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 Jun 2016 Kathleen
And there I go again,
You were perfect
But I held you back,
I dragged you down
You can’t force your love on someone,
I learnt the hard way
Life is black and white
If someone does not want you there’s no trying to change their mind
 Jun 2016 Kathleen
Mike Hauser
i know a woman
that never once saw the ocean
never once heard the sound
of the pounding of waves
didn't know how it felt
to be kissed by the sea breeze
i find that rather sad
is all i can say

though she did have
the beauty of the blue ridge
with the breath taken away
by a cold mountain lake
if i never had seen
the same things that she's seen
i think about me
she'd have the same things to say
My Great Grandmother never saw the ocean and as a child I always found that rather odd. But living her life in North Carolina she wasn't short on seeing God's Glory!
 Dec 2015 Kathleen
I hate the fact I still make art about you

You don't deserve to be beautiful
There was once a
dude named

He had all kinda
Great thoughts
In his head

Every time one
Would come
out to play

It would drift off
Before Fred could remember
What he wanted to say

Yes, his ideas
Were so clever
It's true

Yet, they stayed
Trapped within Fred
Which made him blue
Rainy night has my memory skills out of sight!!!!
 Nov 2015 Kathleen
Jason Chae
While you cover your profile pictures with transparent flags
ranting how terrorism should stop
retweeting and reposting those gory pictures of the victims
keeping up with the latest news
and trying to flow with the trend
like if this was the new ice bucket challenge
but with blood water.

In all honesty,
Do you really pity the victims?
Do you really feel the sorrow?
Were your families even part?
Were your friends even part?
Were you a part?

Or are you doing it for the sake of Likes?

Only truly
if you hate terrorism,
act like as you really do
because you look stupid,
hating what social media tells you to hate.

And only truly
if you hate terrorism,
You would do something more than a click from social media.

If terrorists terrorize to change the world into their own,
what are we doing to change ours?
once again slaves of social media who call themselves "supporting"
 Nov 2015 Kathleen
I want a love so deep that
The Ocean is jealous.
 Nov 2015 Kathleen
Jim Morrison
What can I read her
What can I read her
on a Sunday Morning

What can I do that will
somehow reach her
on a Sunday Morning

I’ll read her the news of
The Indian Wars

Full of criss-cavalry, blood
& gore

Stories to tame & charm
& more

On a Sunday Morning

Some wild fires
a dry quiet kiss on leaving

Like our ancestors
The Indians
We share a fear of ***
excessive lamentation for the dead
& an abiding interest in dreams & visions
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