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 Dec 2021 Påłpëbŕå
 Dec 2021 Påłpëbŕå
Books devour the silence

that weighs down inside

like bright little creatures

they dream and breath

in their cosy little worlds

until each page sizzles

with a human touch
Most miserable
when she’s happy

Most shameful
when she’s proud

Most prescient
when unconscious

Most distant
in a crowd

Most forthright
when not speaking

Most giving
when denied

Most secret
when she’s telling all

Most dead
—but still alive

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
 Dec 2021 Påłpëbŕå
 Dec 2021 Påłpëbŕå
can i tell you a secret?
some days, when the sky is its darkest hue
and the clouds are a light gray-blue
i write poetry.
it's all about you.
my heart
was caged for keeping

my mind
kept safe inside a case

my soul
hid from stealing

my body
kept guard by my face
 Nov 2021 Påłpëbŕå
I know
There is time when when you can't keep up with your smile .
People say "stay strong" ,
"stay positive ",
"everything will be alright" ,
Deep inside you know ,
you are tired of being strong
and there is nothing positive for you .
You question yourself "when will everything be alright?".
Only you know your story
only you know what you have been through
only you know how it feels to be you.
.You're not born to please others ,
you are born to be a WARRIOR .
 Nov 2021 Påłpëbŕå
Ciel Noir
the algorithm is so random
I don't understand
what makes something trend

kind of like the real world
isn't it?
 Nov 2021 Påłpëbŕå
When I was little
I was scared
Scared of the monsters living under my bed
I used to hide, under my blanket
Under my blanket, I was safe
The monsters couldn’t reach me under my blanket

My parents used to say
The monsters would go away
I would grow up and that then they would leave

But I grew up
And the monsters didn’t leave
Turns out my monsters, grew with me
Now instead of under my bed
The monsters live inside my head

So I hide, under my blanket
Where I think I am safe
Wondering if after all this time
My blanket can still keep the monsters at bay
 Nov 2021 Påłpëbŕå
My flesh is suffocating
Smothering my soul
I can feel my bones
Hollow and heavy
My arms;

I am trapped
Stuck inside a suit
Designed of organic materials
Meat and flesh
Designed to rot away one day

My flesh moves
As if with a mind of its own
As I sit, trapped behind my ribcage
As if my own personal jail

I see
I hear
I speak
Yet i cannot

I am here
But gone
I long for home
As I lay in my bed

A feeling of emptiness
As if floating in space
Drifting through the world
I cannot understand

My soul
My spirit
Gasping for air
Grasping for a tether
Hoping to the gods above
Please don't let this be my demise

My flesh is suffocating
Smothering my soul
I can feel my bones
Hollow and heavy
 Nov 2021 Påłpëbŕå
frigid bedroom evening

lamentation of lost wants

a mind retracing steps

down multiverse avenues

she spoke in silent language

wordless choral decrees

replaced with analyses

discordant requiems for his dreams

deep impression of doom

a frantic marathon from this costume

ghostly presence consumed 

those darkest illusions exhumed

this bitter summertime pill

chased with echoes of failure

requirement: found abandoned 

or self, left to ****
there's a reason why 'human' and 'kind'
are close, like bees in hives, seams in clothes.
there is no cliff nor space cleaved by a comma
between humankind
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