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The spaces between my fingers wanted
to fill with the bones of yours with such urgency
that I forgot how cold it always felt

and I could never guess if
it was your skin
or your heart.
Tumblr. GoT. Cold.
 Feb 2015 Megan Grace
 Feb 2015 Megan Grace
Slowly but surely, you crept into my dreams by the dusty backdoor.

(Situated 10 fingersteps down my left collarbone + blush of shyness, your lips pressed against flesh, blood & heartbeat.)
Hey hey hey you!
Aren't you looking utterly gorgeous?
To him: Thanks for making me feel safe.
 Feb 2015 Megan Grace
 Feb 2015 Megan Grace
i buy the
I  w a n t
afraid  o f
myself and
what I lack

(c) Brooke Otto 2014
There are fireflies in the garden during the dawn
and the moon, till the day, stays
hung over shuttered windows like some
hopeless looking for love.

You turned my world onto its head
and brought me down in chains; now
bubbling the last of me in some
Chinese torture chamber of love
in a dark room of your mother's house
full of the horrors of your childhood
and your children.

You scar this skin like I can go out
wearing every verse that escaped your tongue
like a trophy fallen to dust:
gone sheen, glory and all.

Rivers are finally flowing backward
and I swear I saw pigs fly
in a sky as pink as the lips of you on your glass of venom.

Galleries of art are slipping into the street
because masterpieces were absolutely
nothing when it came to the abstracts
of brilliance and dark you could create
by the harrows of your mind.

I was no story teller and
I could never put you to sleep.
So you slip away from my bed, mind, heart and hand.

And it tastes like a broken marriage
too hot on the tongue
and too far gone to believe
it could become unmended.

Rain sometimes falls in numbers
one here, twice there.
On me
**all at once, all the time.
Hello Poetry and I, and our sudden breaking apart, and the sudden realization I now write like someone who I thought I could never become.
i give myself to only those
who break when i am weak
who share the thoughts i save
for them until i need to speak
and if i can be useful to the
people whom i serve
then every moment given me
i'll spend upon this earth
and even when i've nothing
but the eyes of many years
i'll find a way to take the
hand of anyone who fears
it's not about the struggles
you alone have faced today
but how you learn to love
despite the troubles on the way
what is it?
the sun in me must be heavy
because waking up is getting harder
i am practicing for the real thing
if we're being honest, i don't
want to see my 17th birthday
because since somewhere after
my 13th one, i have been restrained,
arms behind my back, while he
sucker-punched me in the jaw
i have spent the last 4 years
spitting blood and teeth onto the cement
and saying "thank you, thank you,
this is all i could ever want."
help me.
 Feb 2015 Megan Grace
The husky catch in his words sinks, dapples and brushes your skin.

(And his hands are still in his pockets.)

Without any more words, I liked my body; the skin, the rusted edges, the ribboned ends of veins and blood more than I ever did in that moment.
Hey you, you & you!
Aren't y'all looking beautiful today?
Keep your chin up.
Sending Hugs, A'manda
Typed up to: Sink or Swim- Lewis Watson
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