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M e l l o Sep 2019
“i'll walk you back”
he said
and that time
i took the longest
route back
just to spend
more time
Sept. 14
When you dont want it to end
M e l l o Sep 2019
someday these words
I write
can make up all those
bloodshot eyes
sleep nights
Sept. 13
M e l l o Sep 2019
the rain
starts to drop
his fists clenched
his eyes was red
he cursed the ground
muttering the words
fate is wicked
screams unheard
he cursed the ground
called you stupid
your silence cut deep
the pain he tried to keep
he remain tight-lipped
yet inside he wails and wept
how dare you throw away the life
that others struggles to keep?
as the rain stop
he asked the ground
why did you commit
such selfish act?
Potd. Sept 11.
M e l l o Sep 2019
she cruise
on stormy seas
with a fragile boat
she creates
handing her life
on what she believes
the paper boat
she made's
destined to sink
Sept. 11
M e l l o Sep 2019
our soul are like
bottled inks
waiting to be open
and spill it wonders
on blank sheets
this is a piece
of my soul
in ink
unto this paper
it spilled
Sept. 11
M e l l o Sep 2019
At 25,
you'll read old conversations
at night
while having coffee
you'll think about your life,
how you never get enough sleep
thinking ways how to survive
work days until weekend
it feels like kind of a routine
but that's okay,
you'll get out of it someday.
Adulting under construction.
M e l l o Sep 2019
my silent
no fear
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