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Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
Y  o  u     t  o  l   d    m  e
  t  h  a  t        I        w  a  s  
C           O            L         D
  B   u    t     i     t     w  a  s  
    y      o      u       w    h    o    
n       e        v        e        r
  t    r    i    ­e    d        t     o  
B       R       E        A        K
        t      h     e         i      c     e.     .      .     .
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
The interphase of our love was sweet,
We grew, we learnt and fought on repeat!

In the prophase of our affair,
We became more aware;
Of the disappearance of our doubts.
Trust, like chromosomes was visible throughout!

The metaphase was all about balance,
Time, career and some semblance.
We appeared strong to the world's eye;
But to be honest, it was more of a lie!

The anaphase marked our splitting!
When heartbreak poems and sad songs seemed fitting.
We drifted apart to the opposite poles,
Lamenting the loss of each-other's soul.

By the end of the telophase, our fates were sealed;
Our story was forever concealed,
The new lives we built had everything new,
Yet we were one with remnants askew!

Our DNA may one day become free of each-other,
Till then we shall continue to be miserable individually together!
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
He's not strong nor is he tall,
He's not the typical 'man' you call.
He's not built up, nor is he cool,
Maybe he's the quietest in the school.

He's not good at academics,
And often has dates with paramedics.
He's the clumsiest of all.
Maybe he'll never be the guy for whom you'll fall.

He's not that talented nor has any gifts,
A complete misfit!
He's slow and steady but never wins a race!
Maybe he's totally a gone case.

He's not so many things,
Which back brings;
My idea of writing about him,
Even though he's not the hero of my film.

You wonder why?
I'm so fixated on this guy;
Because after all the things he's not,
He still smiles and takes all the shots.
He isn't 'the love at first sight'
But a slow burn that makes my life bright.
He is different, I guess.
An open jar of happiness.
He's got nothing to impress;
Yet so much to express!

He is not attractive; but radioactive!
A radioactive substance only knows emission. He only knows how to give- love, life and meaning to my existence!

Maybe I'll never love you as a lover,
Maybe I'll use you when I'll suffer.
But one thing is for sure,
You will have a place in my heart secure!
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
.                                         y
                                        e  e
                                       n    t
                                       i      y
                                     m      o
                                     e        u
                                    b          o
           e  a                  r           w
         h      r               e             n
You r        t shall   ev             m     line....
                              n                  y    e 
                                                    l   f
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
They didn't do anything wrong,
I take all the blame,
It's me who endured the same burns,
caused by different flames!

They told us that we should never let the same flame burn us twice, but what about the same burns given by different flames?
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
But brought-up.
They are the adopted children of boredom and free time.
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
When I caught him in bed with another woman; I asked him-Why?
He shrugged and said-"I am a warm-blooded man"
So I smashed his face and broke his nose; He asked me-Why?
I shrugged and said-"I am a cold-blooded woman"
One thing I always fail to understand is why do people cheat on their partners; If they can't be monogamous, then why do they even get into a relationship. Is loyalty so undesirable?
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