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He is two -
Like a vinyl record--
he has an 'A' side
and a 'B' side;
guess which one
I love to listen to,
on repeat,
and over,

He is two -
Like cuttlery--
A knife
and a fork -
one is sharp
and cuts deep,
and one picks me up;
guess which one
I love to spoon?

He is two -
the sun,
and the moon;
and I,
... well,
I was doomed
from the beginning,
just like a shooting star;
guess which one
I fell for?

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Dec 2017 Paola
You'll meet again
And he'll keep you at arms length
Making sure you're not too close to his heart
But not too far from his touch
Tell you words you've melted for before
But words that, for you, he'd never felt at all
 Dec 2017 Paola
JG Fletcher
It's been a while
Since I saw you last
I have so many things
That I want to say
First, how pathetic I think
It was that you tried to
Find a replacement me
Who's not as good looking
Charming or even as good in bed
He won't make you as happy as I did nor will it last
I know you still love me
So much in fact that you talk about me
In front of him so much
He's probably getting sick of it
Before long he won't be able to handle you and your perpetual sadness
You'll end things, realizing you made a mistake, and missed your chance at true happiness, and soon after
You'll contact me
"Baby, I want us back together"
And I'll whisper "no"
That person that I thought was the love of my life wasn't. I'm the happiest I've ever been.
 Dec 2017 Paola
Today you told me you moved on
You found someone new

Someone prettier
Someone smarter
Someone who makes you more happier than I ever could

It’s crazy to think you found that person
Because I thought I was her
I gave you countless times to realize I was the one

The one who would put up with everything you put me through
The one who stuck by your side no matter what
The one who always defended you no matter the ****** situation
The one who would never leave no matter how many times you broke me down

Little did I know
You’d be the one to leave
The one to have had enough of this so called love

And it’s crazy because no one saw it coming
And I guess I should’ve listened to Bianca when she said to leave before they realize you are not worth staying for

you are a speckle of dust and i am a star and i will never think of using my radiance to make you glow ever again
 Nov 2017 Paola
Anna Patricia
I don't love you anymore yet there's still the part of me that searches for you in the features of others' faces. Each time I ask myself why, yet I never have an answer.

Sometimes I find eyes similar to yours but when I look into them, I find that they are different and somehow, purer than yours ever were; and ever could be.

Other times, I feel hands on my body that feel like yours but they never are and although I don't love you anymore, I find myself hoping that you somehow you feel me.

Sometimes, I wish you knew how it felt - how it felt to be me and how it felt when you broke my heart and tore me apart. I wish you felt my pain with your bare hands and I wish you could see with your own eyes, what it did to me.

I  don't want you to know what you did to me because you already do. I want you to feel it and see it for yourself so you know it's true.
 Nov 2017 Paola
Anna Patricia
even a bee,
forgets and leaves,
even the most beautiful flower,
once it extracts
from it.
 Aug 2017 Paola
 Aug 2017 Paola
I hope that you will smile today
and give yourself a break.
A smile can be great medicine.
It helps when hearts might ache.

Perhaps, if you try hard enough,
the smile becomes a grin.
And when you've worn it long enough,
you'll feel it grow and then...

The grin becomes a chuckle
and it then becomes a laugh.
And everyone will wonder if
you've made a social gaffe.

For laughter is contagious
and it helps to get us through.
Here's hoping that today will bring
some happiness to you.
 Aug 2017 Paola
Anna Patricia
 Aug 2017 Paola
Anna Patricia
and the scariest thing about having
all these late night thoughts
is the possibility of them all being true.
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