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 Oct 2021 Paul NP
Orange Popsy
 Oct 2021 Paul NP
Her eyes were fiery
While her lips peeled away
Her sun was setting
But her colors never fade
When she bites she is bitter
But when she smiles she is sweet
Like a nectarine emblem
She’s the fruit of life’s tree.
 Jul 2021 Paul NP
 Jul 2021 Paul NP
I don’t want to
Open my mouth
Because I’m still afraid
The truth might come out
And if it does
If it really breaks free
You’ll see what I am
You’ll see the true me
The one I hide
With jokes and lies
I’m a terrible person
All jokes aside
You don’t seem to know it
You don’t seem to see
Even a glimpse of that person
That I know to be me
I’m such a good actress
I hide it so well
Cover it with a laugh
And you’ll never tell
You see depth in my eyes
You see love and emotion
But what would you see
If I ever did open
I can’t bear to find out
I can’t bear to show
The me you don’t see
The me that I know
If I let it out
If I let it be
I know for a fact
That you would hate me.
 Mar 2020 Paul NP
 Mar 2020 Paul NP

doesn't know all

the dots have been


when it reaches out

to make a point, only

for proof it still exists.
 Mar 2020 Paul NP
Janet Doyle
So turbulent and changing,
A maelstrom of the soul,
Some violent crash of whimsy,
Where colliding feelings rule,
Where all is bright and happy,
Then booming, thunders roll,
Or the slightest wave of fancy,
Now all is dark and cruel,
Where smiles are pure as sunshine,
And eyes are black as coal,
With riptides rushing towards,
An ever changing goal.

 Mar 2020 Paul NP
G A Lopez
Am                        I









 Mar 2020 Paul NP
 Mar 2020 Paul NP
I want to write poems
On your skin
With my lips.
Smoky grey under a pink lipstick sky and to one side and above me in the blink of an eye
dawn breaks.

A yawn takes me to that place
how about you?

I wake being early like the bird with the worm, but I catch the germ of an idea on my lips, ships leaving port that are caught by the tide
Side by side, groom and glide and the bride with a broom sweeping the stardust away.
 Jun 2015 Paul NP
Ryan James
 Jun 2015 Paul NP
Ryan James
He was an exister
Was bestowed the breath of mundanity
Never questioned
His parents
His teachers
Grew up to be a lawyer
Not to bring justice
But to be a lawyer
Because he never questioned
His parents
His teachers
And then he retired
He had saved all of his earnings
Not because he needed to
But because he never questioned
His parents
His teachers
Finally he had retired
At last, he could live
But before he could
He took his last breath of mundanity
He died
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