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 Oct 2014 Navneel Lal
 Oct 2014 Navneel Lal
i want to be
your 6pm
dinner date
and then
your 6am
hushed kisses

i want to be both

we could go round the clock
You need to reach out
- that's what I was told

I confided in a number of people

Sat across a lot of wise spectacles
Sympathetic coffees
Blank invites
Dispassionate loves

You need medication
- that's what I was told

I popped a number of pills

Over months,
White, long
Yellow, small
A number of nights
Crazy eyes,
Erratic behaviour
Strange moodswings

You need a change of scenery
- That's what I was told

Miles and miles of sand
A sea extending into the sky
My heart became the feather
That landed on waves
And sank
Far below
The understanding of humanity

Went to the hills
Stream flowing by
Which iced over at night
Bare apple orchards
Green and stone
Woke up at 4 AM
From where I stood,
I couldn't see the sunrise

My spirits
Shattered and fell
Along with some rocks
Off the cliff's sheer face
As I ended up
On my hands and knees

You need to meditate
- that's what I was told

Pure silence at 4 AM

That's what I woke up to
And I sat for an hour everyday
Trying to focus on
The "om" I was told about
With the last echo
I was left bereft of purpose
Vision and energy
I couldn't move on
With the day
 Oct 2014 Navneel Lal
Letters and words doesn't make a poem
There's more to it than that
Poems were the tears that tumbled out
that the eyes can't hold no more
They  were the sound of broken hearts,
that strive to beat ones more
For what are words
but formed letters?
And letters a broken word?
While  poems are bits and pieces
of a poets gentle soul
The preacher said
he was better
than the taxi-driver
because he showed
people, with all his words,
the way to Heaven

The taxi-driver said:
*"You might show them
the way to Heaven
but I show them the way
to God -
for everytime I start to drive
passengers start to pray
and they pray all the way
And I don't even have to say a word"
 Oct 2014 Navneel Lal
She held my hand
And dried my tears.
Comforted me
And eased my fears.
Yet now she struggles
To remember my name.
God is playing
A cruel game.
She's not here,
But she's not dead.
The future fills
My heart with dread.
She lives in her memories,
Trapped in the past.
The illness has taken over
So fast.
But I smile with her
And lend my ear
Because one day she
Will no longer be here.
 Oct 2014 Navneel Lal
 Oct 2014 Navneel Lal
it is in the way she smiles
that makes every part of me believe in the sunlight
even though i have always been clouded by darkness  
even the angels are envious of her walk
the way she flirts with gravity leaves nothing,
but footprints which make the existence of a flawless soul
i look into her brown eyes
trying to understand her thoughts
but words are could never explain
the depth of her perfection
as long as my heart beats
she will always be the reason for its rhythm
and i just hope these words
are adequate to put a smile on her face
because just the thought of her name
brings a euphoric presence to me.
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