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 Aug 2015 Lynette F
Aditi Kumar
I want my words to be beautiful.
Beautiful like yours.
I want to see ordinary things,
Find the magic in them,
And put the magic on a page, for everyone to understand.

I want to have a way with words.
I want every poem of mine
To become a masterpiece.
Just like yours.

I am not broken.

But you are.

You see the world through pain,
And pain makes the colors brighter.
It makes the value of feelings
Climb higher.

Sometimes I wonder
If I should be broken like you
If I want my words to resonate
Like yours.

Sometimes I wonder,
If it will be truly worth it
In the end.

I wonder what it will be like,
To cut myself up to pour out the beauty inside me.

Just like you.

I imagine that you
Raise the blade
Slice your feelings open
And write your masterpiece
In red.
Can only sad people write good poems? Can only broken people find inspiration in anything?
 Aug 2015 Lynette F
she may hurt, but she is not pain.
she may fail, but she is not a failure.
she may be tragic, but she is not tragedy.

*she may feel worthless,
but this, too, will pass.
so it's always worth reminding people (i.e. myself) that just because you feel something in the moment doesn't mean that it's permanent. an emotion is an instant, no matter how long the ache lasts, and an instant cannot define you.

(thanks for the daily!)
You only need your heart broken once
To be able to create a lifetime of poetry
this is the moon's
quiet rose, the unfolding
of the clouds, tranquility
resting her head,
the beautiful sea.
 Aug 2015 Lynette F
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Oh Hey!  American girl,
Did you ever find out what illness that your mom has?
Oh Hey!  American girl,
I was hoping you would feel okay after she passed,
Oh Hey!  American girl,
Did you ever find your father that left when you were bout' 9,
Oh Hey!  American girl,
I bet you might have forgave him, everything will be fine,
Oh Hey!  American girl,
Did your grandma have custody of you when  you had nowhere to go?
Oh Hey!  American girl,
your Friends at school were  worried that you wouldn't even show,
Oh Hey!  American girl,
Was your boyfriend faithful to his words of a promise ring,
Oh Hey!  American girl,
He just can't,he Watches the cheerleaders while he's football practicing,

Life is hard as a teen...

Life is hard as an american.
Teens like her maybe even faced worse...
 Jul 2015 Lynette F
When I was small
I walked on fairy dust and
my dreams were as tall
as skyscrapers towering
above the universe
inside of me, was the galaxy.
I was born of the cosmos,
full of light and love
passionate in my quest to
give this to others.
But as I grew my star began to fade,
stars need love and light to survive
and deprived of both my blazing fire
transformed into weak candlelight.
At school I had learnt it was easier
to hide your light
than to stand out as different
and be extinguished in an instant.
So I kept myself to myself
at the back of the class,
knowing the answers but not
shouting them out.
I daydreamed, and doodled
stars on the corners
of my books, all the while
I could hear the universe
calling out to me to trust,
that we are all born of this
cosmic stardust.
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