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Påłpëbŕå Nov 2020
I will like you

on your dark gloomy days,

when there'll be none

I will stay.

I will cherish

All your rusty broken parts,

which they'll try to fix

as if Kintsugi Art.

I will accept you

just the way you are,

from your tears to your fears

I will caress all your scars.

I will see you

even if the world turns blind,

lost in your head

I will help you find.

I will breathe

life into your dead eyes,

giving you my light

I will fall for you to rise.

You wonder why

will I

go through

all these things for you?


because I love you,

in all your dull-bright hues.
Påłpëbŕå Nov 2020
The heart that beats

pumps the fluid I shed,

inking these sheets

with words in blood red.

I cannot ****

what's already dead,

I've got no will

so I won't find a way ahead.

Lost in my mind

these thoughts I thread,

while living in rewind

I curse the present instead.

Lonely like the 52Hz whale

I stay unheard & unsaid,

in this self-created jail

hallucinating the reality I dread.

I wish that I could resurrect,

like a butterfly from its skin shred,

all my broken parts could I collect

and piece them into poetry unread.
Påłpëbŕå Nov 2020
They did not clip my wings;

But made me believe that I can't fly.

Questioning my every move;

Never answering my whys.

Telling me my limits;

Darkening my already stormy sky.

Taking all my reasons to live;

And giving me none to die.

Choking on my own tears;

I drown in the ocean I cry.

They did not pull my strings;

But made me their puppet as I can't defy.
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
Writers are illusionists,
For they create imagery;
Imprisoned in their minds,
While setting the whole world free.

Writers are heros,
For they have superpowers;
Walking for miles before they sleep,
Only to shine like insomniac stars.

Writers are clowns,
For they can make you laugh;
Humouring you through their ironies,
Unveiling only their happy half.

Writers are divine,
For they can give life;
To the sun & the sea & the shore,
Calming and soothing all your strife!

Writers are deranged,
For they find poetry in all shapes;
From needles to knives,
They talk to these inani'mates'

Writers are intense,
For they feel too much;
Like mimosa of the plant kingdom,
Writing away about the slightest of touch.

Writers are deceptive,
For they are the best liars,
Exaggerating these simple sentences,
Helping you escape your monotonous quagmires.

Writers are humble-beings,
For they always are connected to their roots;
Building wonders from mere words,
To which the whole world ends up paying tributes!
This poem is for all the people who helped me learn so so much in such less time.

Thank you all!
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
You   were
to be my
ed up
g my dr
eams. Yo
u  became
my  very  o
wn brand  of
ca m  p  h or  ;
A ban  d  onin g
me in the ab
undance o
f my scr
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
   I   '   m
  n   o   t
   f u s e d ;
  M a y  b e
   a    l   i   t   t   l  e
   c   o   n   f   u   s  e  d  .
  I ' ve    s  t  i  l  l    g  o  t
  a    l  o  t   o f   f  i  g  h  t
  l   e   f   t     i    n    m   e ;
  I ' ve    s  t  i  l  l    g  o  t
a   l o  t   o f   l i g h t
   l   e   f   t     i    n
    m  e . . . . .
Edison did not just invent the bulb;
He created a bright future by not giving up.

Last night I thought I would never get up. But here I am today.
Its not falling that scares me; What scares me is never wanting to get up again!
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
Your pretence;
Is the best offence.
Your smile tight; shoulders tense,
Your facade I can sense,
Yet your act- you do commence!
Your love for him is indeed intense;
So why ******* me with your lens-
That sees him whence,
You look at me; Thence,
Your act kills me with suspense,
And fills me with utter annoyance-
Because you fell for my twin, his charm, his innocence;
And all I’ll ever be is his resemblance;
And all I’ll ever be is his remembrance!

Your pretence;
Is the worst offence.
It breaks through all my defence*
I wish I could erase the difference;
I wish I could fill his absence!
Because he will always be your first preference.
You kiss me and then cry in silence;
Totally unaware of my mind’s violence.
And here I sit as the audience,
Seeing your flawless performance!
Our story exists because he lacks existence,
Yet he’ll live through my face, my body’s presence.
So don’t be selfless and enjoy your deliverance;
For I’ll be him so that you can end your sentence.

Please stop pretending that you love me;
When he’s the only one you see.
I’ll be whatever you want me to be;
Just be yourself and set the actress free.
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