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  Nov 2015 Miguela shine
Imagine a pitch black room.
You're surrounded by darkness,
And it's seeping under your skin.
Whispering false truths in your ears,
Making your fears come alive.
Feeding your insecurities,
And knocking you down
Every time you dare to stand up.

The things it says,
Breaks you.
And leaves you whimpering in a corner.
Tears running down your face, and
Afraid to face the world.
"Why am I this way?!!"

Every time you start to feel proud,
That voice starts up again.
"You're ugly!"
"It's your fault! All of it!"
"You're fat!"
"You're disgusting!"
"You make me sick!"
"How can you live with yourself?!!"
And before you realize it,
You're believing and

Dear Friend,
You are not alone.
As cliché as it sounds,
There is light after the storm.
I'm not going to lie and say
"It gets easier."
Because it won't,
Unless you want it to.
And even then,
Its not as easy as it seems.

Just know this:
I am not here to whisper
Pretty lies into your ears.
And I am not going to stand here, and
Watch you sink.
I am here for you.
To be that hand that pulls
You out of your sea of pity.
I am here to remind,
That you are perfect
Just the way you are.
And most importantly,
I am here to tell you to fight.
Fight the Self-Pity.
Fight the Negativity.
Fight the Darkness.
Just Fight,
And you'll make it.

**I Promise.
This is for my friend. You know who you are! I hope this helps!
Plastic smiles,
Plastic bodies,
Plastic lives,
Plastic words,
Maybe its the latest trend,
Plastic smile to avoid  being questioned,
Plastic body in hope to be perfected,
Plastic lives to impress and draw attention,
Plastic words to try to fit into some section,
So here's the drill;
A fake smile hurts even more than a teardrop,
A fake body;doesn't change the inner you,and that's what's major
A fake lifestyle,only leaves you stressed out for no good reason,
Fake words,drain you and your conscience.
Be real,be you..there can never be another you,
You're beautiful/handsome;there can never be a more beautiful/handsome you.
Not everyone goes under the knife coz they hate themselves.for some its a need - I understand.
Let's  work on our inner selves to be at peace with our physical selves atleast.
You said I was
enough. Saying I was
meant you shouldn't have left.
How many times do our
cats call you every night?
They look for a person
on your bedside. I lie
to them saying you would
come back. One day,
they were missing you,
crying; it is also the sound of my heart
falling apart.
I felt sick. Picking up pieces
of myself, as futile as making a castle
in the sand, to be washed away by the waves.

And so I left home to
find solace in another's embrace.
Countless women I've met, used
to the unfamiliar cielings and
epiphany I have when morning came,
that her embrace is not yours,
your lips aren't the one
I kissed. The devil
must be so happy but
inside me I am empty.

Every passing day and night,
amidst all imperfect smiles, and
hollow moans and laughter,
I touch my chest
to look for
anyone in it. I miss
the cry of our cats.
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Left, Right
And down
A shadow I chase
Its form I want found
A message unclear
Hard sight
This problem

Hear my plight
Miguela shine Nov 2015
You are the dream
That I forgot
When I woke up.
And you are dream
That I only ever want to remember.
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Will the world ever understand
the anx of my best friend
as she tried to convey her true self

Mentally she paced
as she tried to fill the space
that would paint a path into her head

Im scared!
i cant say

im here for you
your safe

just tell
what it is your heart conveys
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