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 Sep 2014 Nena Twedell
I swear I was scared
But so caught up in the moment
Determined to believe
You'd refuse to hurt me
So many others said
It was sure to come
How could I trust them
With your smile second to none
And all your pretty little words
You spoke into my ear
With the sweet soft undertones
They were so easy to hear

I swear I was scared
Everyone would be right
That I never was as important
As you told me that I was
So I still hold your hand
And you still give me that smile
And I guess we'll just have to see

Look at me like I'm nothing so that I show you more respect
You want me? then show me just a little more neglect
Forgive me- I want the worst of you
When you try and give me the best
I fell in love with a man who treated me like the rest
Question my validity
Like they did
Question my abilities
I'm just a little kid
Question my behavior
It's so out of line
Question how much I accomplish
In a certain amount of time
Question my foundation as it crumbles to the floor
Question your instincts
Do you even like me anymore?
Look at my fat
And turn away during ***
Ask me if I want food
I'll politely reject
Yell at me when I stutter
Correct me when I'm dumb
Make me feel like I'm drowning at the bottom of the ocean with water filling up my lungs
Cuz that's what they've done
And now this is who I am
A person who can't distinguish
Love from a demand
So I don't want to take your hand
It's too kind, too foreign
Point out my flaws
Or I'll keep on exploring
 Sep 2014 Nena Twedell
Babe I miss you
but today I got these good vibes
and tho I'm still blue
I'm looking to even bluer skies.

I've thought about killing myself many times
but tonight, under these stars
I've got the rhythm and I got the rhyme.
I'm down for some camp-fire peace, let's lose these wars!

Here in We-Town
We don't fuss, we don't fight.
Life is worth living
Let's do this right.

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