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 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
She Writes
I either give one hundred percent
Or nothing

With me
There is no in between

I love with all my heart
I lose myself

Always putting others feelings
And happiness above my own

One of the hardest lessons
I have had to learn is

That you can give someone the world
And still not have a place in it
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
Kayleen Amato
I stay up sometimes
Not because im not tired
But to break patterns
To protect my energy
To seperate myself of leeches
Disguised as everything
All of us have ever wanted
To keep me immune
To prevent myself from inhaling toxicity
Im willing to watch what happens next
She squints her stubbornly sapphire eyes
            so she doesn't have to see
                        how sharp the edges of the world
                                    really are
She blasts music through earbuds
                        into her sensitive ears
                        even though it kills and burns
            so she doesn't have to hear
                        the truth about people
                                     or life
                                     or herself
She cuts scars in her soft skin
            that bleed the blaring music
            she forced into her head
                        so when they dry into scabs
            she won't have to feel
                        what dreams are really made of

Her eyes
            her ears
                        her skin
were a gift to her so that she might
but the cruel, ugly world
is too much for her
            Why me?
                        she whispers
                        through hopeless tears and clenched teeth
            Why am I Chosen to see
                        the world
                        through the lens of raw reality?
She begs for
                        no feeling
like the rest of them
It is too much for her
to be

My dad wrote a poem when he was my age called "Begging for Blindness", and this is my spin on the same message
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
temporary happiness is ruling my life,
with each empty bottle scattered through my room.

leaving me in ignorant bliss
to what i had been feeling before i swallowed.

it's all a haze,
before and after the liquid.

all smiles,
before and after the pills.

dancing dreams,
in the midst of the smoke

i haven't slept a wink,
or maybe i have.

it's so dangerous,
to live in this fake life.

but the intricate workings of my mind
aren't allowing me to let go

of this

let me realise that i'm killing myself
the night is you,
you are the night

dark as thy tress,
deep as your eyes,

as the sea roars over
a lost bird's frantic cries,

the night is you
you are the night
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
Ann Beaver
You're vapor that
Claws at people
waves red flags
that say
send help

Watch them walk by

They always get tired of you
You get lonely of them
You cross them off your list
Crosses are your talent

Wait awhile
to become a raincloud
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
Katie Solomon
"Cheer up child" she said
But mum, how can I cheer up.
For I am drowning in an ocean of sadness.
For my demons have learnt how to swim.
There's no lifeline out of this.
My Prince Charming has become my worst nightmare.
There's no way out of this mum.
His once subtle kisses, had become purple bruises.
His once charming words, bullets in my ear.
I can't do anything mum.
Not sure about this
 Dec 2017 a mcvicar
Carl Sandburg
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of
     universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
     reach my hands and play with pebbles of
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
     reading "Keep Off."

My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive
     in the universe.
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