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 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
Your front doormat said welcome,
your expression said get lost!
 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
I send my hopes
and universal powers above
hoping you feel
nothing but
the eternal forces of love.

That your tired soul
may rest,
for its eternal age
letting all past pain
of long gone days
fade away.

For every soul that met yours,
and looked eye to eye
opened their souls
and spilled their guts
when they found out you died.

And I,
distant as I seem
hope that somewhere,  somehow
you are following
your dreams.

May his young soul rest in peace
One of my childhood elementary friends (a boy who used to tease me over my curly hair actually) just died today of a drug overdose.
It just so happens, that I saw him by mere coincidence yesterday walking down the street. Mere hours later he would be dead.
Never to ever accidentally encounter that soul again
life is so very very fragile
Hoping, dreaming,
Wishing, praying,
Fasting, petitioning,
Crying, weeping.

A hundred days,

Hoping we could once more see your face,
As impossible as it sounds,
Dreaming, that someone, somewhere, some place,
Finally finds you, and that you're at last home bound.

A hundred days,
Of excruciating pain.

Wishing against the logic of the world,
That you're still fine, and you'll fall into my arms once again,
Praying to God, gods, goddesses, deities of the world,
That even if you're not lost forever, you're still okay, not in pain.

A hundred days,
Of sleeplessness.

Fasting, maybe not because we believe it'll help,
But food does not replenish anymore,
Petitioning to the saints above,
To ask the angels to hold you, forevermore.

A hundred days,
Of yearning.

Crying for that solace only closure brings,
That somehow its not a conspiracy and that the truth is revealed.
Weeping for every single person, every heartbroken family,
Who's dreams and aspirations lay now buried, concealed.

A hundred days,
Of timeless sadness.

They say time heals,
The say it will get better,
But nothing can better what we feel,
Not even time.

A hundred days,
Without conclusion.
A tribute to the passengers and families of the passengers of the missing plane, MH370. The 15th of June marks the 100th day when the plane was lost from radar, painfully coinciding with Father's Day. To all children who have lost their fathers, and fathers who have lost their children, our deepest condolences. Nothing could ever take away the pain, but reassurance that the plane is finally found, crashed or landed. Something. anything, just news that could bring closure.
 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
Ryan Jakes
My love for you grows daily
You with your words that cut
like straight edged razors
You with your poems that speak of love
You with your constant melancholy drip
You with your stories of life
I read your heart
I drink your tears
I am consumed by you.
 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
Take the precious pen
and tuck it safely away
the words are not here
the ink will not speak today

Straighten the stark parchment
and push it to one side
the words will not appear
they remain hidden somewhere inside

Push my dutiful desk
far away from the window
the words do not need a place
when there are none to show

Store away my chair
make use of it elsewhere
the words have disappeared
and I have none left to share

Take me from this room
a quiet place no longer in need
the words are now so still
perhaps it is I they'll no longer feed
I wrote this a while ago and fortunately I am not without words,  for now anyway.
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