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 Dec 2024 jonathan
Burak Balkaya
Do you recognize me?
I leaned on walls so cold and bare,
When winds arose, with silent despair,
I dimmed, like a flicker lost in the air.

I am darkness,
A shadow cast, solitude’s guise,
A tenant within, where the heart lies,
Perhaps a lover, or tears in your eyes.

But how did you catch my gaze?
Was it a fleeting, stolen phase?
The seconds I linger, unseen each day,
Clinging to life in twilight’s array.

Or did you look but fail to see,
The whispering void that’s part of me?

Each night, I waltz with shadows unseen,
As footsteps scatter through autumn’s sheen,
Lives diverge behind glass and frame,
Each window murmurs a different name.

I am myself, unbroken, unchanged,
A silent echo through time’s exchange.
Watching you dream through your window’s light,
A quiet figure that grows with the night,
Dwelling deep within your soul’s cityscape,
A ghost of this life, with no escape.
A translation of an old one from long time ago
 Dec 2024 jonathan
hard palate
 Dec 2024 jonathan
when the last light is out,
when all the shadows coalesce
to form a path of quiet in the dark,

i haunt the halls better than any ghost,
i hold shadows dear more than most.

only in that twilight i let my hunger roam,
appetite too large for the crevices of a wakeful home.

i wish you weren't scared of my famine,
i wish you would learn how to eat me
with something

i would hand you a scalloped dessert spoon,
and you could pry my shell open,
like the kitchens biggest prize.
still not sure how to make myself into something palatable to others.
 Dec 2024 jonathan
Gerry Sykes
A naked branch awaits the spring
    when vernal vigour will awake
      the cuckoos calling on the wing.
A naked branch awaits the spring
    like distant soundless whispering
      around the icy listening lake.
A naked branch awaits the spring,
  when vernal vigour will awake.
I write this little triolette on the winter solstice last year.
 Dec 2024 jonathan
K J McCarthy
I loved love
The feeling of it
The idea of it
What I was hoping you would be

The fairytale in my head
I wanted that for us
I really wanted to feel it
Something more than only lust

I loved love so much
I tried so hard to make it real
I wanted to love you so bad
For once, I just wanted to feel

I wanted love so much
I'd get on my knees and crawl
But no matter how much I forced it
I just didn't love you at all
 Dec 2024 jonathan
Robert Ippaso
Why do politicians lie
And our wallets deftly pry,
Puff and bluster all the time
Their intent to cheat sublime.

Are we dumb or just naive
Of that talent to deceive,
Smiles aplenty to go round
While broken promises abound.

Why venerate them so
And not tell them where to go,
Pay good money after bad
The whole thing is rather sad.

When we put them to the test
They begin their quest with zest,
But time passes all too fast
Their resolve's not there to last.

We vote them out and start again
And get another just the same,
This conveyor belt of life
Sure to bring us yet more strife.

What solution may we ask
To complete this ingrate task,
Maybe ply them all with drink
Hoping this will help them think.

As to us, let's tune them out
Find a corner where to shout,
Release the loathing and emotion,
Survive the show and the commotion.

Let's be real and rather blunt
Lest our message we might stump,
There is another old profession
That earns its money by the session.

We might as well embrace the ride
Taking bumps full in our stride,
For if we blot out all the noise
They become mere soulless voids.
To make us think and smile
 Dec 2024 jonathan
I am your commander,
the player of the board.

I am only to ponder,
the moves I can afford.

So please,
do not begin to cry,
When I finally send you to die.
 Dec 2024 jonathan
sun | moon
 Dec 2024 jonathan
the moon watches
no light, mid night,

the stars yearn.

the sun indulges
hot ray, every day,

the clouds obscure.
some things are better off wanted.
 Dec 2024 jonathan
Only to you
do I want to share the fragile whispers of my hidden dreams.
Only with you
do I long to share my solitude—
to bare my soul,
to give my all.

I haven’t met you yet,
but still, I wait.
My impatience has worn me thin,
has carried me here,
to this quiet ache of missing you—
a stranger.
Look out
One last time
How it all
Just goes by
How I started here
No one
Afraid to be seen
Lacking confidence
It would soon mean
So much more
Than a job
Now a part of me
And though grateful
A hateful
I can’t seem to quell
To dispel
Its frustration
When duties I’ve taken
For granted
And services rendered
No longer required
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