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Alicia Apr 2021
she holds on to hope with tight fingers
forgetting its a glass jar
abruptly shattered
into a million fragments
when she squeezes
screaming out
when cut by the pieces
Alicia Mar 2021
when doe brown eyes met chrystal blue
I froze somehow I recognized you
thunder struck
I choked on my own breath
senses and synapses firing
my ears ringing deaf
gravity lifted body and soul
broken pieces now made whole
we tied our red threads
without mourning
our old lives now dead
then arms like an elm
wrapped warmth and security
as your voice like an orchestra
sang to me
calling me home
to the place I was fated to be
Alicia Mar 2021
brilliant bruises like diamonds
shine on my skin
with a child's naiveness
I trust you again

with a temper that is quick
and eyes gone black
I'm lying facedown on the bed
as your beating my back

I'd cry out in pain
but your ears are deaf
so I suffer in silence
self-hate beaten into my flesh

the belt buzzing
I pretend I'm not there
as the welts are rising
I'm choking for air

then all is quiet
behind the locked door
you tell me you love me
and beat me some more
my father routinely beat me on Sundays after church using "spare the rod spoil the child as his excuse.
Alicia Mar 2021
love is

our unkept bed on a Sunday morning
clothes thrown on the floor
candles burned down to no wicks

sleeping off last nights tangled limbs
on the grey leather couch
infinity in crystal blue eyes

palm to palm, fingers entwined our lifelines cross
counterbalancing personalities complete the circle
protective of what is within

so familiar our anatomical embrace
we breathe shared air
beats in autotune, universe intact
Alicia Mar 2021
there is no record of my birth
it isn't happenstance
that I the woman that stands here now exists
I stood on the threshold of childhood
my head hung down in immaculate shame
contempt and anger holding my undeveloped hands
through pure grit and grime, I crawled through the dregs
out windows into pure light
Alicia Mar 2021
hot breath on the curve of my spine
your arms pull heavy like an anchor
under heavily weighted sheets we bind
limbs entangled like deep-running roots of an elm
follow the ends to where we begin
your heart at my back beating rhythmic songs of satisfaction
my head tilted sideways listening to each calm exhale
you sleep like an angel as my fingers peck the keyboard
Alicia Mar 2021
our children are all gone
walked out of our door
into the wild of the world
so we packed up our dreams
in various sized boxes
emptied our walls of all we had to say
every item collected
wrapped neatly in sheets of paper
with my head tilted sideways
I write stories in remembrance of what was
as your legs swiftly keep pace
pushing us forward to what is
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