I guess you will believe I am too blind see
But my love it hurts to know what I've done
So I'm sorry I cannot be the very best of the best
But I will give you all of me, at least what is left
In hope that you live your life, whether short or long,
Full of love and affection, for as long as you hold on
Now I cannot will you stay for that is selfish
I just hope in the fure you won't feel so helpless
May 2014 · 1.7k
Such an inconsiderate little *****
Go ahead, dress as provocative as wish
You only give a **** about your ***** ***
Manifesting absolutely no class
You're nothing but  useless-****
Who gives nearly no *****
About any other individual
Or how they even feel
Maybe try thinking about everyone else
Instead of your ***** *** **self
May 2014 · 517
As a young child, I lived in fear
Fear of the unknown, the chaotic
My mind perceived shadows
As monsters of my subconscious
The creaks of the house settling
Rustling in the bushes
Rose thorns scratching
Against the window
Like little gremlins whispering
"Let me in, let me in!"
Even the pitter patter of rain
Was like the cries of the
Abandoned children clawing
The house, tearing it apart,
Almost as if their small,
Calloced fingers ripped
Apart my mind, drowning me
In guilt, the dirt of my short but
Horrid past under their fingernails
The same nails that tear through
My skin as their fingers wrap around
My throat, leaving me gasping for a breath
Allowing me just enough air to wallow over
My own demons and dread the future
But then something clicked in my mind
I no longer feared the gremlins
Or abandoned children
I acceptthem with open arms,
Listening to their tales of terror,
And discover I, too,was just like them
Apr 2014 · 589
Every girl who has had a match up with sue
Wonders who will ever love her, she has not a clue
Somewhere on her beautiful canvas of a skin
Lies tainted artwork; to explain one cannot begin
Scars inch her body, whether visible or not
They are reminders of a darker time, a time she has not forgot
Trailing along, like a road map of misery
Some say they are disastrous, while to others they are beauty
She asks herself, questions others
"I'm covered in scars of sadness and regret
Leaving memories I can never forget
So why would any guy choose to love me
When on my horrid body scars are all he'll see"
Everyone told her she'll find the right one
Who'll understand and cherish her with love
Until one day she found a subdue boy in school
He was an outcast boy, who nobody knew
She took the chance and said hello
Never knowing this was her perfect fellow
One night she asked him her question
And he replied
"I asked myself that very same question
And then I met you, and all your perfections
Not one part of you is flawed
Even with anxious marauds
Let my tell you this my little angel
The only person who can love such a devine creature as you
Is someone who's pain similar to yours they have accrued
It takes two broken individuals, to make each other whole
Takes each others stitches to mend one soul"
And with that said he pulled up his sleeves
Showed her his scars, and with that she finally believed
Mar 2014 · 357
Imagine a you, that wasn't really you
Trapped in prison of flesh, if you only knew
You wonder why I tear up my precious skin
I'm caught up in a ceaseless war that I can't win
When all my life not one decision was mine
And when I was lost I had to pretend I was fine
I grew up without love, in a home of lies
Being the child who at two stays up and cries

You wonder why I flinch at the slightest movement
All I know is hesitation and resentment
How do I live knowing I'm a worthless mistake
When the world turns it's back and spit in my face
How do you expect me to be your perfect little girl
When all you manage to do is **** me over

I'm tired of being the world's idea of me
This is my life it's time I be my own emcee
Call me what you wish, and call me what you may
All that matters is who I really am at the end of the day
Mar 2014 · 913
Bro ken
Can you honestly look them in the eyes?
And say that you don't see pain hidden inside.
Glass has been shattered from previous years before
Hearts torn apart, left with nothing more

Falling down stairs and broken bones
Being afraid 'cause they're  alone
Building their barriers for you to tear them down

But look them in the eyes and tell them it'll be alright
You don't have to know the unexplained to care
They won't be forgotten anymore

They're so ashamed even though they couldn't help it
They blamed themselves said they weren't worth it
But who are you to know what happened
Who are you to say it was nothing

Take their hand show them love
Make them understand they're worth something

Look them in the eyes
And tell them it'll be alright
Tell them that you care
Even if you don't know
The unexplained
They won't be forgotten

They’ve been through so much more
Then you could even imagine
More than their hearts will tell
More than what is in their eyes
More than all those nights
They cried themselves to sleep
But they’re not broken

Look them in the eyes tell them it'll be alright
They won't be forgotten
Feb 2014 · 690
[enter name here]
Isn't it funny how others are quick to judgment
And ignore others without a sense of acknowledgment
Some are  broken, while some hold the pieces together
But just because some can appear balanced
Doesn't mean that they are any better

You are the morning to a dark night,
Giving me hope, when I lose sight
You are the lesson of patience,
You have taught me pure dedication

You have loved me when I could not love myself
You broke down my walls when all else failed
Although you may have doubts of your own
Know you will never face them alone

Just as you have shown me to love living
And given me a reason to keep believing
I will be there if you ever lose it all
To be your base, when you start to fall

Just as you have told me, it's okay to not be okay
I will be here if your mind ever wanders astray
Just as you have been a friend to me
I will be the same for you

I wish you well, and much love,
on your birthday,
kisses and hugs.
My best firends birthday is coming up and I decided to write her something, I figured it's more meaningful than anthing that can be bought.
Feb 2014 · 930
Demons Inside
Aggravating ways; selfish means
So beguiling that childish fiend
A ****** war, no one sees
Evil villian from far beneath
Manufacturing wounds, ripping flesh
Just to prove who's the best
A soul swimming in a crimson pool
Controling the body; taking rule
A calming anidote, the music plays
Claiming no one's perfect, ha! so cliche
Searching for the lost soul under your bed,
There's no monsters, so our parents said
Some find monsters in their mirror
Watching there makeup slowly smear
Others find them in their surpressed memories
The slight releif released by their screams
Maybe it's been quite a while
Since you've seen  her beautiful smile
Maybe a few years have passed
Before someone wondered, before they asked
But under his sleeves lie his scars
They give proof of his pain, beautiful is what they are
Both she and him are self conscious about their weight
Both of them live in fear, live in hate
Maybe some haven't seen  a mosnter inside their closet
But felt demons demolishing what's left
It'll fumbles around inside their chest
Some people you just  wouldn't expect
Because maybe their wrists have already been checked
But did you ever think maybe her demons are smarter than you
Have you ever felt there presence, then you'd know they're cruel
And what if  he were to drag a blade across his wrists
Or maybe his thighs, he only does it to know he exists
As her barriers build higher, and cloud up her eyes
The wounds get deeper, the blood flowing onto her thighs
How do you expect  flames to bring him pain
When he's living in hell, a blazing shame
Throughout the day, they'll hide the pain away
It'll seem like everytings fine, like it's okay
Don't be swindled, don't be be a fool
One day you might meet this monster too
My bestfriend's wish was for me to always write, no matter what, he was taken from me, and I don't know whether he's okay or not, but still I must go on, not for myself, but for him, there's days I want to crawl in a ball and die, still I write. I have to, it's the only way I can still feel him here, is through words
Feb 2014 · 426
Caught between being loved and being hated
Border-lining being needed and being blamed
Losing trust with each treacherous moment
Who to trust, who is lying, who is dying...
Who will live to see another day
Who can really stay away
The real question is,
Is love stronger with each breath
Or everlasting in death
Feb 2014 · 416
You were there in my dreams last night
You were the cold chill I couldn't shake
You were the blood dripping down my arms
You smiled back from the depths of that crimson pool
You taught one thing and one thing only
You are these suicidal thoughts planted in my head
You ripped my innocence, at least the last of it
You degraded any sense of security I had left
You altered my mind into a complete and utter wasteland
All for what? Just to use me as your muse, to have
I want to scream at the top of my lungs
This secret is tearing my soul apart
Embedded in the bottom of my heart
A nightmare tattooed in translucent ink
Appearing more often, with every dream.
Still, not a soul should suffer, for my ignorance
My vulnerability was mistaken for innocence
I still feel his breath rushing down my neck
I still feel his toxic touch when I rest
I pleaded with God, prayed to the stars
That slowly illuminated the darkness of the night
But could not illuminate the pain from my eyes
The fight was tiring, the bruises healed
The words he spoke made time stand still
It was unreastic, it happened again
I couldnt admit though, I was too ashamed
I remember the alarm, with almost a sigh of relief
Thinking it'd be my savor, a savor to the weak
Yet the nightamre continued until he was through
No one knows the story the burdens my life
I'll carry it with me 6 feet down in my grave
Feb 2014 · 862
My Heros
They are more than guys who cover themselves
In numerous tattoos. The screaming you call "Devil's music"
I call it clarity. Their music was there
When everyone else failed. They proved life is worth living,
They save lives. Their lyrics have meaning,
They prove diversity can't hold us down.
They are the guidance of the lost.
They are the light in a dark tunnel.
You call their music screaming and emo, I call it
Jan 2014 · 469
So your drug days are over
But that doesn't you a better father
So you put down the bottle
You'll never be my role model
Your promises are still empty
Everything you say I just can't believe
You still walked out on us
On the ones you swore you loved

This pain is to much to bare
All because you didn't care
For me
Father why didn't you love me!

Why wasn't I enough for you
Why couldn't you love us
Why did you have leave
Was I just too much
Jan 2014 · 939
Why would our children be the things we are not? The world around us cannot be changed with a simple thought. It is your duty to be a soldier or die if you have not fought. Now if you're like me, you're sick of this lie people have bought. But the people who sold it to us, are the ones who should be blamed. Blame your enemy; blame your sister. Either way, it's the same. Because times are changing; our whole world can be seen re-arranging. To fit the fragile pieces that they say can stop me from ragging. But I'm still writing on this page; nothing is getting better. Right now, I'm just looking for something to make me feel as light as a feather. Some escape from this modern world that has been plagued. Drugs, ****, Wars, and everything that can be seen that isn't staged. People say they listen to the facts. Then close their eyes all the same. But when you close them you are blind. Then your mind can be tamed. This is a world where civil rights are seen as less important than one's own religion. Where being bullied for what you think is fine. But you don't see them as your brethren, you don't see them as your friends. When really they are your very own family. Conversations with peers, saying, "Doing this will bring out the man in me." So you push him to the floor, and he is crying while you shout. But is this the path of your Jesus Christ? If so, count me out.

Your savior stood for compassion. Accepting those for how they were. Your God created you to love everyone. Gay. Straight. Him or Her. Everyone I speak with nowadays cites scriptures. But they won't discuss. Even the Devil can cite scriptures if he must for his own purpose. Your savior stood for compassion. Accepting those for how they were. Your God created you to love everyone. Gay. Straight. Him or Her. Don't start thinking I'm against the idea of a god above. I'm more against the idea of caring for some, and for others no love. I'm more against the idea of real hate. Because of how I look, how I talk or how I act. How I think, or what I believe in your sacred book.  Maybe I too can be judgmental. And maybe in your eyes I show signs of being insane. I promise you now, I'm not the only one who gets wet when you see the sky rain. So maybe we could put aside the fact that you and I have separate ideas. But I will not sit back and watch you do this to my peers. So if you cannot change the way you think or at least the way you act, I don't believe you have a part in my life. That statement is a fact. Equality is a right everyone deserves just as much as you do. Freedom is a basic need, and love is something we should all do. If someone doesn't see that, then that someone doesn't see. If someone doesn't need that, then that someone doesn't need. Now these are just some words on paper. Maybe they describe how you feel. But they cannot change your life. That's done by your very own free will. The world is changing rapidly, and it's time you catch up to it. It's not my job to make you start. But it is to make you realize this. Think of the people you call friends. Whom you help when they need. Thinking they ask out of pure helplessness. And not asking with only greed. But do you agree to do what they need you to do? Until everything is done. And once you give them what the need. The same people leave you with... None. (MikelWJ)
Jan 2014 · 487
When I was younger,
Nothing seemed to turn out right
All because, you
Up and walked out of my life
You had problems
To work out on your own
While I was stuck
In a broken home

Out there all alone
Heart fully torn
From the one
Who didn't love me

You only taught me
How to handle heart break
And stuck me in this
Hell I can't escape
So thank you
For the abandonment
Of the young and innocent
Jan 2014 · 900
Daily Nightmares
I stare at the clock, waiting with anticipation
I wait for the bell to ring at exactly 45 after
Wondering from class to class,
Like a life-less zombie going with the moment
These recent wounds are hard to hide
But the pain is more difficult to contain
Sometimes people brush against my burns
Others firmly grasping my arm.
I grit my teeth and try not to cry
I don't want these strangers asking why
Some find out and pull up my sleeves
Stare at my scars with tears in their eyes
Again they'll wonder, and ask why
I've begun to keep to myself
And not worry about anyone else
I'll just wait this nightmare through
Until I can be somebody new
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
You're a just a pathetic little weakingling that nobody will ever love.
Your own father rejected you because he knew what was to come.
You can't stay in sports, you give up on your talents.
You waste your good looks, and you're all out of balance.
You disappoint your family, hell, you were a worthless mistake.
Yeah, go ahead, pick up the bottle, you always seem to break.
You can't keep it together, and you're a failure at life.
You bargin everynight with the same, dull knife.
You think god isn't real, hah, he is, he just has better things to do.
Than to try and love a miserable **** up like you.
You couldn't even hide those petty little scars.
And now the world can see what waste you are.
You hurt your mother; you make her cry.
Yet you have the audacity to wonder why.
Look at yourself, you're a wreck, you're a mess.
All you bring others is worry and stress.
So go ahead do the world a favour.
Don't even bother with the pencil and paper.
Forget the blades, and forget the pills, just get it right.
Grab the gun and you can end it all tonight*.

The voices told her this everynight.
She was giving up; she didn't want to fight.
Society altered her beautiful mind.
And a dead body is all you'll find.
No one understands, why she ended her life.
All people can do is mourn; cry; wonder why.
She was beauty, she was a wonder.
Then her scars were well discovered.
They spoke a story, loud and clear.
As if she herself whispered the answers in their ears.
She locked herself up to fight a battle alone.
A battle that she could have easily won.
She pushed there love away, for the fear of rejection.
While spiraling into a manic depression.
Fear in her eyes that nobody saw.
Now everyone looks and wonders with awe.
All that's left is to say goodbye.
An angle is born, and the demons died.
Jan 2014 · 846
Your mind is a wasteland; desolate
But this hell you live in is indefinite.
You believe you are worthless.
But my dear, your life is precious.
You've made a promise to try to recover,
Yet you still dream of pulling the trigger.
Your thoughts get the best of you, and the shots begin.
One shot, two shots, three shots, four, still you dream of the end.
A blade used to be your only companion,
A friend you've long ago abandoned.
The red painted across your canvas of skin,
Wasn't enough to bring the thougths to an end.
Going from a blade, to a gun, to a bottle of jack,
Soon to ****, then drugs, you can't turn back.
You couldn't imagine your life would turn out like this.
You probably believe you're one ****** up mess.
Darling it's okay to admit you're shattered.
But you need to realize you actually matter.
So try to believe me, when I say you are loved.
You are my whole world, and if push comes to shove.
I'd give up eveything, to prove you're of value,
And to heal your pain.
But for now, do me favor, try to remain.
Jan 2014 · 804
My life swirls like a massive storm all around
Happiness being the eye of the hurricane
Waves of depression crash down on my heart
Dysphoria strikes a fire in my soul
Destroying the stitches that keep me whole
But I realize, a Phoenix must burn to be reborn
A fire must ablaze for the new to grow
Weakness is eliminated, and strength is manufactured
Life mimicking like a puddle's reflection
A drop in the water, enough for a small alteration
And that small alteration makes life worth living
I wake up and thank the heavens, that small alteration wakes me up
And greets me with the gift of breath, and the warmth of the sun
I was inspiring to write this because I realized this moment life can't be taken for granite
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Goodbye Dear Friend
Things have been relatively fair
With the sweet kiss of October's air
Shedding bracelets, now longer sleeves
And of course a smile that everyone believes
Quite factually he's manged to fool himself
Bittling his emotions, hiding them on a shelf
And he's found a girl who might actually stay
Until he thinks, what a lovve story cliche
He's happy, truly happy, so he thinks
But then he realize's he's back on the brink
Slowly bordering relapse and recovery
Without any help from social anxiety
He's capable of laughing at simple jokes
But he fears someday he'll be a hoax
He's the guy girls all adore
Yet he believes he's someone they'll deplore
Pushed people awqay, has yet one friend
Slipping back to old ways, alcohol requisite
Knuckles bruised, self petulant
Tear stained face, whiskey on his breathe
Each shot represents a friend who left
He writes his goodbye letter and crumbles it up
He feels even worse, he's low on luck
And thing is no one knows what's truly happening
Unable to see his mutilating agony
His cries were silent whispers; unheard
No one knew, he never said a word
Till everyone woke up and he was gone
No one knew who did him wrong
Used his blade to create an allegory
And the scars fit together to tell his story
This is dedicated to my best friend who recently attempted suicide on his birthday, He's okay now, thank the heavens. He's so wonderful and I feel this expresses him excellently
she was two years old and sister wasn't home
she sat there; she was alone
mom and dad were arguing and she didn't understand
mom had finally had enough, and

Daddy couldn't put away his needles
He knew he was ******* up his baby girl's life
He didn't care, he knew it was illegal
And often times left for nights upon nights

sometimes sister came home for a while
and she finally knew what it was like to smile
but her aunt up and  packed
just to take dear sister back
When sister had left, she did her best
to love daddy, but daddy didn't love her

Then she found herself in a strange home
full of little children, she didn't belong
she cried for mama, and loathed daddy
he was hurting her, didn't he  see?

3 years old and she didn't know who daddy was
3 years old and mama was never around
she didn't know where she was all because
daddy didn't love his little girl

People asked her many questions, she never spoke.
Rarely mama was around; she was left alone to cope
With the pain of abandonment, and rejection
Soon to play a factor in her manic depression

Finally mama got her life on track
But daddy didn't want his little girl back
She always saw daddy with sister
but he couldn't call; he didn't miss her

When she returned, daddy disappeared
She cried herself to sleep , but mama couldn't hear
See daddy made promises he couldn't keep
Took sister places but to her he was cheap

For days she waited for sister but soon lost hope
How could mama know she felt so alone
She just assumed she did something wrong
She blamed herself for far too long

She was so confused; she was so scared
Little did she know the pain would be to much to bare
Mama had no job, no money
And just had to tell her so bluntly

Mama soon took her out of that world
Shaken up, a new fragile litte girl
She was told it was different now
But the little girl wondered how

Little did mama know, the worst wasn't over
For their problems had just begun
But in that moment, she believed
Her baby girl was safe, and loved

Never would she of guessed daddy would come back
Never would she of guessed the past would have a big impact
Never would she of believed her baby, would starve, burn and cut
All because daddy didn't love his little girl
Perspiration accumulates into salty beads,
Falling into her eyes, eyes that have lost their gleam.
We’ve been trapped like savaged animals for three agonizing nights.
Diminutive apertures in this death box supply minimal light.
The screech of the rails are a bittersweet melody to our ears.
For we only know what these horrific monsters have taught. Fear.

As the door slams open, I’m pried from my wife.
I wonder if this will be the last moment I see her smile.
My people are marked with terror and pain.
I realized were barricaded in with barbed wire chains.
My subverted clothes reek of secretion.
This camp is untrustworthy, raising apprehension.

They claim we are not human.
But I ask, do we not bleed, when we are injured?
Do we not dream blissful thoughts?
Do we not pray to the same God?
The same God that punishes the innocent;
Bringing blithe to those sinners that shed blood.

When we lose our cherished, our loved ones,
Do we not shed tears? Do we not mourn?
No! We must not, for we are not human,
According to what the Nazis see.

We are the innocent, robbed of life.
They are the monsters who roam free.
At least, that’s what I see.

I see men, women, and children stripped of clothing,
Stripped of dignity, stripped of all things humane.
While these barbaric monstrosities make allegations.
Claiming they are purifying society, when they are to blame.
Men lose wives; children lose mothers.
Families are torn apart; sisters lose brothers.

Those of us who survive, work until brittle.
Still we carry on, if our minds are able.
Backs of men are scarred from arduous lashes.
While the sick are trapped in rooms imbued with gases.
My hands are enveloped with calicoes and cuts.
My mind grows weary, I dream an ending abrupt.

I’m crippled with anger, and tears that still drip sore.
My heart crescendos with pain, about to implode.
It’s difficult to refuse the tears when I hear the desolate screams.
I’m trapped in a perpetual nightmare, a ceaseless dream.
Still I carry on in life, for that is the greatest revenge.
The day we feel the kiss of freedom, will be the day we have avenged.

— The End —