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 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
How is it that
When someone you love hurts you,
You don't and you can't hurt them back,
Cause you love  them too much?
It's just unfair ..
 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
it's hard to think of
your own faults
when others
have larger ones.

it's hard to pray
for yourself
when someone needs
it more.

this week i realized,
that when i am depressed,
other people bring out
my grace.
sorry i havent posted in a while i have lost my ability to poetry
 Jun 2014 Patricia Vaz
She was always happy
She never complained
She always had a smile on her face
She made others around her happy
So how could you be on the phone
With Me now
Telling me she took her own life
How can you tell me
She's gone
Just yesterday she was
Laughing like there was no tomorrow
Just hours ago she was happy
Was she ?
I never asked
It never even crossed my mind
And now it's too late
Let me ask you
*Are you okay ?
Your whisper lingers my love,
In my ears, my mind, my heart,
I hear you through the trees above,
From that voice my soul will never part.

I feel that touch of your lips,
That exhilarating kiss.
All it took was a gentle breeze,
To carry my mind away from this restless peace.

I smile, as your fingers blow through my hair,
Like a lover you caress my head,
And without reserve, I fall into your care,
You who seemed not there.

Whispers, whispers!
Kisses, touches!
Why gift me with your presence,
And leave as I fall in love?
Why breathe upon me your love,
And then take your place in the skies above?

Why lift me into the skies,
With your soft fingers,
And then… and then leave me,
Hurtling down, your howl still ringing in my ears?

And yet my soul still longs for you,
All of you.
Your silky breath of wonder,
Your peaceful blow of bliss,
Your sudden gusts of passion,
Your blizzards of fury and rage.

Yes, I feel all of you,
Through the leaves,
Through my subtle tranquility,
Through my obsessions and craze,
You blow through me and in me,
You who seem not there.
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