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  Jan 25 muizz
The weight of my truths
presses like stone—
no flood, no release,
only this grinding ache
against the sharp edge of language.

Each word is a wound reopened,
a splinter of myself
held to the light.
Silence is complicit,
it does not absolve,
only deepens the scar.

If my darkness stains you,
if the truth catches like barbed wire,
tear your gaze away—
this is not a plea for witness.
This is survival,
the slow unraveling
of a story that refuses erasure.

Do you doubt my suffering?
Do you doubt the sediment
of years pressed into me,
the residue of what I was?

What more can I give you
than this blood-inked offering,
this heartbeat fractured
between words,
and the spaces you fail to see?

Let me remain unwhole—
not yet healed—
but forging the threads
that might someday
bind me to the surface
I cannot yet reach.
A reply to someone you know who you are, who made me feel terrible about being still unhealed from my past abuse and yes my trauma is very real.
muizz Jan 25
If fate’s cruel hand
Should sweep me away,
A vast canyon between us,
Be it years or centuries wide,
Remember, we are—

We sealed a pinky promise,
By the school workshop’s door.
“Don’t forget me,” you said.
I won’t—
Hope you won’t, evermore.
muizz Jan 21
At sixteen,
I’m wild—
young, untamed,
running through life
with a heart
full of dreams
with mi príncipe
and no fear
of what comes next.
muizz Dec 2024
I can shape my plans with clarity,
But fate’s still drawn in mystery -
What’s hidden lies beyond my sight,
And only God knows what’s truly right.

I seek to be the mirror that reflects minds, uncovering shadows and light within, or -
I could be the sun that lights their way,
Guiding seeds to bloom in the day -
Turning boys to men, girls to queens,
fulfilling their lofty dreams.

I am a wanderer in the ocean of thoughts,
I ponder deeply,
In the realms of reason, I tread,
Countless journeys of inquiry I embark,
For I am a wanderer in the ocean of thoughts.
I am an overthinker poet.
muizz Dec 2024
Do you remember,
the sixth of December,
when truth bled from your lips,
cutting deeper than any silence could?
After months of chasing shadows,
you whispered love —
only to bury it in the same breath.

I gave you everything,
everything they couldn’t see, couldn’t feel,
couldn’t hold close without trembling.
Yet still, they won —
not because they were better,
but because I am wrong.
Because I am what you fear.

You shouldn’t have asked me
to scale the walls of your heart,
brick by crumbling brick,
only to slam the gates shut,
leaving me outside,
alone with my wounds and the taste of you.

I don’t think I can hate you.
I hate myself instead —
for reaching, for trying,
for drowning in a love
that was never meant to save me.
You gave me hope and took it back,
left me hollow,
a shell filled with echoes of what if.

For a fleeting moment,
you were the light I searched for,
the answer to prayers
whispered to a deaf sky.
But you were never the love of my life.

I taught you how to see the world,
opened your eyes to its colors,
its warmth, its endless possibility.
I was the bridge between your darkness
and the light you never knew.
But in the end,
I became just another shadow.

You are the loss of my life,
when we meet again,
I’ll be the stranger,
and your eyes will mean nothing.

And now, the sixth of December
is etched in my soul —
not as the day I lost you,
but the day I found the truth:
some loves aren’t meant to be held,
only mourned.
muizz Dec 2024
I wish I am the chosen one,
the one that is so essential,
can I be better in the future?
I can’t even answer that.

Like a mirrorball suspended in a dimly lit room,
I will only say, “yes!”,
“you can have that” “you can do that”,
I would never say no,
I don’t dare to,
fret that I’ll hurt their feelings,
but did they think the same way?
this time, the answer is yes.

Sometimes, I wish I knew everything,
the scent of uncertainty lingering in the air,
sometimes, I wish I knew nothing,
the taste of regret like bitter coffee on my tongue,
either way, I’m a mirrorball
the one that’s just there,
the gentle hum of unnoticed existence,
no one even notices it,
until they need it.

Like a mirrorball, when it’s break
it’s shattered into a million pieces,
the sound of splintering glass echoing in the silence,
but that’s what makes it shine,
the dazzling light refracting through the shards,
that’s what gives it attention.
life of a people-pleaser
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