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That smile
That telling glare
I know you see me
Standing there

We've been through hell
Everyone can tell
We've been through hell
My mind a prison cell

You lock me in
'Til I can't breathe
When I think of you
My emotions seethe

I wish the memories
Could fade with time
They come back with ease
Now they're dull where they used to

The harsh words
All the threats
And now a ***** look
Is what I get

You would think
The person
That helped me through
So much
Would feel worse
About putting
Me through
Even more
 Apr 2016 Miranda Leigh
Bree Anna
Sleepy sleepy lullaby
Im ready ready, time to die
**** me, **** me
In my sleep
Run your tallons
Real real deep
Take me please
I ask real nice
Please **** me **** me
Gouge my eyes
Choke me, scratch me
Pull my hair
Cut me open, blood everywhere
I’ll ask again
Real real nice
Please **** me
In my sleep tonight
Wrote this one in October of last year.
one two three four five
here it comes again
one two three four five
but why is she surprised
one two three four five
(they said the counting would help)
one two three four five
“look in the mirror”
one two three four five
“tree trunk thighs / stomach expanding like the universe”
one two three four five
outside doesn’t matter (they said)
one two three four five
“eyes too wide / nose too long / lips don’t close”
one two three
so she can’t stop the words pouring out in heart-piercing whispers
one two
“ugly / unlovable / unkissable / unfriendable”
maybe one day she’d pour enough ugly out to be size
They called me a liar.
They called me a joke.
They threw me into the river.
They allowed me to choke.

They watched as I struggled.
They laughed as I fell.
They acted unknowing.
As they made my life hell.

So now, I am back.
To reap what they sowed.
They'll regret it.
Regret the hate that overflowed.

I'll watch as they struggle.
I'll laugh as they fall.
I'll throw them to their knees.
I'll make them all crawl.

And then they will see.
They will finally see.
That the hatred they held.
*Is now all in me.
And it tastes like orange juice.

— The End —