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Each day I live To seek your face
As I bask upon your warm embrace
My soul then filled with. Heavenly scent
by a humbled bow I then repent
I rise refreshed renewed once more
To walk this path as I've done before
Each day you give as I'm living
My quest to be much more forgiving
To relish thoughts of the purest kind
Reflecting you with heart and mind
My aim to love more than before
Til I stand and knock on heavens door
Each day I live to seek your face
I ask you fill me with your grace
And light my pathway from above
Comforting with unconditional love
I smile as I watch you sleeping
I sigh as I watch you grow
I listen for your return
I love you more than you know
I give you all that I have
I care that your ok
I dread that you won't be here
You will want to leave one day
I laugh when you tell me stories
I cry when your in pain
I wish I could hold you forever
Like a new born baby again
I see that your now a young lady
I know you now want to fly
From my nest I created for you
Oh how time just passes us by
I want you so much to be happy
I m here when you feel low
I will always be here for you
I love you more than you know
Remembering past
Enslaves the mind
We are on rewind
So many things we can't change
So much time and energy-wasted
Re living
Harbouring feelings and thoughts of regret
Guilt shame anger and resentment

Life wasn't created to live backwards

When we live in the present moment
We are aware of where we are now
Even if things are tough
There are gifts we hold that money can't buy
Sight sound taste touch breath

We are here

A grateful heart allows us to embrace the moment
The now -to find inner peace
When we look to our future
apprehenshion anxiety and fear
Can fill our thoughts
As this walk is blindfolded
No one knows
What lies ahead

The answer to -is there life after here?
Envokes the same reflective emotions
As life itself is a gift
The best place to be is ironically called   ..... The present.
Value that which can't be paid for
Be grateful for what we have already
Use your time wisely
Live in the present moment
Don't worry about that which can't be changed
Tell those close you love them
Be true to yourself
Find your life purpose
Speak words of healing
Touch others lives with kindness
Know your own value
Don't be one to judge nor criticise
Let your presence be of peace
Always be hopeful
Give with no intention to recieve
Embrace your uniqueness
Enjoy this gift called life
if I got a poem out of every message I receive...ha!...I do...

quite a bit upon to chew,
but a request from her,
to please ignore her weirdness,
too juicy to pass unnoticed,
because it goes to the heart of the mad matter

'tis that weirdness that I do so cherish,
fully reflected in my own poem-children,
my multiple identities, that the FBI is yet tracking

give me your weirdness, yearning to be free,
so my poems can be inscribed upon a crown

and daughter adopted dear,
that one crown,
thy name,
thy madness upon it etched,
modified to rest
upon thy temples

for Ali
The things I'd do to be with you
Would put me away for good;
So, here I wait in solitude,
No sun, no moon, no light.

I've dug deep to break out,
I've climbed walls in my sleep;
I've dealt and knelt,
Held my hands out
To supplicate for pardon.

But I'm a repeat offender,
A schmuck and poor pretender;
A pled lifer for loving you.
Think outside the box.
Don't control, confine, contain
Or restrain yourself within a box.
Your mind is a beautiful, cosmic, Boundless space.
Look within.
You will realise
Your mind is not a square.

Lose yourself
Inside the infinite universes
That you constantly create.
You are an endless library
Of unique brilliance...
But only look
If you dare.

By Lady R.F (C)2018⚘
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