I dont write these words down thinking about how they will be perceived and read and interpreted long after I'm buried and dead.
But i want it to be made totally clear, hell put it on my gravestones head.
Im a proud snowflake, yes that's what i said.
What you see a slanderous term i see as a badge of honor.
I'll take your harsh comments and generalizations about my generation gladly, because we saw the world was going to **** us over and we said "no more, not again."
When you call us entitled, we simply laugh. because you benefited from a system that ***** what little life we have left out of us. You prospered ad infinitium while what little hope we had turned to dust.
We're a group of people that did everything you said, go to school, work hard, and we still saw the economy you put gaping holes into collapse like the tunnel of a mole.
Those jobs you promised... gone with the wind like Scarlett O'Hara. But allow me to clarify in that i know that not all of you are so stuck in your roots and ways that its frightening. But i will say that we're tired of trying to recapture that same lightning.
I'm tired of being told I'm too young to know what life will do... it'll ******* the first chance it gets and if not itll **** you.
And as i close this out i want to leave no doubt in your minds
I would rather see those younger than me protesting against violent crimes than watching funeral Homes with longer and longer lines.