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  Jan 2016 Mushee
She kept her emotions
under her head
ignoring always
whatever heart said

she let her brain lead
cause she had a fear
that she'll get hurt
if she lend heart an ear

she had seen people
who followed their hearts
and ended up broken
with the ugly scars

she decided to do
what she deemed wise
locking her heart alone
muffling it's cries

her brain eased the pain
as her heart bled
changing it's color
to pitch black from red

she witnessed her failure
and soul falling apart
she could do nothing
as she was cursed by heart.
  Jan 2016 Mushee
Karina Norris-Veirs
Speak the truth however bold
Speak what lies inside the hearts folds
Do not fear the pain it may cause
Live the moment, do not once pause
Take the chance and feel free
Speak from the heart so it can be
Forget the cowardess you feel
One minute of bravery can dispell the ills
If you feel it may cause you disdain
Remember true beauty rises from pain
15 seconds of courage is all you need..
Mushee Sep 2015
My eyelids are heavy ,So is my heart .
Never knew we would fall apart .All these moments ,
all these laughs How could you walk on a separate path ???
I was there in your thick and thin , don't forget as i was your sin.
I'm drowning in this ocean of thoughts.
Come save me before i die .
Mushee Sep 2015
There was something different about her,
her smile could bring your world apart
  Aug 2015 Mushee
i have days where
i don’t wanna talk to anyone
i don’t wanna smile or fake being happy
i don’t know why, i can’t explain it
i have days where i just wanna be alone
stay in bed all day and not move one inch
when you’re alone no one will ask you
what is wrong? or try to understand or
won't take i don’t know what’s wrong for an answer
i feel the way i feel just because i do
for anything in the world i want that feeling to pass
everyone says it just takes more time
so can i please just be left alone to wait

  Aug 2015 Mushee
Angelica Tanaquin
Love is long lasting; A crush is very short-lived
Love can be described as a feeling towards a person depending upon the relationship shared between two people; A crush is infatuation.
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